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Have you ever danced, danced, and danced, knowing you were competitive and could beat other people to the top? Have you ever wondered why dance is not considered physical enough to be categorized as a sport? You are not alone? Many people think dance is a sport as it is part of physical education and a skill in which an individual or team can participate. However, some people argue that dance is not a sport because anyone can do it. Whether or not dance should be considered a sport is currently debatable. Personally I, for one believe it should be a registered sport.
One reason for this is that people can compete if they wish or take part without competing with anyone just like swimming. People swim for leisure and to compete in competitions if they are good enough. Furthermore, dance should be considered a sport because dancers are subject to any form of injury just like other sportspeople. For example, if they fall or land wrongly this can result in an ankle / or foot injury. However, dancers also gain muscles by dancing and it acts as a workout. When you dance you are burning a lot of calories etc. It seems plausible that dance could be considered a sport for these many reasons and the evidence to support this is, “An athlete is a person talented or gifted in contests involving physical agility and certain strength to excel in their craft”. Dancers are athletes according to this because they meet all criteria, and the fact that this has been said shows that dancers are athletes. Athletes all play a sport which proves that dancing is a sport since they have met the criteria. It is therefore reasonable to think that dance is a sport.
Another valid reason why dance can be considered a sport is, that dancers build stamina, speed, and flexibility. It is one of the few activities which do all three together so should be considered a sport. Also, people believe that dance is a very unique activity because it can be classified as an art and a sport at the same time.
The opposition believes that dance is a creative, expressive art form without winners or losers, moreover, it is thought that they believe dancing should not be considered a sport. Some try to say that it’s ok to hold dance competitions but they are not sporting competitions, both are very different. Dance is for anyone who can move whereas sport requires talent and skill.
Many people think that in dance there isn’t a scoring system that can be used to categorise it as a sport. One reporter stated, “Many athletes argue that dance isn’t a sport because dancers don’t follow an objective scoring system”. The fact that many athletes have said this proves that most people think that dance is not a sport, and the fact that many athletes have come forward to show this shows that it is unpopular for sportspeople to consider dance in this way, therefore it’s tough to get them to see it as a sport.
Also, some people see dance as aesthetic, although dance has physical parts to it like sporting activities it also has artistic parts that change the way people view it. With every step, dancers can bring both themselves and the audience into an entirely different environment.
On balance, it is my conviction that dance should be a registered sport. I am surprised that people would not think it’s a sport due to the non-objective scoring system and because it also includes competition. It would still seem logical to think that dance sporting competitions could use similar scoring systems which would give it the same status as any other sport and audiences would soon get u to speed with the way it would and could work. For example, in football, if the ball goes past the goalkeeper and into the goal it is considered a goal, and points are included. Another example includes basketball if the basket goes into the hoop then it’s considered a goal as well, whereas in dance according to several sources dance is much more subjective and reliant on judges not precise ‘goals’ like the more objective scoring systems.
Even so, I would have to conclude that dance is a sport for several different reasons. It involves your body and fitness. It helps you gain muscles and keep you exercising regularly which in turn firms the body and helps you keep healthy and energised for more physical steps therefore it should be considered a sport along with all the others. You can still appreciate it as an art form which does have a lot of benefits to your health. In conclusion, then I think that dance should be considered a sport for the all above reasons.
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