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Research Methodology
For my primary data, I’ve chosen to utilize a structured survey which, I handed out to 5 years 6 students at Auburn Public School and 10 years 7 students at Auburn Girls High School and conducted an observation of my siblings. Survey undertakers were notified that the survey would be completely confidential and that their privacy would be conserved. With this promise, the children were able to respond with more forthright and valid answers. The surveys enabled students to explore an avenue of more truthful and unambiguous answers and by expressing themselves in their responses when encouraged that their information would only be used for research intentions. The data gathered enabled me to conduct realistic and accurate tables and graphs to exemplify my findings. However, there are some disadvantages to collecting data by conducting a survey rather than using other research methodologies. For example, respondents may not feel encouraged to provide accurate and honest answers however, much reassured that their anonymity will be sealed. This can disintegrate my results and findings. On the other hand, my observation as my second research methodology, I decided to observe my two siblings ranging from 8 to 11 years of age for two days continuously. While conducting this observation, to have accurate data, I had to make sure that my siblings did not notice what I was doing, and thus my research was not compromised. My siblings spend more than half the day utilizing their technological devices. Observing my siblings was fascinating in that I was able to comprehend the amount of technology being used in my household. The reason why I chose to conduct an observation as one of my research methodologies is that I was able to collect first-hand data which also enabled me to see primarily from each subject their day-to-day activities with technology. This aided me in reassuring me that my collected information was accurate and that the subjects did not exaggerate or respond to the question the way they felt it should be answered. With the second and third opinions both my research methodologies did not raise any moral or ethical issues. My survey questions were structured in a way that was appropriate and suitable for the age of the students that were undertaking it, and observations did not impose on my subjects and inflict extensively on their private lives. Overall, my options for first-hand research approaches were very effective in accumulating the data I needed to complete my Independent Research Methodology.
‘Technology is the ultimate reason, as to why children don’t recognize life beyond the screen’. Children have suffered significantly from the vast influences of technology. My hypothesis refers to how my independent research project will validate the use of technology and its influence on children as individuals and in group situations. Children in contemporary societies struggle to last a day without the constant use of technological devices and feel the need to interact with anything remotely similar to a gadget such as an iPhone, iPad, etc. The main objective of my research project is to demonstrate both the negative and positive implications technology has on children. My project focuses on the impacts it has on an individual and their family setting. Through personal experience and observation of children, I have chosen this topic to determine the instantaneous need for technology. Whether children are better off without the use of technology or if it is required for adequate development. Children learn and develop more effectively through individual experiences and communication with others. Technology is a major cause of why children lack interpersonal skills which, can lead to them being inactive members of society. Nevertheless, it could be argued that children can miss out on numerous resources that influence every aspect of an individual and their surroundings if left without technology. Early childhood years for children are crucial for their future. If a child is brought up in a technology-driven family setting, their perception of a social norm would be relentlessly staring at a screen, for entertainment, stimulation, and even education. Other resources would not be used commendably, therefore, children fail to recognize life beyond the screen. Technology has become a dominant resource in contemporary societies. My research task builds strong ties to the research methodology section of the syllabus, which is to conduct a survey and an observation of my siblings as my primary sources of data. Connections to the syllabus are also shown through my added resource management and the well-being of individuals/families influenced by both the positive and negative technological use.
In my independent research task, I have chosen to investigate the hypothesis “Technology is the ultimate reason, why children don’t recognize life beyond the screen”. My research project is intended to explain the positive and negative impact technology has on the mindset of children in contemporary societies. My independent research project is mainly focused on the negative impacts of technology, as research and observations conducted make it evident that the negative outweighs the positive. The reason why I have chosen to further explore this topic is due to the need for this issue to be addressed. In today’s society, children are born into a world of technology and can understand the impacts it has on all aspects of their well-being and physical development. Numerous health side effects can slowly develop in individuals such as obesity, due to the constant use of technology and less active play. Without constant supervision and control of use, children may fall into the dark corners of technology where major threats lie. My objective upon the completion of this project is to demonstrate with evidence the impact that technology has on children in this era. The use of primary research methodology such as a survey distributed to 5 years 6 students at Auburn Public School and 10 years 7 students at Auburn Girls High School and completed a two-day observation with three subjects under 12 years of age. By conducting research through different methodologies, I was able to validate my theory on children’s constant dependence on technology. My results collected were as expected. For example, students were given two options, if they wanted to buy a yoyo or a technological device e.g. laptop, iPhone, etc. A unanimous amount of consensus shows that all survey undertakers would purchase a technological device of any sort rather than a yoyo. This effectively explains that students can comprehend the distinction between the two options. Also, the results illustrate that when students were asked how many hours of their day are spent using technology, more than 20% of children answered with 4-5 hours. This was concerning in that studies in this field show that children of that age should be getting more than 2-3 hours of active play outside on a day-to-day basis, to aid in maintaining a healthy and adequate lifestyle. With those who answered with 4-5 hours of utilizing technology, the required active play is nearly impossible to achieve due to school and other multiple commitments. My independent research project lays out these results and acknowledges the issues raised by the overuse of technological devices by children in contemporary societies.
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