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The homelessness epidemic is a serious problem in most of the country’s major cities. According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are more than 500,000 people are homeless every night. It is a difficult challenge precisely because it has many aspects, both in its cause and its far-reaching effects Effect. Homelessness not only affects people struggling to survive on the streets but also traders or residents nearby. Petty crime and drug addiction are popular. While many factors have contributed to the increase in homelessness rates, What is most serious is the lack of adequate social support services. By definition, a homeless person is someone who does not have a permanent home. They can search and Take shelter in garages, ATM halls, and metro stations. On a purely practical level, whether a city can provide enough homeless shelters and other forms of affordable housing,
Other people who usually sleep rough can sleep much safer with a bar roof over their heads. Social support services, whether funded by public or private funds, will be able to respond to the needs of many immediate and long-term challenges faced by people experiencing homelessness. In addition to providing adequate and reliable shelter, services such as addiction counseling, Dealing with physical or emotional abuse, and career counseling can address some factors leading to homelessness. Each person’s own stories through homelessness will be different. What is it usually? however, found that homelessness was the result of a series of events. Nobody could experience an unexpected job loss, which could lead to family problems at home, could lead to drug addiction as a coping mechanism, which can lead to additional financial stress, and Soon.
Appropriate social services at any point in the process can prevent homelessness from becoming a reality for that person. Equally complex are the effects of homelessness and can mirror the roots right. Because the person is experiencing homelessness, it can be deeply stressful for but personal relationship. Drug abuse can become a problem when the person tries to find a way to cope with the pain and difficulties of life on the streets. This results in a downward spiral which pushes the person deeper and deeper into the depths of poverty and isolation.
The impact also extends beyond the individual. As homelessness becomes more and more problems are visible in a neighborhood, home values can drop. Middle-class and working families may relocate, thus creating greater opportunities for different forms of crime. Businesses can close as the area becomes too prone to theft and property crime. Each city, and each neighborhood faces its challenges when it comes to homelessness. Although the specific root causes may vary from individual to individual, the lack of adequate social Service is the main contributing factor. Good social services can treat, alleviate or even eliminate some other underlying cause. With powerful effects on personalization and society as a whole, homelessness is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed with tact and compassion.
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