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Baby Blues (2008)
This movie is based on a true story which is Andrea Yates and her family where 5 of the children have been drowned in the family bathroom by their mother. In this movie, there is a family farm with 4 children which is Jimmy as the eldest son, James, Cathy, and Sammy their mother suffers from postpartum depression and it becomes worse when her husband, a truck driver, goes back to work after being at home for a day. In the middle of dinner, James and Cathy are fighting over a doll and Sammy is crying. The mother could not bear the noises and began to break things. All of them freeze due to their mother’s actions. The mother tries to calm herself and brings Sammy to shower again. This is when all the cruel actions happened when the mother could not control herself.
Jimmy as the eldest son, tries to protect his siblings as much as he can, but in the end, he is the only children who survive his psychotic mother. Jimmy manages to survive when he tries to communicate with his father by radio transmission and the father hears it. The mother is miserable and the house becomes rambling. Due to his father’s action, the mother has been sent to a mental hospital. But that’s not the end of Jimmy’s relief when the father says he wants the mother to come home too because she is pregnant again.
People who suffer from PPD will have extreme mood changes or mood swings. Sometimes they will feel extremely sad until they cry or lose their appetite suddenly. This is the stage where they have a low mood. Some people think that these changes are caused by hormone changes after pregnancy (Boynton, 2019). These changes may produce chemical changes to the brain that cause them to be unable to control their emotion. Otherwise, they will experience a high mood where they start to think and talk too much or too quickly and feel ecstatically happy (Service, 2019).
Some research shows that some women start to have depression while they are still pregnant. This depressive feeling will affect them until after their pregnancy. Sometimes they will feel anxious around their baby or other children. They feel afraid that they will fail to be a good mom (Children, 2019 ). These feelings of afraid and upsetting lasted long and increased their depression.
A new mother may not have so much time to give time for themselves by taking care of and thinking of their baby all the time. They are restless and can be determined by looking at their house condition which not be tidied and arranged neatly. PPD patient not only take care of themselves but also their other children.
Women experiencing PPD conditions might be unaware of their behavior. They do not realize that their acting is unusual and odd in any way. Very often it will be noticed by other people especially someone who is close to her such as her other children or husband that she is not well and behaving oddly. This symptom may lead the woman to feel frightened or distressed (Service, 2019).
PPD patients will show signs of having rapid and constant speech. They also may have disturbed speech such as changing from one topic to another in a mid-sentence. They might abruptly pause in conversation or activity as they have lost their train of thought (Service, 2019).
Hallucinations often occur among PPD patients. A hallucination occurs when they start to see things that do not exist outside their mind. For example, they might see other people, shapes, or colors, hear sounds or voices, feel somebody touching them or their baby when nobody is there, smell something that others cannot smell, and taste when there is nothing in their mouth (Service, 2019).
Delusion often occurs in patients who suffer from Postpartum Psychosis. They have the false belief which is the belief of something that is not true that they hold strongly. It might be related to their baby such as the belief that their baby is evil in some way or the belief that everyone tries to harm her and her baby. Other examples of delusions that are uncommon are the mother’s beliefs that she won a big lottery or that she has a special power.
The first issue involving postpartum depression is lack of support. This is because women who suffer from postpartum depression need to have support from everyone around them, especially from the person they love. Getting support from the people around them reflects the affective aspects of relationships or the degree to which the mother feels that they are loved and valued by others. Other than that, it gives the belief that they have help and care from others (Stewart, 2003, October). In research, participants were asked if there is someone they can count on to listen to them when they need to talk if there is someone to help them out in a crisis who is dependable when help is needed, and if there is someone with whom they can be themselves and someone they feel appreciates them as a person. This will lead them to assume that no one takes care of them and everyone is going to leave them. Social support is the most important environmental factor in the onset of depression and anxiety disorders (HM Kim, 2014, May 7). At the International Conference on Population and Development of the Year, decision-making power at home and increased support of the partner have been considered as the most important solution to promote women’s reproductive health. If you help and take care of them even just by hearing about their problems in every situation, it can make them reduce their stress (Tadele, 2019, October 29). The most important people to the mother are of course it is the husband and the parents who gave birth to her and they surely take care of and know the attitude of the mother.
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