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The education system is a problem that needs to be addressed because education is very important. Many jobs require certain degrees and certain knowledge to get the job. Only 36% of Americans end up graduating college, and about 6,211,000 Americans end up unemployed. This needs to be fixed.

Today’s school focuses on test taking, but in the future, most jobs will be automated, so successful people will have to be curious, innovative, and adaptable. Don’t believe me? Maybe you’ll believe the 1,500 executives who said: “Creativity is the most important leadership skill”. People won’t be hired by their knowledge or whether they memorized a fact. They’ll be hired by what they can do with their knowledge. By finding a creative solution to real-world problems, not by following instructions or directions or bubbling in multiple-choice questions.

The way school is now, many people don’t get employed or have a chance at higher education, so do we even need it? Do you own an iPhone or MacBook? They both were created by a dropout. Social media like Snapchat, WhatsApp, YouTube, and Facebook were all created by dropouts. Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of Ikea, never went to school at all. It’s not only people today, many idolized people in history were dropouts. Sure, there’s Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Michael Dell, but there’s also Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Mark Twain, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. I’m not saying dropout, I’m saying what we’re learning now isn’t so important in the future. We shouldn’t be learning how to do robotic tasks because nobody can do a robot’s job better than a robot.

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Students have trouble in school, and it’s not their fault. Everyone learns differently and at different paces. Everyone is interested in different things and has different strengths, needs, hopes, and dreams. Scientists will say no two brains are the same, so why are we teaching all students the same thing, in the same way? If a doctor prescribed the same medicine for every patient, the outcome would be tragic. Having everybody sit in the same room and listen to useless information that won’t help them in the future is pointless. Obviously, reading and basic math are needed, but is knowing about tectonic plates and the powerhouse of the cell more important than self-care, self-control, and emotional health?

The education system needs to change, and quickly. The longer it stays the way it is, the longer it deprives students of a greater future. Today’s school puts so much stress on students that it completely changes them. If it’s a safe place for learning, then why do students avoid eye contact with the teacher so they don’t get called on? They don’t raise their hand for fear of being wrong. Not to mention, school and its educational ways haven’t changed in over a century. To me, this raises a couple of red flags. Today’s school prepares children for working in a factory. Sit in neat, straight lines, raise your hand to speak, short time to eat, and talk to friends.

Another thing we should change in schools is all the tests we have to take. Frederick J. Kelly, the man who invented standardized tests, even said: “These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned”. Tests may be 70% of our grade, but there is 0% of our future. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have structure, but maybe not so strict. Take Finland for example, shorter school days, no homework, focuses on collaboration rather than competition, and its education system ranks higher than every other country in the world.

So, it is obvious that the current education system needs changes. This education should not only be about learning and grades but also about leadership and art. We should use our time wisely, but we spend six brutal hours of our lives in school, and that’s probably the worst time management ever. Students are 20% of the population, but 100% of the future. We must do everything we can to help change education for the better.

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