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Using smartphones while walking has become quite risky for people’s safety. The people who use smartphones while walking on roads are at life’s higher threat than people who do not prefer to use them, so it needs to a solution. There comes a danger alert feature that alert people while walking if anything is coming in their path like a vehicle and can detect another obstacle like not small stones it detects little bit big stone etc. if we see there are a number of application in smartphone and implementation of devices for the safety but this is also one of the features that are really helpful to the pedestrians. This feature work on artificial intelligence and uses a camera that is Omni directional and attaches to the mobile at the front side and then connects to the mobile by Bluetooth, people can see the front and back easily and it alerts the people for safety by giving the notification. People who use this feature can handle the situation better as now they will be aware of the environment.
Road accidents know days are a major issue worldwide. As a number of Smartphones are been manufactured day by day, and these have Smartphone-based applications i.e. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Gmail, etc and most people have made their all routine activities dependent on mobile phones like office work, online education, etc. In this sense we had more usage of phones more in our everyday life, if we are in walking on the road, on stairs, etc. continuous Smartphone usage has been increasing which causes effect pedestrian’s attention. There are more chances of collision with any person or object while walking on the road. As we see from the report that the world health organization gave of 2018 is that globally the number of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million, the most people that are been injured are between the ages of 5-29. The risk of injuries increases significantly when pedestrians are distracted by their Smartphones while walking. Although walking is good for our physical health and mental benefits, using Smartphones during walking on the road can lead to injuries. Many of the solutions to this problem were introduced by many researchers like a device was given to hold with a mobile and wear a bag which was containing machines of that device so this was a heavy procedure for the edged people it became difficult to wear a heavy bag and also hold the device while going outside for walking. Other devices also came researchers were very conscious of this problem because no device that was implemented, was not user-friendly. So this research paper danger alert gives another idea a self-contained Smartphone provided with a peripheral Omni directional camera. The prototype consists of a Smartphone in which an Omni directional lens is fitted, which shows full 360 fronts, and back surroundings and has the ability to give a notification whenever any obstacle is coming near or whenever a collision is being with other pedestrians. This device is attached to the front of the mobile. Active use of the mobile camera extends the mobile’s limited field of sight.
Literature review
For many years, many researchers are giving focused on this problem. Obstacle detection and avoidance research have been more day by day in the field of intelligent vehicles and robotics. If we see the collision with objects and other pedestrians had been more because people are using mobile while walking in the streets, it has become so much more dangerous for people. The result of the survey also proves that people use mobile and do walk simultaneously, 45% of the people had experienced a collision with an object or other pedestrians. So much of the research had proved that walking and using mobile simultaneously increase the chances of the collision of the user with dangerous objects. Distracted walking impacts the user’s safety. People using a cell phones while walking are at big risk. Many researchers had given the devices like handheld devices, cameras, built-in sensors, etc for the safety of pedestrians. In 2012 the author of walk safe gave an application for pedestrians’ safety and in this, it uses a back camera to detect while walking and if there is any critical situation it alerts the person [1]. Then in 2013, the author of the crash alert gave the peripheral alertness for eye-busy mobile interaction while walking. In this, a system that augments mobile devices with a depth camera provides distance and location visual cues of obstacles on the user’s path [2]. In 2017 the author uses phone sensors to enhance pedestrians’ safety [3]. In 2018 the author gave pedestrian walking safety based on smartphone built-in sensors [4]. These were the previous research that the researchers had done for the user’s benefit. AS latest observation proves that, people who are involved in eye-busy walking i.e. mobile usage while walking are less safe while crossing streets than those who do not use. The danger alert device that we are giving can also enhance the safety of the user and after the results, many of the users are in favor of this device.
Danger alert capabilities
The capabilities of this device are that it recognizes the object around the device and also recognizes the user activity surrounding the device. The implementation of these features is by using openCV4 android.
To understand the problem more deeply and clearly, an online survey has been conducted us. We collected the data from 30 people, including males and females. The audience was asked only six main questions like were asked whether they check the notification immediately or not during walking and crossing the road, the other thing did they experience the collision with objects while busy-eyes during the walk. After replying to these types of questions from users, we analyzed the input of the users and checked percentages generated by the google form service.
After conducting a survey we concluded that 58.3% of people use their mobile while walking on roads, and 20.8% of people expressed their view as that they do not use their mobiles while walking. 47.6% of people said that they immediately check the notifications, 42.9% said that they check sometimes immediately and sometimes later but only 9.5% said they do not check the notifications immediately or ignore the notifications while walking. 90% of people said that using mobile while walking is not safe but still we use them. 45% of people said that they had collisions with objects while eye-busy in the mobile during walking, and 15% said sometimes they have collisions and sometimes not. But a big portion of the audience that was 85%, agreed that there should be a future device we can say a smartphone that alerts for an object while walking so that pedestrians should feel safe.
The results of the survey clearly indicate that people who use mobile phones while walking are at higher risk. The majority had a collision with the object while walking because they did not concentrate on the surroundings and what going on. This is a very critical problem for pedestrians, so this paper gives the solution which is the danger alert. This feature will let the pedestrian know about front and back if any object is coming and save us from a collision.
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