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With the help of Hormonal birth control, adds help not only to the user but also to society. As birth control helps to dampen the Female Reproductive System, it gives control to one of our country’s biggest problems which is Overpopulation. Not only does it help to lessen the Overpopulation problem here in the Philippines, but it also gives more advantages to the user as it may help relieve menstrual pain, and reduce acne, and it also is possible for birth control to help protect your body against Cancers.

On the contrary, there are lots of disadvantages to using birth control improperly such as lowering the risk of the user being impregnated, an increased risk of blood clotting, nausea, migraines, mood swings, and many more. But on the bright side, every woman can avoid the mentioned disadvantages by seeking help from a professional and to ask whether what type of Birth control are you going to use/take and when are you only available to use it.

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Seeking Professional advice and properly applying their restricted procedures, will help you to maintain your healthy way of living and will reduce the risks of bad side effects of birth control. There are 6 types of birth control, pills (oral contraceptives), patches, rings, shots, IUDs, and implants. However, not every female is advised to use it as each female has different levels of sensitivity and body resistance to pills and medicines. Some may be allergic to pills but they still end up using them. Resulting in mental and physical effects that may be a real deal in future effects. However, the mentioned birth control isn’t able to protect you against STDs, therefore,

Condoms are still advised to be used by those who’ll take up sexual intercourse. Those things being said, if you still end up getting negative effects, you should further ask Professionals for help and try to reconsider other types of Birth control as they may not be compatible with your body’s resistance. Also, being truthful to your Professional is a must as it is their responsibility to correct whatever it is that is wrong with your Birth control. In conclusion, taking Hormonal Birth control has many pros and cons, but it depends on how and when you use it. Therefore everybody reading this essay be aware of everything regarding birth control.

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