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The novel “Of Mice and Men ” by John Steinbeck tells the tale of two men, George and Lennie, who are opposite, but they travel together, unlike other migrant workers. When settling into a ranch near the Salinas River, they find themselves among many lonely characters, one being Curley’s wife. The two men discover that the pleasure of companionship is not to be taken granted for and is truly a pleasure. Steinbeck teaches us that one cannot fully understand happiness without first knowing sadness.

Throughout the novel, many of the men on the ranch are lonesome in their way. However, Steinbeck better portrays the theme of loneliness by analyzing the only female character Curley’s wife, who is not allowed to speak and suffers from isolation. In the novel, the men try to hide their loneliness, but Curley’s wife acts very flirtatiously since she is lonely and powerless. All the men on the ranch fear her as she is married to the boss’s son, and Curly treats her as a possession; therefore, the men will not speak to her. For example, Curley’s wife is identified through her husband’s name, indicating that she is not independent but is instead in possession of her husband. By being the only female on the ranch, she may appeal as a strong leader, but in reality, her gender distances her from others on the ranch. She has no one to relate to or even communicate with, making her life miserable.

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Furthermore, when Curley’s wife confesses her feelings to one of the guys at the ranch, she exclaims, “I’m always alone…You can have a conversation with individuals, but I can’t with anyone besides Curley. Else he gets frantic. How’d you like not to converse with anyone?” (Steinbeck 85) Determined, Curley’s wife seems desperate to have a friend to talk to like any other human. She is willing to go out of her way and even have trouble with her husband to relate to and talk to someone else. Curley’s wife’s willingness to speak with someone is why she got killed. For example, Steinbeck reveals the fact that the only way she can communicate is by flirting with the other men on the ranch when one of the guys exclaims, “She got the eye.” (Steinbeck 28) The men ignore her when she wants company but call her a “tart” and a “bitch” behind her back. Curley’s wife being continually left out and treated like property made her think that she must be sexual just to get noticed.

Additionally, she was compassionately showing off her body to start a conversation. This resounding theme of loneliness demonstrates how Curley’s wife is one of the loneliest among the others on the ranch. Her noncommunication separates her from the others on the ranch.

Through the novel, Steinbeck demonstrates that a victim of loneliness will often have a never-ending search to fulfill a friendship. Having no one to talk to or relate to, being trapped in life, and being a possession are all held accountable for Curley’s wife to live a miserable and lonely life. In our society today, people are still mimicking those during the time of the Great Depression. Like Curley’s wife, many people, primarily teens, are being put down by others because they may be a bad influence or not wanted nearby. The actions of one towards another can cause suicidal thoughts, just like Curley’s wife. Initially, the kindness and desire for company resulted in her death. Therefore, people asking for unwanted attention can get into serious problems.

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