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Play is important for children, there are plenty of reasons why play is an important thing for children such as learning how to socialize, learning their cognition, exploring their imagination, and much more from just simply having fun. In the video ‘Cute Is a Four-Letter Word’ by Sarah Curtis she talks about how important play is and how it affects children to adulthood. In the Video she stated that two groups of children were split up, one group was direct instructions for play and the second one was free play and it showed a big difference by allowing children to play freely.

During free play Chole went to the dramatic area to play in the kitchen with some friends, as soon as she got to the kitchen, she told one of her friends “ok you can get the drinks and I can get the food and we can eat.” They started looking around the kitchen and grabbing all the cups, plates, and utensils, the friend then told her “Chloe I need juice” Chole replied to her “We have no more juice I need to make an order” Chole then went over to the counter and grab a toy ice cream sandwich and place next to her ear. The friend looked and said “Chloe that’s not a phone” Chloe looked at her and said “Well it’s my pretend phone” Chloe went on and pretended it was her phone and placed an order for some juice.

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Soon after placing an order for juice, Chloe saw some friends playing in the block area, she went to the block area and asked them “What are you guys doing?” one of the friends at the block area told her “We playing with the cars” Chloe ask them “can I have one car?” the friend replied and said “no you can’t play with us” Chloe got upset and told them “fine I’m going to go on a bus and you guys can’t ride on it” as she walks of, she was stomping her feet and went back to the dramatic area (Kitchen). She told some of her friends in the kitchen “You guys let’s make a bus” One of the little girls said “Chloe but we don’t have a bus” Chloe started getting the chairs and placing them one behind one another. Chloe told her “See we have a bus, I sit in the front” Chloe got super excited and ran to the drawing center and told two of her peers “Guys look I made a school bus!” she then started running back to the dramatic play where her bus was at.

They all sat on a chair where it was lined up and ready to go, as they sat on the chairs they laughed and giggled. Chloe told her friends “Put your seat belts on guys”. One of the little boys who was at the block area came over and asked her “Can I play too?” Chloe told him “I don’t have room, I only have four chairs” As she got up and counted the chairs “1, 2, 3, 4, see I only have four chairs” Chloe reassure him he can have a turn when someone leaves. The little one left back to the block area and Chloe and her friends went on playing, the girls sang and chatted away as Chloe was driving the bus.

In the SLUSS Handout, there are different characteristics of play. The first one is play is voluntary, the second one is play requires active involvement, the third one is play is symbolic, the fourth one is play is free of external rules, the fifth one is play focuses on actions rather than outcomes and the last one is play is pleasurable. Functional play is often play in which a child is enjoying the time, or is playing with toys such as feeding a baby, pushing a car, and anything that is a development for their social skills or cognitive. In my observation, a little girl who I name Chloe is in the kitchen playing with her friends socializing and enjoying her free play. Symbolic play is children who play and use toys or objects to represent an object, an example from my observation is when Chloe is in the dramatic area playing in the kitchen is using an ice cream sandwich toy as a phone.

In conclusion to my observation, I found that throughout free play Chloe’s play was functional and symbolic play equally. She switched from function play to symbolic play off and on, she was all over the class socializing with her peers.


    1. Talks, T. (2013, July 10). Retrieved March 10, 2019, from

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