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The LGBT people group stays as one of the nation’s minority segments today. Lesbian, gay, cross-sexual and transgender individuals frequently face disservices in landing employed for positions, getting rights for common marriage, and even in firing up close to home organizations. Most non-heteros additionally have a higher pace of suicide and suicide admiration contrasted with non-gay people. According to an international research, 10% of the world’s population are theoretically part of the LGBT community, out or not, including 12 million Filipinos who may experience discrimination based on who they are. This has led to the rise of the cause for LGBT rights, defined as the right to equality and non-discrimination. As a member of the United Nations, the Philippines is signatory to various international covenants promoting human rights.
The goal of most people in life is to be happy. There are two major fronts to their happiness, their jobs and their love lives. While education may be the key to securing that perfect job, there is no formula for finding the perfect mate, especially for gays. Furthermore, once gays find their partners for life, the law does not recognize their marriage, denying homosexual spouses the benefits that heterosexual spouses have enjoyed for centuries.
The whole same sex marriage has been a debacle ever since the LGBT had made its mark in society’s record. The question of whether or not same sex marriage should be approved has been rejected by the Catholic. Why? Because of our deeply rooted faith. But what if it includes as philosophical explanation that every member of LGBT community is not thinking about a consequence weather whatever action they do. It can be ethical or unethical thing. In utilitarianism they do not consider whether the action is bad or wrong because is what more useful, while in Hegelianism we are all equal one.
I am pro same sex marriage. Maybe the person we call ‘God’ is real or maybe he is not but one thing is sure, religion is just an institution; a label. In the bible ‘God’ never stated to hate the different. He never stated to stone the weak. ‘God’ never not disapproved of loving someone of the same gender. He never stated he would condemn them to ‘Hell’ for their sexual preferences. The Catholics believe in going to church will suffice for saving our soul from damnation, but it is never -nor will it ever- be enough to save us. You go to church every single day and beg for the sins you have committed yet at the end of the day you are still that same person you begged forgiveness for. Now tell me, what is the point? Is there any consequence? Does it real? Through the whole point of these writings, what im trying to formulate is for us what to believe in, good or bad.
We advertise change. We promulgate change and how change is good. But do we ever change? Are we a different person when we walk out those doors every sing day? Sometimes we wish we were, but most of the times we are not. Everybody wants change, but nobody wants to change. Some people argues same sex marriage is not a sin. Loving someone was never a sin. But when it comes to religion it is a sin. But that’s what it is, having different belief systems is not wrong. Our faith does not depend on how well we know the bible, but how we live our days in the light with God. Society needs to learn the difference between being a person that goes through life according to the bible and some idealist or realist person that lives according to God or its Monism.
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