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The process in which a person gives their body organs to another individual voluntarily is called organ donation. Also, consent was taken from the donor and recipient legally and the procedure was done under medical supervision. Revolution occurs in medical science and has considerable significance in the field. (https;// donation/.) Transplantation of the organs is a useful intervention for the failure of the organs. Literature shows that well-educated individuals have enough awareness and optimism about organ donation. The studies showed that Perception, willingness, experiences, recognition, decision-making power, values, and the inspiration of individuals can affect the organ donation process(Parsa et al. 2019). Organ transplantation is an effective and common intervention for saving the lives of patients with the last stage of failure of organs (Martín-Delgado et al. 2019). Organ donation has many positive aspects including improving the quality of life and has a great contribution in the research and medical field for experiments and new inventions. It also supports both families either donor or recipients, for donors, it is a sense of compassion and feelings of sympathy and for recipients, it is a blessing in stressful periods (https;// donation/.). Furthermore, it is an important segment in the healthcare setting all over the world. It is a beneficial, cost-effective intervention and the best welfare work for society (El-Shoubaki, Bener, and Al-Mosalamani 2006).
There are two types of donation, living donation, and deceased donation. It has been shown that organs from the society those who have low financial status. In addition, organ donation became a business for trading organs for sale and purchase, this is because of the limited availability of donors but in the current period, it has been focused more availability of donors rather than the business of sale and purchase.(Delmonico et al. 2015)
According to the International Journal of Surgery organ donation practice is affected by social attitudes and religious and economic sources. Financial burdens may be born by individuals, families, and society without knowing the outcomes. (Mousavi 2006). Healthy individuals may be exposed to certain kinds of risks after the donation of body organs, for example, delayed recovery after surgery, surgery-related complications like infection, allergic reactions, pain, bleeding from the surgery site, blood clotting, hernia, and sometimes it worsens lead to death. Similar to those who are receiving donations, rejection of organs in the body is addition, complications related to surgery are also faced. They have taken immunosuppressive drugs to minimize the risks for rejection but on the other hand, they are more prone to get infections. In the organ donation process, individuals, families, and society encountered physical, emotional, and psychological crises. In this situation, counseling and awareness are needed to motivate them. Organ donation can be after brain and cardiac death but according to standardized recommendations and readiness of the families. To overcome the shortage of organs it is necessary to save the organs for needy people This practice is affected culturally and religiously. Few cultures and religions are in favor of organ donation but some are against this practice. Example for, in the Quran, it is written that if one individual saves the life of one person he would be saving the whole of humanity.(Da Silva and Frontera 2015).
In my point of view, organ donation is a noble practice in the health care setting for giving life who have failed organs either from living or deceased donors. This can be achieved from a higher level of awareness among society and through standardized recommendations without violating human rights. Workshops and seminars should be conducted at the community level. Through media, awareness should be given for saving lives. Policies needed to reduce the financial burden for individuals, families, and society
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