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HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from chemical and physical hazards in the production process that can cause the unfinished product to be unsafe. Cross-contamination is a transfer of harmful bacteria from one substance to another, it causes microorganisms to food that may also occur when raw food touches cooked foods. Covid19 and food safety, Covid 19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus that was identified in 2019 and it can spread easily. Students in the lab kitchen should know about these kinds of diseases for them to keep safe including food in the kitchen.
Today the way of living has totally changed because of Covid19 that took place. Now working in a lab kitchen is no longer the same, they are rules that must be followed in terms of safety. Students in the lab kitchen should be aware of these changes as new things are being introduced such as wearing a facemask. The way students can prevent cross-contamination in a lab kitchen is to make sure they separate the equipment. Each type of food should be handled with a separate piece of equipment. The easy method to separate equipment is to use colored cutting boards. They must clean out the sink as well because when you place dishes in the sink, bacteria from the dishes transfer to the sink and bacteria can transfer to other items. Hand washing and sanitizing should also be followed to keep safe and the food must also be washed before being used such as vegetables.
Food safety in a lab kitchen is one the important thing. Students in a lab kitchen should handle and store food in a good way to best reduce the risk of individuals becoming sick from foodborne illness. Maintain a high level of hygiene, especially hand washing with hot water before handling food to ensure that your hands have no germs because germs that cause food poisoning can survive in many places and spread around the kitchen. Store food properly by identifying which foods must be refrigerated. Students in a lab kitchen must also ensure which food requires washing before it is cooked. Making example, vegetables require washing with cold water before they are prepared. It is important to clean any chopping boards and other surfaces that are in contact with food to prevent bacteria from growing in a kitchen, never put cooked food on a chopping board that raw meat has touched unless it is washed.
Damp cloths, sponges, and tea towels tend to be where bacteria grow. It is important to keep them clean all the time to prevent bacteria from spreading. Social distancing in a kitchen lab should be followed by students to prevent coronavirus and students must also avoid touching their faces while dealing with food. If one student is affected by a coronavirus, all students must be checked immediately.
It is very beneficial to know about food safety in general because living a healthy life is one of the best things. Knowing that if food safety and hygiene are not maintained, students in a lab kitchen could become seriously ill with food poisoning and foodborne illness is important. I would recommend food safety in my kitchen to ensure daily healthy family living and that no one gets infected by a certain virus or bacteria. Everyone must keep safe in the kitchen and keep their place clean.
HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from chemical and physical hazards in the production process that can cause the unfinished product to be unsafe. Cross-contamination is a transfer of harmful bacteria from one substance to another, it causes microorganisms to food that may also occur when raw food touches cooked foods. Covid19 and food safety, Covid 19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus that was identified in 2019 and it can spread easily. Students in the lab kitchen should know about these kinds of diseases for them to keep safe including food in the kitchen.
Today the way of living has totally changed because of Covid19 that took place. Now working in a lab kitchen is no longer the same, they are rules that must be followed in terms of safety. Students in the lab kitchen should be aware of these changes as new things are being introduced such as wearing a facemask. The way students can prevent cross-contamination in a lab kitchen is to make sure they separate the equipment. Each type of food should be handled with a separate piece of equipment. The easy method to separate equipment is to use colored cutting boards. They must clean out the sink as well because when you place dishes in the sink, bacteria from the dishes transfer to the sink and bacteria can transfer to other items. Hand washing and sanitizing should also be followed to keep safe and the food must also be washed before being used such as vegetables.
Food safety in a lab kitchen is one the important thing. Students in a lab kitchen should handle and store food in a good way to best reduce the risk of individuals becoming sick from foodborne illness. Maintain a high level of hygiene, especially hand washing with hot water before handling food to ensure that your hands have no germs because germs that cause food poisoning can survive in many places and spread around the kitchen. Store food properly by identifying which foods must be refrigerated. Students in a lab kitchen must also ensure which food requires washing before it is cooked. Making example, vegetables require washing with cold water before they are prepared. It is important to clean any chopping boards and other surfaces that are in contact with food to prevent bacteria from growing in a kitchen, never put cooked food on a chopping board that raw meat has touched unless it is washed.
Damp cloths, sponges, and tea towels tend to be where bacteria grow. It is important to keep them clean all the time to prevent bacteria from spreading. Social distancing in a kitchen lab should be followed by students to prevent coronavirus and students must also avoid touching their faces while dealing with food. If one student is affected by a coronavirus, all students must be checked immediately.
It is very beneficial to know about food safety in general because living a healthy life is one of the best things. Knowing that if food safety and hygiene are not maintained, students in a lab kitchen could become seriously ill with food poisoning and foodborne illness is important. I would recommend food safety in my kitchen to ensure daily healthy family living and that no one gets infected by a certain virus or bacteria. Everyone must keep safe in the kitchen and keep their place clean.
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