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This narrative is about a girl named Mariam who lives in Afghanistan in the early 1960s. Throughout her life, there have been many ups and downs. She has to live with her mother Nana, while her father is a successful and rich entrepreneur named Jalil. Mariam despises the fact that she doesn’t get to live with his father. When Mariam came back home she saw that her mother had killed herself, it was a horrific scene to see at such a young age.

A few days passed and now it was time for her mother’s funeral, after the funeral the father took Mariam to his house but the wives didn’t want Mariam at the same place they lived. So the wives made Mariam marry a stranger by the name of Rasheed. Everything was normal until she had a miscarriage Rasheed would abuse her. Growing up down the street and a couple of houses was a woman called Laila However, the war makes life really difficult for Laila’s life and even harder when both of her brothers had left the family to join the war.

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As a way to cope with the pain, she hangs out with her good friend Tariq. A couple of years passed Laila and her parents planned to go to another place but they didn’t have a clue about where they wanted to go they just knew that they wanted to move somewhere else so they packed their bags and before they could even go outside there house has been bombed, with that bomb it killed her parents and many more people and but it wounded her.

Mariam and Rasheed took care of Laila to recover until a couple of months after her recovery a stranger brings her bad news that Tariq has died. She was depressed and was now realizing she was pregnant with Tariq’s child, So Laila agreed to marry Rasheed. After Laila gives birth to the kid, Aziza.

A few years later, Laila gives birth to a son. Then, one afternoon, after years of abuse and struggling with mental health, Laila is happy to see a man standing at the door it was Tariq. Laila spends the afternoon with Tariq. When Rasheed finds out about what happened that afternoon he starts hitting Laila with a shovel then Mariam comes unexpectedly and kills Rasheed. After that Mariam finds a place where the couple and their children can stay in Pakistan. So they got married and Laila apologized to Mariam, and they were all happy. 

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