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Feeding The Hungry Food is one of the most essential parts of life and without it, there is no life. It may seem like an afterthought in the United States and some of the bigger countries to have something to eat but it is not like that for the rest of the world. People who live in poor countries that are on the verge of collapse and are battling wars or have other ecological problems do not have the luxury of going to the supermarket to find out what they want to eat for dinner.

Millions of people spend all of their hard work and time into what they eat just so that they can provide for their families. As a country that has these luxuries and lives a life knowing there will always be food at the end of the day, it is up to us to make sure that we can help out people in need so that they don’t go hungry.People that live in poor countries did not choose to live a life of poverty and hunger and decide that they wanted to always be in need. They may not have had a chance to leave their country to try and find a better life somewhere else because of corrupt governments or the dangers of war. They do not deserve to be in poverty and have to raise their family in a life of poverty. It is up to us to provide the resources that poor countries lack so that people may have a chance to live a life without hunger.

In America, 12.9% of the population has no access to food which is a big percentage for a country. In the world, one of the main reasons there is hunger is poverty, this happens in every single part of the world with no exception. The majority of the people who live in poverty are always in hunger. It may sound obvious but some poor people are not able to feed themselves because of the resources that are in their environment. Also, in some developing countries, there is not much land to grow to supply the country with resources. Another reason why people are starving is because of the lack of jobs or job instability; it happens a lot when the economy is really bad and the country can barely find a job or if they find it does not pay much. Even if the economy goes up, people that went to jail can find it hard to find a job or getting any money at all. Single parents with no childcare options also struggle to find a job and take care of their children at the same time which leads to not having food.

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Smallholder Farmers from small countries or even from the united states that have a family that depends on their farm can also find it hard in some seasons to eat, in their “hungry season” which is after the harvest season they run out of food and start to cut meals or even stop eating at all. Sometimes it may be hard or impossible to transport food and supplies from a place to another because of poor infrastructure, even when in the same country a state or region could have a lot of resources but, because of some roads being so poor and dangerous it could be impossible to deliver food to the people living in their same country.Climate change is a big factor in why people are in hunger, the reason it is a big factor is that it is damaging the food and water in many ways. This has affected many countries where they depend on the crops they grow. When the average temperatures change or extreme weather happens, many crops can be damage and money and food decrease. This means some zones will stay without food and will not be able to buy or even get any type of food. When there is war, an effect of that is extreme hunger from small communities.

The poor people barely get any attention from the government and their homes get destroyed, communities have to wait for their houses to be reconstructed and that could take a long time. A good example is Venezuela, because of their economic war being caused by political corruption and the violation of human rights food, medicine and supplies are super short. This is a really bad problem because people are starving, places are closing and there is barely any food in the country.Progress against hunger and impoverishment rarely happens when the economy is really good, however economic process alone doesn’t make sure that prosperity is loosely shared. Each country, despite its wealth, has discrimination woven into its social material. Disadvantaged groups tend to be left the furthest behind. In most countries, these are racial, ethnic, or non-secular minorities. Among all of those groups, ladies and women are a lot of deprived than their male counterparts. Discrimination is why ladies farmers in developing countries labor with fewer productive resources than their male counterparts, why ladies altogether sectors of the economy earn but men, and why women are a force out of college to figure or to marry.Even though there are a lot of causes of world hunger, there are ways to help these problems.

One of the biggest solutions for world hunger is the food donations that people do. These food donations come from many charity organizations, schools, private donations, food banks and more. This is a very good and easy way to help the people in need, also it is one of the biggest ways that people are getting food from. Experts say that if some cities build indoor/outside farms throughout the cities could be a major help in world hunger. They say it could help up to 10 billion people throughout the world and the crops would just depend on the weather. Another way to help this problem is by poor countries getting help from other countries, I think that if rich countries like the United States or Canada help the countries in need it would be easier for everyone and it could reduce world hunger.  Social change is very onerous and can not manifest itself nightlong. However, several social problems, like war, create a basic downside to halting world hunger. Ideally, this may happen once world powers, like u. s. and plenty of western European nations, like better to specialize in the determination of these problems rather than exasperating them. However, this will solely begin once folks in developed nations begin to worry concerning those problems further and pressure their governments to be productive in ending the conflict.Education is the best weapon against economic conditions and hunger. it’s particularly powerful in underdeveloped countries. Education suggests that higher chance and additional access to financial gain and food. in addition, some countries have food-for-education programs wherever students are given free food for returning to highschool. this could seem to be a basic plan within the U. S., however, it’s life-saving in several underneath developed nations.

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