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As a child from a struggling family in the western part of Africa, and a first-generation high school graduate, it has always been a challenge to get a good education. Engaging on petty jobs to raise money for college as a teenager, getting married to an active duty military (US Army) man and eventually having to move overseas which is so far away from home; being a mother of three kids, dealing with deployment and having to raise kids basically by myself while in college; moving from one place to another with my husband for his Military assignments; have all affected my educational journey in a great way. The more challenging it is to reach my goal, the more motivated I am to acquire the potentials that will enable me to go even higher for a better and professional outcome in my career.
Nurses play a vital role in the well-being of a community. The wish to make the highest education in nursing is mostly applicable to nurses who want, not only to give care to patients; but also competent enough in providing and promoting preventive measures for health promotion and ensuring high-quality patient care. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2015), “A change in providing care through assessment, clinical ways, and behavioral interventions, promotes quality patient care”. With Advance nursing practice around the health care system, patient-centered care is safer, more effective, and most desirable evidence-based practice.
Pursuing my DNP degree in the psychiatric nurse practitioner program with the University of South Alabama will increase my understanding of caring for the population am most passionate about, as well as give me the tools needed to be successful in delivering excellent and effective behavioral health services that engage the people in this population with complex needs in recovering from their mental and physical health, as well as realizing the great potentials of hope and dreams for their future. Encounters during my clinical rotations, made me realize that my interest in this population is a calling. Becoming a registered nurse has been an inspiring experience working with this population. Each individual telling their recovery stories while transitioning back into the community; uniquely motivates me, and equipped me even more in trying to acquire more knowledge to nurture the caregiver technique, and to keep having better and more successful stories in years to come.
During my shopping at a mall sometime, I met a former patient I took care of during my clinical rotation. She walked towards me and said, and I quote, “You shined a ray of light in my darkness, I thought I wanted to die, there was no reason to live anymore, but you came and took all that negative burden away, and made me believe in myself and my potentials again”. It was an emotional moment for me, but I managed to be strong throughout that meeting. Those words made me feel like a professional advocate who will always be there for a patient, and that moment was one of the reasons I decided to pursue a degree in advanced nursing practice in psychiatry.
In conclusion, Education they say is the key to success, I also believe it to be a ladder to a better understanding of one’s anticipated career in the future. my undergraduate studies revolve around a deep innate desire of going to graduate school and a lifelong interest in becoming a doctor someday. am a compassionate professional with a genuine love of helping others. I have always wanted a career I will excel in and be able to use the characteristics of my existence; being a nurse has completed that puzzle for me. I have been praised by patients, and hospital administrators for my enthusiasm to make patients and students feel safe and secure. I would be thrilled to gain more professional ethics from being a student at the University of South Alabama.
I have no doubt you will find my credentials and experience worthy of this Program, and that I would be a good addition to the outstanding students graduating from the University of Alabama. Please contact me at your convenience to set up an interview. I look forward to hearing from the admission committee. Thank you for your time.
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