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Many different cultivation live in the United States. Some have chosen to come here for new animation, some just come for Education opportunities, and others have families who have lived here for generations. In Alice Zimmer’s floor, “Everyday Use” and Bharati Mukherjee’s essay, “Two Manners to Belong in the USA,” the mating of Maggie and Mira shows two cleaning ladies who clingstone to their pilot refinement while Bharati and Dee both embrace mainstream United States.
The person Dee in Walker’s news report and Bharati Mukherjee both seek to assimilate into the American language polish. For Bharati, her determination to stop in America and be American, instead of returning to India, came with her conclusion to marry. Bharati made up her brain to marry an American man and she, “welcomed the strain that came with marrying outside my ethnic community” (Mukherjee LXX ). She knew that her baby, Mira, wanted to avoid such a challenge and was happy to marry the American man she met in college. It is not that Bharati did not like her Indian culture; she just wanted new challenges in her life. Bharati could have returned to India and lived comfortably as she came from a senior high school status screen setting; however, the character Dee resented her impoverished upbringing. Dee was well-educated and could not wait to leave-taking her rest home. Dee was so embarrassed of her syndicate that she once wrote to her mother, “no subject where you “choose” to live” She would come to see them but would not bring her friends (Walker LX ). Yet Dee did come home to visit, with a friend, to collect valuable antiques. To her, her inheritance became something of value only because old, handmade tokens and folk art now have value in Bodoni American culture. In contrast to Bharati and Dee, Bharati’s Sister Mira loved her Indian heritage, and the character Maggie accepted her humble Southern country background. Mira was angered by the idea that she would have to become a citizen to remain in the United States.
Many different styles of culture are in the United States. Some have chosen to come here for a new environment, some just come for Education opportunities, and others have families who have lived there for generations. In Alice Zimmer’s floor, ‘EverydayUse’ and Bharati Mukherjee’s (written opinion), ‘Two Manners to Belong in the USA,’ the mating of maggie and Mira shows two cleaning ladies who clingstone to their pilot (good taste/good manners/improvement) while Bharati and Dee both hug/support part of the regular majority of people United States. The way Dee acts in Walker’s news report and how Bharati Mukherjee acts they both try to blend into the American language.
For Bharati, her strong desire/formal decision about something to stop in America and be American, instead of returning to India, came with the/result of marrying. Bharati made up her brain to marry an American man and she, ‘welcomed the strain that came with marrying outside my (related to a group of people with the same race, culture, religion, etc.) community’ (Mukherjee LXX ). She knew that her baby, Mira, wanted to avoid such hardship and would be happy to marry the American she met in college. Bhariti wanted to learn something new that would be challenging, but she still liked her Indian culture. Bharati could have returned to India and lived comfortably but she decided to see Dee and check her point of view. Dee was well-educated and could not wait to leave-taking her rest home. Dee was so embarrassed of hebysyndicate that she once wrote to her mother, ‘no subject where you choose’ to live’ she would come to see them but would not bring her friends (Walker LX ). Dee did come back home to visit to collect the other things. To her, her(something valuable you get when older relatives die) became something of value only because old, (made by human hands, with no power tools or machines) symbols/symbolic and folk art now have value in Bodoni American culture.
In contrast to Bharati and Dee, Bharati’s Sister Mira loved her Indian history and embraced the fact that her sister is western. They learned to love both their cultures and mix both of them when needed if it meant regarding the other culture.
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