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Since forever, ‘nature vs. nurture’ has been a battle between whether the environment of an individual or their genetic makeup shapes their personality and social development more. While nature refers to genetics and biology, nurture refers to external factors that influence a person’s behavior after pregnancy, such as life experiences and parental influences. Psychological researchers are exploring the various ways in which nature influences and nurtures (S. McLeod, 2018). Most people agree that nature and nurture both are important and that without either one a person could not develop to her fullest potential. Yet, most of these studies affirm that genes are of greater influence when it comes to comparing adopted versus biological children. This allows one to think about the possibility of genes contributing more to adopted children’s behavioral and adjustment problems as compared to the environment being more influential. The genetics and environment of adopted children increase the chances of behavioral problems, although genes and the environment play a role, genes are more dominant.

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Adoption is the permanent legal transfer of all parental rights from one person or couple to another person or couple. Adoptive parents have the same rights and responsibilities as biological parents and adopted children have all of the emotional, social, legal, and kinship benefits of biological children. Since ancient times, people have adopted children. Adoptees’ numbers were last collected in 1992 by The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute. Around 127,000 adoptions took place in the U.S. in 1992. According to statistics from 2008, there are 1.5 million adopted children in the U.S. Adoption makes up 2 percent of all U.S. children (Donaldson, 2008). Children who have been adopted or born naturally are not genetically related, so any resemblance resulting from the environment between the siblings would be unavoidable. Also, genetic risk can be measured using data about biological parents.

    • Different adoption methods are available under the law because different families have different needs, there are several types of adoption:
    • Interracial Adoption:( transracial adoption) means placing a child from one race or ethnicity with adoptive parents from a different race or ethnicity.
    • International Adoption: The process of recognizing someone as the legal and permanent parent (s) of a child born abroad conforms to the laws of the country where the parent and the child reside.
    • Relative Adoption: it occurs when a biological relative legally adopts a child.
    • Stepchild Adoption: it occurs when a spouse of a child’s parent legally adopts the child.
    • Adopting Adults: an individual who is of legal age and who voluntarily consents to adoption can be adopted.
    • Homosexual Adoption: refers to the adoption of children by lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBT).
    • Open Adoption: during and after the adoption process, birth families and adoptive families share identifying information. This form is the worst because reduced ability to assimilate the child into a family.

In conclusion, adopting a child can happen at any time, so keeping them in institutions for a long time is unfair. In addition, when couples cannot have children, adoption allows them to create a family then providing children with opportunities makes them feel safer and more protected at home and that is a simple right of their rights. Finally, adoption is one of the most beneficial contributions a person could make to society because you are giving a child a home instead of forcing them to live in an institution for the rest of their lives.


    1. McLeod, S. (n.d.). Nature vs. nurture in psychology. Retrieved April 06, 2021.
    2. Donaldson Adoption Institute. NCAP. (n.d.). https:www.nationalcenteronadoptionandpermanency.netai-research.
    3. Immigration, R. and C. C. (2021, July 12). Government of Canada. International adoption –
    4. https:www.canada.caenimmigration-refugees-citizenshipservicescanadiansadopt-child-abroadprocesses.html.
    5. What Is Adoption? | Adoption Council of Ontario. Retrieved July 28, 2021, from https:www.adoption.on.cawhat-is-adoption.
    6. Learn about the different types of adoption – Steps to Justice. Retrieved July 28, 2021, from https:stepstojustice.castepsfamily-law1-learn-about-different-types-adoption.

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