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Nowadays, online shopping has become very common with the young generation and even with the elder generations. Because of the rapid development of technology, online shopping has developed its abilities exceedingly. When concerning any topic, there will always be pros and cons for almost everyone, and so will online shopping. There is a lot to mention about the pros here. You can easily find price comparisons of any product you purchase, no sales pressure happens here, can easily find varieties of products based on quality for a better price, see other customer ratings for the products, and so on. In my point of view, even though there are some downsides and limitations of online shopping, the number of benefits it has is humongous.

Even though there are many advantages we get from online shopping, some people still prefer physical traditional shopping in their day-to-day lives. One of the main reasons for this is, the inability to interact with the product, for example, if it is a dress, the customer cannot make sure whether it fits, here perfectly, and the cloth of it may be damaged, not getting the color you wanted, receiving a package which you didn’t order (another dress could be sent instead of the selected one). Even when considering a packet of biscuits, you might have trouble in checking the expiry date, selecting the quantity, etc… And it delivered lately. Not only that, some people are afraid to enter their credit card number details into the internet. Many elderly people have trust issues while making card payments online. Also, when ordering something from international online shopping websites, you receive the package after about one to two months time period. I think these are the main reasons still some people, especially older generations prefer traditional shopping methods. There are also a few other drawbacks, we have to face when online shopping. Yet, the majority of people nowadays use online shopping ignoring its few downsides.

The main reason for the rapid increase in online shopping is, the restless lifestyle of people living in society nowadays. They tend to do anything that makes their life easier and relaxed. Most of the people in this society even do not have time to cook their food and eat it peacefully. This is because of the rapid development of technology and because of the need to earn more money for living. So for them, online shopping is very helpful because of its vast advantages. To these people their time is very important so, online shopping is a highly advantageous method they can use in their day-to-day lives.

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As mentioned before, the most important advantage people get from online shopping is, that their orders are delivered to the doorstep of their home. They can buy whatever they want by only browsing through one or two e-commerce websites within a very short time. After the order is placed, it is delivered to their home when they are available to receive it. This means they never have to worry about forgetting something or losing a package, they just have to receive the order when it arrives at their doorstep. This also means you can be sure that your order is always safe and secure. Delivery times vary based on where you live, most packages ordered from local e-commerce websites arrive within two to five business days but if it is ordered from an international company, it might take one or two months to be delivered. And also another great benefit people get from online shopping is, that if they are not willing to input their credit card details, they can pay when the order arrives at home. Moreover using online shopping saves time, saves fuel, saves energy and even on some occasions money is also saved. It is also simple to cancel transactions. I think this ability to have the goods delivered to our home and be paid for after checking their goods is the main advantage we get from online shopping.

The second most significant benefit people get from online shopping is its infinite choices that are available 24/7. Most of the time, many goods that we wish to buy are not available in the local market, we now have access to an almost infinite number of online retailers and services that can deliver our favorite products to our doorsteps in a matter of days or hours. This unprecedented level of choice has made it much easier for us to find the products we’re looking for and get the best deals. And also if anyone needs privacy when buying goods, online shopping gives us full privacy to our orders. These are only very few benefits people get from online shopping. The number of benefits people get when using online shopping is countless.

With this rate of human lives becoming so much more complicated and filled with busy routines, online shopping might be the only way of buying goods and some services in the future. When we compare the features of online shopping five years ago and the present, the new and upgraded facilities, and features are uncountable. Back in those days, there were many technical issues in even the leading online shopping websites and apps, but now, even the websites of local retailers have very few technical issues. I think, if someone starts even a local shop, if they can give customers an online shopping facility, it might help them to develop their businesses rapidly.

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