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Malaysia is one of the countries that provides high-quality service in terms of healthcare services and now it has come to be an alternate destination for medical tourism aside from Singapore, Thailand, and India. Since the year 2000, the number of tourists who seek healthcare in Malaysia has been increasing as people see it as an ideal destination for healthcare services (Chandran et al. 2017). Malaysia’s achievement in medical tourism could be recognized through its major competitive benefits which can be seen in terms of the great quality of healthcare offerings and the huge quantity of permitted hospitals (Mun et al., 2014). According to the Ministry of Health Malaysia, Malaysia has succeeded in creating the state as a regional hub for medical tourism where they provide excellent treatments and the best quality facilities and services. However, a few factors affect the supply of medical tourism in Malaysia such as experienced healthcare professionals and developed healthcare technology.
Experienced healthcare professionals
Firstly, medical tourism in Malaysia consists of many experienced doctors. Most of the doctors from Malaysia obtained training from respectable institutions all over the world such as the United Kingdom, United States, India, and Australia. Thus, living in a multi-cultural country, Malaysian healthcare professionals are also culturally attentive and multilingual. This shows that the patients don’t have to worry much as most of the medical personnel are fluent in English and also some other Asian languages such as Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, Hindi, and Bahasa Indonesia (Medical Tourism Malaysia, 2019). Moreover, this factor has contributed to Malaysia’s medical tourism industry. Based on a study by Herberholz and Supakankunti (2013), it was mentioned that well-trained medical experts are one of the keys to this achievement as well as the comfort of communication due to the presence of a multilingual health workforce (Hin et. al, 2013). Therefore, many tourists started visiting Malaysia for healthcare as Malaysia has many qualified doctors and nurses who eventually
Developed healthcare technology
One of the reasons why tourists prefer Malaysia is due to its constant innovation in healthcare technology. Malaysia provides high-quality convalescence services. Moreover, some hospitals are a one-stop destination for tourists by providing many options for the patients such as pre-operative consultations, post-operative rehabilitative treatments, and therapies (Chandran et al. 2017). Currently, Malaysia is promoting itself as the ‘Cardiology and Fertility Hub of Asia’ where it is strong in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and the success rates are also above the global average (2019). MHTC CEO Sherene Azli also mentioned that hospitals and clinics in Malaysia are now using Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. This helps to get more accurate diagnostics and aids easier transfer of medical records from international patients. Apart from that, technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data help Malaysia to improve the patient experience (2019). These technologies owned by Malaysian medical tourism have kept tourists coming for healthcare.
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