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Adolf Hitler, as we all know, was the leader of Germany’s Nazi party and his way of leading is not to the best standard which made him a tyrant. But what separates a good leader from a tyrant? That is a very difficult question to answer, I suppose. I think many leaders, fictional or not, have both the poor and the good qualities of being a tyrant’s good leader. Certainly, Macbeth possessed the ambition we would wish for a king. He was intrepid, as Duncan and the Thane of Cawdor denomination have acknowledged. He was protective, as noted by his murder of Banquo. Macbeth was even proud, as optically discerned by his desire to keep the incipient designation of Thane afore taking the crown. Good morning Mrs/Sir and boys, I’m James Chronis, and today I will be talking about one of Shakespeare’s very famous plays, Macbeth, set in Scotland’s 1605 Jacobean era, the play dramatizes the destructive psychological and political effects formed by Macbeth, and I will be telling you what separates a good leader from a tyrant.
“I have done the deed”, This marks the beginning of Macbeth becoming a tyrant. He does this by going against the divine right of kings and starting disorder in Scotland by Killing King Duncan as he was prophesied by the three witches that he will one day be King. Once Macbeth killed King Duncan alongside his evil Wife lady Macbeth, they began a short yet horrific period as a tyrant King. Macbeth undertook many acts that would make people view him as a tyrant. “Banquo was your enemy” Macbeth is conversing with two murderers, whom he is attempting to persuade that Banquo is the foe and that they should murder him. To get them to consent to execute Banquo, something I found dramatically ironic and unexpected was the way that Macbeth utilizes his better half’s strategies and calls them ladies. ‘Not I’ th’ worst rank of manhood, say, and I will put that business in your bosoms’ Macbeth is attempting to ridicule them until they consent to kill Banquo. Since it dealt with him, he calculated that it would work on the murderers, and he was right. “Thou shall not live”, In this scene Macbeth is talking with himself about Macduff, he fears that the prophecy the three witches told him might come true, as the prophecy advised him to be aware of Macduff, Macbeth attempts to slaughter Macduff, simply this activity alone shows the dread Macbeth has, he is wanting to murder all the distractions that he has because he is worried about the possibility that that all his power will be removed. Every one of these murders committed by Macbeth sets out a great representation of how German tyrant Adolf Hitler resembles Macbeth, Tyrants depend on lies to be successful leaders which is the thing that Macbeth and Adolf Hitler did, Adolf Hitler killed endless innocent Jewish people, and executed them, and for what, since he was blinded by the fantasy that all Jews deceived the nation, Macbeth, lying about killing Banquo and King Duncan, this is a clear representation of how Adolf Hitler is current Macbeth.
Now, let’s talk about the downfall of Macbeth and where being a tyrant led him to his death. “If thou speak false, thou shall be hanged” This was the beginning of the end for Macbeth, Macbeth has started to lose courage and to doubt what the witches prophesied of him which seemed like the truth at this point. “Turn, hell hound, turn” The comparison MacDuff uses on Macbeth to something evil and devilish creates a ferocious yet suspenseful atmosphere, Macbeth asserts that he can’t be vanquished on account of the witch’s prophecy however Macduff uncovers that he was conceived by a Caesarean birth. Macbeth promises to battle on and the two men fight, Macduff kills Macbeth by decapitating him, true to the witch’s prophecy, he is not naturally born of a woman.
This brings me back to my point, what separates a good leader from a tyrant? It’s quite easy to see the difference between the two and in Macbeth and Hitler’s case they were Tyrants, they were ambitious, power-hungry, and fed off the destruction and anarchy they caused to their enemies and the people around them, and like I said before Hitler is just a modern-day Macbeth.
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