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Current review study aimed at analyzing the change and trend in consumers shopping behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this review proved how COVID lockdown has changed shopping behavior from traditional to online shopping. The questionnaire survey through online mode represents the Consumer’s preferences regarding past as well as present shopping habits. Through this review, it is easy to know what possibilities of shopping behavior are in the upcoming future time, and this study shows how companies are required to shift to online platforms for better marketing and customer satisfaction. Circumstances of the pandemic changed pre and post-shopping behavior through consumers having learned new shopping habits. These new habits emerged due the advancements in technology and innovative ways of payment systems, buying methods, online interaction with online merchants, etc. The fear of going outside and catching an infection fades previous shopping ways such as shop by visiting a store and carrying cash etc. As a result, the change during COVID had replaced the fashion consumer shopping habits with digital shopping methods and it is expected to expand in the future as well.

Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has globally affected the whole world and their societies, economic systems, health, and mindsets but dramatically changed the buying behavior of consumers and businesses. In starting of this pandemic, an alert was announced all over the world “Lockdown” and all the students, workers, businessmen, and employees were stuck at their places and still most of the people are quarantined in their homes like us attending Online class sessions. Somehow COVID managed to change the habits among the people, especially turning the people into a digitalization mode.

The current situation made so many consumers adopt new shopping habits and move towards online shopping. Before the pandemic, consumers preferred to visit shopping or retail markets on their own which was not at all safe during the COVID situation. There was a high fear among the people to go outside and buy things but even in this difficult situation nothing stopped because most people started to buy the products, fashion dresses, consumer’s behavior changed to E-Shopping and they started using electronic payment mode to purchase the items online, which they never used before in their life. No doubt, everyone is comfortable with Online shopping as many of us consider while doing online shopping there is no need to get ready to visit a particular fashion store to buy a dress, no need to put ourselves at risk because of the current pandemic, no need to stand in a queue to withdraw cash for making payment for purchase.

The purpose of this review paper is to analyze the impact of COVID on consumer’s shopping behavior during pandemic and before the pandemic. Not only a customer be involved in E-Shopping but also there is a need for a retailer and a marketer who knows how they can get a satisfied customer by providing which kind of facility. Understanding their buying behavior and tactics to attract existing customers is the vital role of marketers during the pandemic situation.

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As of new adaption and new experiences towards Online shopping the current pandemic seems like a change to become permanent in the upcoming time also and old habits of purchasing can result in a reversal of previous consumer behavior that traditional store shopping will be replaced.

Companies have also invested their best efforts and offered a wide range of products which creates positive relief for their customers during hard times. COVID has also negative impact on fashion brands. To maintain their risk, apparel, and fashion companies have started quickly responding to changes in consumer demand. Because fashion companies faced unexpected falls in consumer demand, and sales volume and started suffering from overstock during COVID. That overstocked products may then go out of fashion and as a result, can no longer sold. So, it becomes essential for apparel companies to anticipate their consumer behavior. After the overstock impact, there is one more issue faced by some fast fashion companies as their high orders get canceled due to the announcement of a sudden lockdown because of this cancellation many consumers were disappointed as they could not receive their orders which resulted in to change in their buying behavior. Furthermore, we can say that within this group of consumers, the majority of people are involved in online shopping to purchase clothing products for themselves. This review paper provides an analysis of consumer shopping behavior in the COVID situation.

Literature review refers to the collection of other researchers’ writings, current knowledge, and opinions on a topic. I have also collected secondary data from journal articles and researcher’s review on “Shopping behavior of consumers before and after COVID” and references also mentioned below. Because it is not possible to go outside and collect primary data from people but also at the end of my report I conducted an online survey.

Hamilton 2019 and Pantano 2020; wrote in their research “Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak (early 2020), consumers have displayed stockpiling behaviors that significantly deviate from their usual shopping behavior. A further consequence of the lower accessibility of store premises, combined with consumers’ greater health concerns has been an immediate increase in demand for alternative distribution channels. Sudden regulations by the government i.e. social distancing have a vast impact on consumers’ favored channels for shopping. Also old and, less digital consumers learned to use online methods and enjoy safe online shopping. Pantano (2020) points out that consumers have reviewed their shopping habits and at the same time have discovered benefits from services they had never used before where consumers switching to online stores, making online payments, and finding benefits such as store pick-up, home deliveries, cashless pay, meant, and safety.

(Han et al, 2019) gave a definition, “Consumer behavior is generally defined as how living organisms deal and act with environmental conditions through an activity whose purpose is to modify or change these conditions so that they are appropriate to them and their requirements to be able to live and survive”. It can also be defined as “the behavior that the consumer highlights in the search for buying or using goods, services, and ideas which he expects will satisfy his desires or needs according to his available purchasing capabilities”.

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