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Honor, duty, courage, and fame, are each pivotal elements to survive in society. Each one is indispensable. Honor brings pride; duty is a necessary condition for success; courage empowers and eliminates fear; and fame leads to success. With these components, it is possible to be a successful member of society.
The honor represents status. It earns respect. Individuals can be successful only by learning to strive for a sense of honor, which is obtained through fair competition. To defend himself and his country’s merit, Beowulf defeated Grendel and Grendel’s mother with his bare hands. Although Beowulf could hold a weapon, he decided against it to compete fairly and succeed. Beowulf’s preservation of integrity is equally important in today’s society. Likewise, competition and the fairness of victory lead to self-fulfillment and establish a strong reputation.
Responsibility is a personal obligation, a commitment to family, company, and society, and loyalty to their mission. Responsibility is a requisite for success. For example, parents are accountable for teaching their children the correct manner. They are required to supervise their children and ensure that they do not break laws. When Beowulf fights the evil dragon, only Wiglaf stays to help Beowulf because he knows it is his responsibility as an attendant. Responsibility is the most fundamental quality that every person living in this society should have, and it is also a necessary condition to become successful.
Courage is the most important element in overcoming difficulties. There are two kinds of people when they face difficulties. One overcomes their fear and moves forward courageously; the other one flees or quits and bravery can help overcome all obstacles. Beowulf is referred to as a hero because he possesses both physical and emotional strength. He always intervenes when people are in distress, especially at the end of the story when he hears about the country’s difficulties. He steps forward without hesitation and finally gives his life. Nowadays, people often encounter various difficulties and misfortunes. Therefore, it takes fortitude to achieve success.
Reputation comes from others’ perceptions of an individual. A positive reputation brings convenience, and a negative reputation makes people invisible. As a common example, doctors build up their reputation by successfully saving lives. A beneficial reputation brings fame and credibility to the person; therefore, attracts more attention and admiration from others. Beowulf fights for his reputation all of his life, so after his death, people build a statue to commemorate him. To establish a foothold in this society people must build their reputation.
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