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The United Kingdom has a low power distance and uncertainty avoidance score, a high individualism and masculinity score. Decision making in the United Kingdom is centralized and safety is mandatory by law. Group rewards in the United Kingdom improve teamwork and individual are important that you acknowledge who goes the extra mile. Informal relationships in the United Kingdom are what make the organization work well. There are many cultural highlights that take place in the United Kingdom. The communication style used in the United Kingdom is indirect and to improve communication with locals you should learn words of their language. During negotiations in the United Kingdom, they use distributive techniques. Throughout this paper it will explain the culture of the United Kingdom and how to negotiate.

Cultural Environment

Power distance is defined as people in communities are not alike and direct perspective of culture in relation to prejudice among us. The United Kingdom is approximated to have a power distance of 35, which is considered to be decreasing due to communities thinking that prejudice among humans needs to be reduced (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Analyst display power distance index as decreasing among people who have more money compared to those with less money.

Uncertainty avoidance is defined as a community that handles that the time to come cannot at any time be recognized. The United Kingdom is approximated to have an uncertainty avoidance of 35, which is considered to also be decreasing as a society they are truly delighted to begin their day without being aware of what may happen and are delighted to adjust their schedules if needed (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). People here are also relaxed in questionable settings. There are few regulations in their communities, but people that are present are clung to. In a business environment, this leads to preparation that is not organized or specific, but the concluding objective is straightforward besides the specifics of how reach that point and reside of less preparation horizons. A mixture of highly egoistical and interested population is an increasing degree of artistry and an intense need for change.

Individualism is defined as individuals that are presumed to want what is best for them and their close family members. In collectivist communities, individuals are affiliated collectively that look out for them to receive trust. The United Kingdom is approximated to have a number of 89, which is an increasing number (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). These people are highly egoistical and keep to themselves. Young kids are instructed from when they are little to look after yourself and search for what their particular intention in life and how to simply give back to the community. Peace of mind is found through their individual achievement.

A high score in masculinity signifies that the community will be directed by rivalry, goals reached, and prosperity. A low score in feminine signifies superior principals in communities are cherishing people. The United Kingdom is approximated to have a number of 66, which is a masculine community (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). They are very rewarding, motivated, and are sometimes misunderstood.

Decision making in the United Kingdom is centralized (Hambleton, 2016). Management approaches are subjected to a transformation so multiple approaches are present. Managers seek harmony and make an anxious effort to get people’s opinions and remarks prior to a resolution being attained, but the manager will always make the final resolution. Collaboration is valuable in the United Kingdom. They think that the greatest thoughts and resolutions come from shareholders gathering to talk about problems and would like the top individual to generate the decision (Hambleton, 2016). Managers congratulate their workers as not as it is not in front of a crowd. Inferiors await achievements to be acknowledged and documented but find it to be apprehensive if the congratulations are overdone.

Safety is mandatory by law in the United Kingdom to look after workers from anything that could cause injuries and should describe what may bring about injuries or risk (Health and Safety Executive, 2019). Also, determine how probable is an individual to be injured, get rid of the risk, and regulate it. Search the work area and determine what can bring out the injuries. Some employees have particular fulfillments that need to be monitored like junior workers, immigrants, pregnant women, and individuals who have disabilities risk (‘Health and Safety Executive’, 2019). It is essential to include you workers as much as possible. Have regulations into place to refrain from as many injuries as you can. Also, document your data, go over the regulations put into place and ensure that they are active.

Group rewards in the United Kingdom improve teamwork because it is key to go above and beyond to accomplish their objectives or workers run the chance taken of seeing your assurance to collaboration as nothing compared to them trusting you (Brown, 2008). Presenting group rewards has a meaningful impact on organization ethics and integrity. When you present a group of workers a reward for accomplishing a cumulative objective, you are showing support to each person involved to stand by a shared objective. Show support to all individuals who work hard and exchange ideas because they partake in the same outlook. Individual rewards in the United Kingdom are defined as when an individual is providing to more, which it is important that you acknowledge who go the extra mile in assisting their group member to accomplish the objectives or goals you have put into place (Brown, 2008). Be a leader to everyone that it is possible to work hard and those who do will be rewarded. Managers in the United Kingdom use rewards to assist individuals who are under and overachieving (Brown, 2008).

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Informal relationships in the United Kingdom are what make the organization work well. People do not get conditions determined in informal relationships but is those that create advanced ideas. Academic and policy fields are worried that the nation’s restrictions in national strategy making resume (Hambelton, 2016). Formal organizations have been labeled as additional places of critical lack of success. The presence of these has assisted the informal organizations that protected the nation’s national security commanding to perform more by enforcing more authorities comprehensible while maintaining flexibility (Hambelton, 2016). The historical direction has been expanding formal centralization in search of comprehensible plan of action between unalike state agencies, followed by informal efforts between important people within institutions to recover critical planning. In formal organizations, these pathways are legitimate like written law, regulations of the government, and conduct. In informal organizations, this is not how things operate (Hambelton, 2016). Informal organizations can counterpart formal organizations, having a central duty in maintain them and embellishing their productivity (Hambelton, 2016). Some informal organizations supply a generous duty by building and developing encouragement to act in a fashion that changes the nominal effects of formal ones, but without openly breaking the law, they counter the spinet, but not reports of formal regulations.

