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Peggy Sue and Tony had met and fell in love with each other while they both were attending college in Texas. Peggy Sue graduated with a degree in elementary education and is a teacher in Dallas, Texas. Tony graduated with a degree from a culinary school and is a chef at a resort hotel restaurant also in Dallas, Texas. Tony decided that he wanted to propose to Peggy Sue on Christmas day, and Peggy Sue said yes excitedly to his proposal. They decided to go ahead and set a wedding date for June 30th the following year. Tony is originally from New York City, New York where his parents and three younger sisters still reside today. Peggy Sue is originally from Cornfield, Nebraska, where her mother and three older sisters continue to live. Peggy Sue’s father is deceased.
Some assumptions: The wedding would be in Texas; Peggy Sue and Tony both live and work in Texas because Texas is where Peggy Sue met, fell in love, and got engaged. Traveling to New York or Nebraska to get married would be more time-consuming as well as more expensive for both Peggy Sue and Tony. Peggy Sue and Tony will be covering the costs of their wedding. Peggy Sue’s mother cannot help paying for the wedding due to the amount of income coming in from her farm. Tony’s parents have not stated they would help pay for any of the wedding costs, but Tony’s mother has offered to pay for a two-week honeymoon to Italy as a gift to Tony and Peggy Sue. Tony and Peggy Sue will also be using money that they receive as gifts from their guests to help cover wedding expenses.
Tony and Peggy Sue have not provided an exact amount as far as their budget goes for their wedding. I would assume there will be around 350 or so guests attending their wedding. That would include the 50 guests from Peggy Sue’s family and friends in Cornfield, Nebraska, and then the 300 guests from Tony’s family and friends in New York City. Assuming the wedding takes place in Texas, the average cost per guest is $103 which would be $72,100 for 350 guests. That total amount for the wedding does includes the venue, wedding cake, food, bar, invitations, etc.
Peggy Sue and Tony will be in charge of planning their wedding and will also assign certain people with specific duties. Peggy Sue will select her wedding dress as well as choosing a maid of honor, bridesmaids, and all of their dresses. Tony will oversee selecting his tux, and also, he will choose the best man, and groomsman, as well as what they will be wearing. Peggy Sue and Tony must oversee choosing a venue for their wedding. The resort hotel restaurant where Tony is the chef will look over the catering of the food for Tony and Peggy Sue’s wedding.
Peggy Sue and Tony will set a budget for their wedding. The guest list, venue, photographer, music, food, wedding cake, flowers, wedding rings, transportation, and invitations will all be influenced by the budget that Tony and Peggy Sue have chosen. Tony and Peggy Sue are also responsible for writing their wedding vows if they decide to do so. The maid of honor is responsible for coordinating bridesmaids-related activities, the bachelorette party, the wedding dress, and the bridesmaid’s dress fittings, keeping a record of all the RSVPs, and picking up the cake on the wedding day. The best man is responsible for the groomsmen-related activities, bachelor parties, tux fittings, and keeping up with the wedding rings.
The network diagram will begin with the first-day wedding planning begins and will conclude on the wedding day. “A network diagram is a tool for arranging the specific activities in the appropriate sequence and defining their dependent relationships. It defines the sequence of how the activities will get done.” (Gido, Clements, & Baker, 2017).
The wedding date and time confirmation begin at the diagram. Next on the diagram will be the budget that Tony and Peggy Sue have set. Next on the diagram will be choosing where the wedding and reception will be. Once the location of the wedding is chosen, Tony and Peggy Sue will meet with the person officiating over their wedding and book the day they have decided to go with to have their wedding. Next, Tony and Peggy Sue will choose a venue, meet with the owner of the venue to see if the space is available for that day, and book the venue for the day of their wedding. Next, Peggy Sue, and Tony will create a guest list, choose invitations, and then begin sending out the invitations so that guests can RSVP, so they get an idea of who is coming to their wedding. Next, Tony will contact the resort to book a catering date and create a menu of foods they will serve at the reception. Tony will also place an order for the wedding cake of Peggy Sue’s choice.
Next on the diagram is choosing the wedding dress, bridesmaids’ dresses, and tuxedos to be fitted and purchased. This includes the outfits for the flower girl and ring bearer. Next, the maid of honor and best man will contact and reserve entertainment for the reception. Next, Tony and Peggy Sue will contact a photographer and book them for the day of their wedding. Next, Tony and Peggy will contact a florist and pick out arrangements that will be used in the venue. Next, Tony and Peggy will book transportation for their parents and guests who are unable to provide their transportation. Next, hair appointments will be set for Peggy Sue, Tony, the maid of honor, the bridesmaids, the best man, the groomsmen, and the parents of the bride and grooms. Next, it will be rehearsal day for the wedding. Last, it will be a wedding day.
The estimated duration for the activities to be completed for Tony and Peggy Sue’s wedding is based on calculations and scheduling. It is necessary to select a project estimated start time for when the wedding planning is expected to begin and a wedding planning completion time for when the wedding planning must be done. These two dates define the overall window of time in which the project must be completed (Gido, Clements, & Baker, 2017). Tony and Peggy Sue’s wedding date is scheduled for June 30. Since they want to be dancing in the night, the time of the wedding ceremony is 5:00 p.m. The project start time will be 0 (or January 1) and the project required completion time will be 180 days ( or June 30)
“This longest path in the overall network diagram is called the critical path.” (Gido, Clements, & Baker, 2017). To determine this critical path, I need to determine which wedding activities have the least slack. I will subtract the EF time from the LF time for each wedding activity, and then determine which activities have the lowest value. The activities with this value are on the critical path of activities. The activities that make up the critical path are the wedding time and date 5 – 5 = 0, Setting a budget 52 – 52 = 0, Venue 11 – 11 = 0, Guest List 45 – 45 = 0, Caterer 76 – 76 = 0, Invitations 125 – 125 = 0, Wedding Cake 87 – 87 = 0, Wedding Dress 134 – 134 = 0, and Wedding Party Attire 134 – 134 = 0.
Network-based planning and scheduling techniques can also be used in a bar chart (Gantt chart) to demonstrate project start time and project finish times on a time scale.
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