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After Brutus, Cassius, and their conspirators murder Caesar and bathe their hands in his blood, they win the mob to their sides. Of course, Brutus tells people, he killed his friend but the friend was a tyrant. Then come and famous funeral oration “Friend, Romans and Countrymen” by Antonius that wins the mob back to Caesar and his supporters. That is a pivotal speech, a hinge upon which the believability of the rest of the plays. Shakespeare uses Julius Caesar to show the audience the inevitable of the person’s character influencing political beliefs and actions.

Shakespeare uses the characters to show that character can be determined by the decision people make. Brutus and the conspirators have to make a choice when their plan to kill Caesar. Brutus says that: “ no personal cause to spurn at Caesar / but for the general” choosing to participate in Caesar’s murder because it will protect the Rome Republic. Brutus makes a choice that benefits the Roman government and the people, he accepts risk for his safety and reputation. He chooses the well-being of the people above him and he completely understands the danger he faces by agreeing to assist in Caesar’s murder. Brutus has a strong relationship with Caesar and he knows that choosing to kill him. Regarding, he is knowing about the success of Rome over his own success and security. Brutus does not worry about Portia on his behalf. Brutus accepts the possibility of his own suffering as the result of Caesar’s murder. And he also knows his action will put Portia in a dangerous situation and that does not deter him. His relationship with Portia is the same as Caesar’s because he is willing to risks for the benefit of Rome. However, he tries to protect Portia and he accepts to betray Caesar to defend the Republic.

And Antony also chooses between selfishness and selflessness when Octavius arrives in Rome. Antony works with Octavius when forming the leader in Rome but his movement joins Octavius in their conflict with Cassius and Brutus revealing other motivations for their partnership. He ensures himself a positive of power after their battle. He makes this decision so he can either remain a part of the threesome after the war or maintain a powerful position under Octavius if he chooses to become the sole leader of the Roman Empire. It is possible about Antony’s true intentions were to strengthen his army and ensure victory, which is a less selfish action. His choice may be selfish but it shifts the audience’s understanding of Antony and his character in the play.

Of two different choice, Brutus and Antony make an interesting choice in the play which show the audience their character and morals. Through that Shakespeare wants to show the audience dramatically the impact of the decisions he or she makes, thus one’s character can be defined by his or her previous choice in the play.

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The political conflict of Julius Caesar portrays the decision as being more complicated than a choice between the correct or incorrect option. Also, Shakespeare wants everyone to know that the leader makes a choice that they believed very best because it is clearly between right and wrong choices.

All the decisions the characters make regarding Caesar’s rule are based on their options and values because they have no way to be sure that one option would be beneficial in the end. Shakespeare uses the controversy over Caesar’s rule and makes a different choice between the two characters.

The interested audience is he uses the story of Julius Caesar’s assassination to illustrate the convulsed relationship between the character of the political leader and the political decisions they make. He shows the people the that the choices the leader makes are strongly impacted by the character. If it is not always obvious, political judgments are rarely made independently of the morals and personal beliefs of the person who made the decisions. Shakespeare wants us to know that leaders make a decision based on what they know, expect, want, and are determined.

The book improves your concentration and imagination. Even you close the book, you are absorbed in the fantastic feeling. A book is a kind of art that gives you a chance to imagine your own world, your own story, what the book is like, and how the plot will go further. The book maybe takes you into a deep silence. It takes you deep into your own imagination. Besides, the movie is a kind of art that has already been created by the director, you also have no chance to imagine something in your own world, because everything is in front of you. The director worries about the audience getting bored in his movie so he makes one scene longer than a particular duration. The movie is just entertainment after the movie you are mostly back to shallowness in a few seconds.

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