Cultural Highlights

There are many cultural highlights that take place in the United Kingdom. First, take care of their work colleagues as the US except, if you are sure that they are from the United Kingdom, or else you will take a change insulting them and beginning your first contact on a bad start (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Second, they have a belittle, sharp-tongue or bitter way of showing their jokes and comprehending the true definition can be difficult. Third, when greeting someone for the very first time, shake and create eye contact with that person then do it again at the end when departing (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Fourth, when also greeting someone make small talk, do not be too innovative or bold. Fifth, it is considered mannerly to be a slightly not on time for public activities such as a banquet. Next, scholarly labels in names are not commonly used, so saying or writing yours can be seen as cocky (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Outside of work, if you are welcomed into a person’s house, you should take a present for the host.

Cross-Cultural Negotiations

The communication style used in the United Kingdom is indirect (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Strongly refrain from disagreements and take all essential parts to continue to be mannerly when talking. Indirect remarks that unclearly define their words without causing a disturbance (British Culture – Communication, 2016). Individuals frequently need to read between the lines because what is spoken can be misinterpreted of what is really said. If integrity causes pain, it needs to be toned down, delicate and meddling is expected to comprehend. Formal communication is having manners and composed with tension rules of conduct (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Emotionally restricted is defined as feelings defamed as unethical, loyalty and prospect refined through emotional elimination. Task oriented is defined as duties divided from the individual. Handle the company’s problems or interest first then speak to one another about unrelated topics (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Creating private connections is overpowered to completing the task. Single-focused is defined as being honest and credible. Being too noisy can be invasive, disrespectful and rude.

Improving Communicating with Locals

To improve communication with local you should learn words of their language, if you don not already speak it such as the basics. Shake hands when meeting with long-established friends or a person you are meeting informally (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Female long-established friend welcome one other with a kiss on the cheek. Do not say someone’s first name except if you are directed to. Do not speak loudly in social settings. Do not feel insulted if you are referred to as dear, honey, love, mate, guy or son (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016).


During negotiations in the United Kingdom, they use distributive techniques (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Individuals may accentuate close results over long-term goals, and they are more concerned in establishing long-term connections than in executing fast deals. It is better to administer negotiations in the United Kingdom with a group of negotiators compared to awaiting on people. This leads to stronger connections being made.

Attitudes and styles are together combined issues resolving process (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Primary negotiation style is defined as being unified, and individuals can be open to negotiating if seen beneficial in to progress negotiation onward, accept the win-win approach, want you to exchange their loyalty. Sharing data is defined as substantial time collecting data and talking about specifics prior to reaching the bargaining part of the negotiation, which is a way on gaining someone loyalty as well (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). It would be an error to use shocking tactics because they may see that as not proper or wrongful. The speed of negotiation in established businesses proved a lot of time and non-established businesses are much quicker.

When negotiating, work through the goals as listed and they will not allow someone to return to parts that have already been discussed. Do not try to delay negotiations for your purpose to win to classify other possible choices or to build time pressure at another time in to acquire concessions (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). Bargaining is trying to conquer the opposite opponents and aim to negotiate an equal game. They would rather negotiate somewhat genuine and truthful. Use deceptive approaches every now and then and use pressure approaches if they can be used in a non-confrontational way (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016). They are pleased to make little agreements and when you keep on creating concluding offers it can imply humiliation and bitter remarks. Refrain from offensive tactics and always stay relaxed and not overwhelmed. Beginning with written offers and presenting written circumstances can be useful tactics that could decrease the time in the bargaining process (‘British Culture – Communication’, 2016).


The United Kingdom has a low power distance and uncertainty avoidance score, a high individualism and masculinity score. Group rewards in the United Kingdom improve teamwork and individual are important that you acknowledge who goes the extra mile. Informal relationships in the United Kingdom are what make the organization work well and there are many cultural highlights that take place in the United Kingdom. The communication style used in the United Kingdom is indirect and to improve communication with locals you should learn words of their language. During negotiations in the United Kingdom, they use distributive techniques.


  1. British Culture – Communication. (2016). Retrieved from Cultural Atlas website:
  2. Brown, D. (2008). Measuring The Effectiveness of Pay and Rewards: The Achilles’ Heel of Contemporary Reward Professional. Compensation and Benefits Review, 40(5), 23-41.
  3. Hofstede Insights (2019). United Kingdom – Hofstede Insights. Retrieved from Hofstede Insights website:
  4. Hambleton, R. (2016). The Super-Centralization of the English State – Why We Need to Move Beyond the Devolution Deception. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 32(1), 3-13.
  5. Health and Safety Executive. (2019). Risk Assessment: Steps Needed to Manage Risk. Retrieved from website:
  6. Insights, I. B. (2020). The Disastrous Confusion At The Heart Of The UK Government’s Response to COVID-19. Retrieved April 18, 202, from Forbes website:

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