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I’m going to talk about Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar was born around the time of the industrial revolution and he was an American writer, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and macabre. Edgar was best known for his poem including the raven and a valentine. Edgar’s life is dark and he portrays that in his poems. He was dark, depressed, and death bound. Edgar links his life and his ideas, attitudes, and values to his work. The main points are will talk about are the link between his life and work and also about two of some of the most influential poems of all time which are the raven and a valentine.

Edgar Allen Poe had quite a sad life as he lost the love of his life and losing his parents at age 3. Edgar, probably knew he was going to die as everything and everyone he has ever loved has died around him that’s why he wrote so dark. He was distraught inside and that is how his attitude underpinned his work but these moments in his life have produced some of the best poems and short stories.

Edgar shows a lot of emotion when he writes because they are about his life and the moments that have changed his life. The word nevermore in the raven leaves the reader feeling sad. Edgar uses this word to set the tone for the poem. The poem is about a man grieving for the love of Lenore. You can see that he is not well. He wants to read to get his mind off losing her, the love of his life, only for the raven to come and talk to him. The raven would say nevermore again and again and you can see the unending despair in the man. The raven itself represents the sadness the man feels. The man is so sad that the never-ending words from the raven, echo his sadness in the poem. The raven is very symbolic as the bird is very dark and it takes place at night and it shows how he is feeling which is very dark.

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The Raven is one of the most well-known poems ever. There are many parodies of the raven, especially with the creepy bird. In the raven, Edgar employs a gothic ambiance to explore feelings of depression, grief, and negativity. According to Edgar, he began writing The Raven to produce a singular emotion. He then chose melancholy as the most persuasive emotion, death as the most melancholic experience, and the death of a beautiful woman as the most heart-rending variety. The speaker is always trying to choose loneliness over pain as he is so hurt by losing his lover. The raven also shows a thirst for self-torture. Depression is a major part of the poem and it shows the grief and depression someone will have for the rest of their life after losing a loved one.

There are many poetic devices in this poem including similes like “on the morrow, he will leave me as my hopes have flown before” and many metaphors as well like “And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming.” The poem also shows rhyme, alliteration, and repetition which shows the representation of how horrible the setting is. All this sets the tone for the story. As you read it you can see that the narrator is going crazy and wants to know the truth about the questions he asks. The poetic devices used give the reader a view that the narrator is losing his mind as the poem starts to accelerate.

Edgar Allen Poe’s a valentine is a poem about the woman he loves Frances Sargent Osgood, but he is too afraid to tell her because she is married. A Valentine is an acrostic poem as her name is hidden in the poem. A Valentine shows similes, metaphors, and rhyme. This is one of the most famous love poems written by Edgar. It is a beautiful and romantic poem about his lover and that is why it is still around today. Similes and metaphors show the meaning of just how much Edgar loved her. He shows this by calling her a treasure “that must be worn at heart”. Frances is very important to Edgar.

Edgar Allen Poe always wrote about his real-life experiences whether it is about the loss of his family or about the loss of his lover or the secret love he has for his lover. This is why Edgar Allen Poe is so brilliant in all his poems because they are very dark and real poems. Edgar not only had an impact on American literature but also on the world.

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