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Modern Languages and Cultures is a course I developed an interest in due to its increasing indispensable importance. Multilingualism has become more than just ‘important’ in today’s era. Effective communication is more than a matter of language proficiency and apart from enhancing communicative competence, cultural assimilation can also lead to empathy and respect toward different cultures as well as promote objectivity and cultural perspicacity. In today’s world, advancing technologies have afforded us the ability to communicate no matter where we are in the world, amplifying the importance of foreign language study. The more familiar one is with languages, the easier it is to understand the cultural contexts that shape the information, ideas, beliefs, customs, and values that one encounters while interacting with people from various parts of the world. Knowing the local language can offer a life-changing experience for people, who love to explore different parts of the world, in a bid to know about diverse cultures, places, and lifestyles. For businesses, it is essential to develop and sustain a strong footing in the global economy. Nigeria as a developing country attracts different kinds of businesses and investors from different parts of the world with their respective languages and distinctive cultural backgrounds. The beautiful tourist attractions in Nigeria are also worthy of mention. There is still a distinction between the locals and these foreigners in terms of communication and culture. An up-to-date knowledge of modern languages and cultures would equip me with the necessary knowledge that would help in bridging this gap between foreigners and locals concerning languages and cultures.
My undergraduate background has allowed me to develop a passion for the study of languages and the diversities in cultures, the beneficial effect, the economic importance as well as the challenges lack of communication and differences in cultures could pose to not only the economic growth of either a nation or a company, but also the happiness and satisfaction of individuals who seek outstanding academic excellence and tourism experiences outside their nations. Courses such as European Civilization, politics of Contemporary Europe, French as a Second Foreign Language, etcetera paved the way for me to be enlightened on cultures in Europe, the political relations of countries, and the quest for supremacy. My interest and passion were also nurtured and sustained through courses such as German Grammar, Listening and comprehension, Speech and conversation, Practical Translation, Contemporary German history, German literature, and Business German, amongst others. The challenges and eventual solutions in the course of my undergraduate thesis, “The Experience of German and non-German Citizens in the First and Second World War” (Die Erfährungen von deutschen und non-deutschen Zivilisten im ersten und zweiten Weltkrieg), exposed me even more to the importance and consequently heightened my interest in the field of modern languages and cultures.
I was privileged to be awarded a DAAD scholarship at InterDaF am Herder Institute, Studienkolleg Sachsen Leipzig in Germany for eight (8) months and a few weeks in a Language Builds Bridges (Sprachen bauen Brücken) course during my second year in the university. The course opened me to yet, a new perception and importance of language. It was an amazing experience with a whole new process for me as I was privileged to interact with students from various nationalities and interesting lecturers with different experiences and teaching skills. I returned to Nigeria, after the program, and was also awarded a monetary scholarship at Goethe Institute Lagos, Nigeria. I also participated in a teach a foreign language program through sports with the Commonwealth Youth Sports for Development and Peace Working Group(CYSDP), where we used sports as an avenue to teach a foreign language to middle school students. In addition, my work experiences over the years have exposed me to the importance of good communication and understanding of cultures, with language playing a vital role as part of culture. I completed a one-year National Youth Service Corps program (NYSC) in a different state (Bayelsa) with a different cultural and language background, where I taught English language and literature in English to middle school students. My major challenge during the service was communication. To be able to exchange knowledge with the students, who were only versed in their local dialect, I had to learn their dialect and this made the classes subsequently interactive. I also had the opportunity to participate in an adult mass literacy program in the aforementioned state, The Bayelsa State Agency for Adult and Non-Formal Education (BAANE). The willingness of the aged adults to be educated and with the local dialect already learned in the course of teaching the middle school students made it an interesting experience, and the sessions, subsequently quite interactive. This period was a self-awakening to me. It made me realize that languages could be less difficult with enthusiasm and determination to acquire. I currently work as a German language tutor at Alliance Francais Institute Enugu, Nigeria, where I teach basic German to students traveling for further academic pursuits, those going for holidays and tourism, or those going for a family reunion to have a smooth stay in their intended countries.
I have critically gone through the course outline on the school’s website and I found quite interesting the core modules which include Topics in Modern Languages 1 and 2, Research seminar modules, etc., and the optional Modules which include Approaches to Literary and Cultural Studies (critical theory) I and II, etc. The Masters of Arts in Modern Languages and Culture will offer me an opportunity to research the relationships between language, identity, culture, and place and develop an ability to analyze and interpret an increasingly interconnected, multilingual, and multicultural world. This study emphasis as expressed in the departmental section of the school’s website perfectly suits my interest and ability.
I am enthusiastic about the excellent learning facilities that the University of Sheffield is known for as it is currently ranked in the top 100 for teaching and research in Art and Humanities. I am also excited to be able to work with nationally and internationally recognized academic experts within the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Sheffield and with her students Union consistently voted best in the UK, which makes it a good destination for me. For this reason, I am confident that learning will be absorbing and worthwhile. If allowed to study under the guidance of professional staff within your faculty like Professor Henk de Berg, Dr. Caroline Bland, etc., I am sure to develop into the Polygot I always hoped to be. Also, the University of Sheffield is more than just an academic environment. The entire university experience as expressed in the school’s website shapes the person you become while studying in the university. The city is remarkably safe and affordable as part of a vibrant student community with promising socialization with other students from different cultural backgrounds and of course the development of new hobbies and interests in the UK’s number one Students’ union. I do not doubt that schooling in Sheffield will offer a superb unforgettable experience.
Conclusively, I bring with me an undying Zeal and motivation to thrive with an ability to break through conventional methods and notions to create new possibilities. Further academic training in Modern Languages and cultures would enable me to best exploit my potential and would further expose me to gaining more knowledge and experience and consequently refine me into a renowned Foreign Linguist. I believe with determination and dedication that I will be able to continue to contribute to and learn from the academically challenging environment at the University. I am confident that my passion, my ability to work hard (which helped me to become the best-graduating student in my German class), and my professional experiences would qualify me for selection in your program.
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