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The creator of an unquenchable hunger is knowledge; the more you drink, the thirstier you become. It is strong enough to bring about social and economic reform, and development in nearly any field of existence. Many students are stuck in this cobweb of interminably escalating hunger which is why studying abroad is an ambition for many to go ahead and follow the kind of profession they want. The term study abroad means a person who intends to acquire information beyond their country’s confines. Studying abroad is an efficient way to satisfy the college degree requirements and explore the globe while at the same time exploring other cultures. Many students believe it’s better to study abroad than to study at local universities. As the saying goes, “the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.” There are many reasons for studying abroad.

First and foremost, studying abroad increases employment opportunities. A student from an underdeveloped place or a developing nation looks forward to coin capital and studying overseas in order to find a better career is the perfect way to do this. For example, nowadays employer will see the resumes first then interview one by one or category, for example, nowadays, before selecting an employer. In the resumes, it represents the skill of the candidates and the ability to work with the company, but the company will see which candidates are studying overseas and these candidates will be granted preference for the position first if they complete the interview sessions. In other words, these kinds of students are more likely than normal students who study locally to get a successful future. Many students are drawn to studying overseas and they want to pursue the best work possible in their area of specialisation.

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Besides that, studying abroad provides the opportunity to gain cultural experiences. Unlike a brief holiday, people get the opportunity to see what living in another world is actually like when they study abroad. When students shop for food, ask for directions, or stroll across neighborhoods, the conversations that they have can tell you more about a community and its residents than any textbook or guidebook will show you. Students can gain detailed knowledge of their new place, the people who live there, and maybe even a little of its history by going beyond the tourist stops. In addition, people can try exotic foods, listen to music they have never heard before, and learn about traditions specific to different countries. In life, the lessons that they learn will stay with them, making sure they are a lot more educated and open people than you were at the beginning of the year.

Finally, there is no better choice than to pursue a course overseas or study a foreign language. It is always interesting to learn a foreign language, and it is always a smarter option to learn a new language abroad where it is commonly spoken rather than in their country. The explanation for this is that the language they are involved in studying might not be as well versed by their nearby teacher, which may hamper your learning method. They end up preferring the diction, pronunciation, grammar, and terminology much easier than learning it from their home country by learning a language abroad. Most specifically, because of their realistic exposure to the language on a daily basis, they end up mastering the language much quicker and more effectively.

In conclusion, there are many great reasons for studying abroad. The first reason is increasing employment opportunities. The second reason is to gain cultural experiences. The third reason is to study a foreign language. Although studying abroad presents wonderful possibilities for a better future, there are also obstacles that we need to do our hardest to solve what happened to make our dream come true. In the beginning, it could be complicated for them. However, after a few difficult years, they will reap the benefits. Anyway, if students know what they are getting into and choose a destination they would love, the smartest option they will ever make is to study abroad. In addition, it will certainly be a life-changing opportunity when you develop a global mindset after studying abroad


  1. Is Study Abroad THAT Important? 2018, Go Overseas, viewed 30 September 2020.
  2. ‌What’s the advantage to study abroad? – Quora n.d.,, viewed 30 September 2020, .
  3. ‌The Benefits of Studying Abroad 2018,, viewed 30 September 2020.
  4. ‌Essay Tigers n.d., Essay Tigers, viewed 30 September 2020.
  5. ‌ Studying Abroad Essay – 1520 Words | Bartleby 2014,, viewed 30 September 2020,
  6. 2020,, viewed 30 September 2020,

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