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Mental health is so important and everybody should be aware. The first time I was aware was when one of my close friends ended their life by suicide. They didn’t end their life by suicide because of their mental health after giving birth but it was because of their mental health in general. Hearing a story from a friend who had a baby and after having the baby was one of the hardest times trying to fight to stay strong for their baby. This is such an important topic that not only young kids but adults and women as they are pregnant and after they give birth to their babies. As many people know, many mothers around the world struggle with their mental health after giving birth to one or multiple babies. This is known as postpartum depression. Postpartum depression has become a widely focused topic by many in the past couple of years. Postpartum depression can start before they even give birth to their child. It all depends on the mother. Some women can have a worse and worse anxiety disorder as their child gets older. The overall health of women can be very unhealthy depending on the parent. Mothers sometimes just think that their health isn’t as important as their children but it is more important. In addition to what I have mentioned let’s get into more about postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression can be viewed as many different concepts, and it can be shown in multiple ways. This is a confusing topic for some due to the name, postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can start before giving birth, not just only after birth. If you have postpartum depression you can start showing symptoms before, during, and after pregnancy. The symptoms all just depend on the person, but some of the main symptoms are loss of interest in normal activities, sleep disturbance, change of appetite, poor concentration, and even thoughts of suicide. If you are struggling, therapy could help you enormously. “Some studies have found an increased rate of disorders requiring outpatient contact and psychotropic treatment in the postnatal period, particularly for depression… “(Howard, Khalifeh. 10). The main thing that is a big factor in how you will or won’t show symptoms. This is based on how well your pregnancy is going for you and your baby. If you have supportive people in your family who have a huge impact on your mental health throughout the first weeks and the last couple of days. Some of the most supportive people that you could speak to could be your husband, sister, Mom, Grandma, and even sometimes your Mother-in-law. Speaking statistics 50-80% of women experience postpartum blues. If you are wondering what postpartum blues are, it can be defined as a short period in which you feel an extreme amount of stress, sadness, and anxiety. Some common actions to help with both postpartum depression and postpartum blues are to leave the house often and feel the emotions: crying and laughing, eating and drinking lots of water. All noted above are facts about postpartum depression, let’s talk about some anxiety disorders now.

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Anxiety disorders take a huge toll on women while they are thinking about getting pregnant, getting pregnant, giving birth, and after birth. Anxiety is a huge thing, the symptoms can get worse as the trimesters increase. Anxiety can not just be visible while pregnant as I mentioned before. Anxiety is a very hard and unpleasant time in each woman’s life as they experiences it for a large or small amount of time. Some symptoms that some women can experience are feeling nervous, a sense of danger (especially for your baby), increased heart rate, sweating, weakness or tiredness, and having trouble concentrating. With all these symptoms this can not only affect your health it can affect your baby’s health. In some cases, if it is at a point where you can’t handle it you should talk to your doctor to get further treatment for both you and your baby. If you experience anxiety during your pregnancy it can lead to different concepts depending on the trimester you’re in. If you are in the first trimester of pregnancy it can lead to the loss of your fetus. The second and the thirst trimesters can both lead to a decrease in birth weight which can be dangerous. In short, with knowing both postpartum depression and anxiety disorders let’s talk about women’s health.

There are so many responsibilities that come with being a mother, one being the most important: the health of yourself as the mother. Some mothers after giving birth just blow off their health but your own is the most important. Your health during the pregnancy can have a huge effect on your baby’s health. For example, if you as a pregnant mother are sickly, malnourished, and don’t receive good delivery care your child can have a higher risk of disease and premature birth. Some of the diseases your baby could be diagnosed with are Down syndrome, heart problems, clubfoot, and fetal alcohol syndrome. A lot of mothers have an eating disorder after giving birth because they want to look the best they can. Having an eating disorder can cause you so many different health issues. One of the biggest things that could happen if you obtain an eating disorder is weakness: not being able to possibly hold your baby. One in every five women risks losing their baby in their lifetime which is a 20% chance that you could lose your baby. Some women choose to go to therapy and get some help with their mental and physical help. If you go to therapy and they prescribe you to take medication you should make sure it is safe for you to take. For example, if you are breastfeeding some medication will not be safe for you to take so you would need to be sure to talk to your doctor. If you are having a lot of pain after giving birth it could cause you to need assistance with taking care of your baby. If you need to ask for help, that could make mothers think that they are not good enough to take care of their babies. If you think you can’t take care of your baby it could cause you to have postpartum depression. If you are struggling with any type of physical health or mental health you should talk to your doctor to get some help if you need it.

As noted above all the effects on mothers’ mental health after giving birth with this being such a huge and important topic for not only mothers after birth but for everybody of every age. Mothers after giving birth to one or multiple babies struggle with their mental health all around the world. Postpartum depression is a very important topic if you’re going to be a mother or even a mother. It is a huge and very important topic to focus on yourself sometimes. Anxiety disorders can be shown in many different ways and can get worse with the age of your child. Your health as a mother is the most important health for you and your baby, even when you are pregnant. There are mothers all over the world who struggle with a lot of things but mental health is one of the hardest things, even after giving birth to only one or even multiple babies. Mothers have a huge label, they get labeled to do so many things with a lot of it being more than just one as the mother can handle. With the label “Mom” they think that they can’t let anybody down and that they have to be perfect. Nobody is perfect and everybody has struggles day and day. They may need to ask for help with a lot of things.

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