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Fast fashion is producing super fast clothes at low prices and cheap fabrics and People are always looking for new fashion and the latest trends, but have these people thought about how to make these things and how to get rid of them that can destroy the environment around us and it can cause a lot of harm to animals and humans?. We live in a world of fast fashion at the lowest cost and quality of cheap fabrics used in making these clothes and people become obsessed with buying clothes. A lot of people do not know the downside of fast fashion and they have to stop consuming fast fashion. However, this paper will talk about the impact of fast fashion on the environment, human health and employees.
Fast fashion leads to environmental pollution in many different areas such as water pollution, air pollution and land pollution resulting from the garment industry. Water pollution is caused by the use of freshwater in dyeing fabrics, where dyeing fabrics is considered the second largest polluter of fresh water in the world, and this leads to the spread of many diseases and the death of animals that may be exposed to death due to drinking water containing chemicals due to dyes, and also to produce different types of Fabrics such as cotton, which require large amount of freshwater, where 200 liters of water produces about 1 kg of cotton. Fast fashion leads to air pollution due to the export, import, and transport of goods through the use of cars airplane and other vehicles that emit gases lead to air pollution, and do not forget the factories as well, which make different type of fabrics such as polyester and nylon, which requires a large amount of energy and crude oil produces serious emissions On the environment because of its formation on volatile organic compounds and acid gases where one pound of nitrous oxide has an effect of 300 times the carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect and this is only to make nylon. Millions of trees are cut each year to make different types of fabric, which leads to an imbalance in the environment because the trees have a significant role in air purification and oxygen production.
Can you imagine that fabrics can affect human health and lead to many different types of diseases? Fast fashion clothes that contain and made of many of the chemicals used to make these cheap clothes fabric like polyester, nylon, and acrylic that can affect the health of people exposed to face a different type of allergies and eye irritation as it contains formaldehyde anti-wrinkle. Many types of fabrics can adversely affect the human body, especially people that have sensitive bodies are more likely to face a problem with wearing this type of fabric that contains substance that leads to skin irritant, and when the body comes into contact with these chemicals and absorbed the bad substance that is used in clothes can lead to cancer or skin diseases it maybe lead to fungal diseases and inflammation of the hair follicles caused by bacteria caused by sweating.
The workers in the factories are exposed to many risks and difficulties in their lives. Different ages of males and females teenagers and children working under hard conditions forced by a difficult life and. Factory workers suffer from physical illnesses due to the living environment and long working hours that cause pain in muscles and joints and also lead to respiratory diseases due to dust and smoke from the workplace, That causes stress and tired for workers and we see this only in poor countries like Bangladesh. Factories are one of the most dangerous places for many workers due to poor construction. In 2013, the number of dead in Bangladesh in a factory reached 1129 due to the erosion of the building where they worked. Factory workers are face to many problems, especially women who are subjected to harassment through their managers at work or even their colleagues, which forces women to silence only to earn money for their children and also the deprivation of taking any rest at work or taking maternity leave and lack of a clean toilet for them this leads to diseases, especially in the uterus diseases. Also, children who are subjected to abuse, cruelty and sexual harassment, many of them who left school to earn money for him and his family, factory children spend about 19 to 20 hours a day working hours continuously even most of them are forced to eat, sleep and taking shower in the factory. And all these employees get a low salary.
In conclusion, recent years we have seen a great demand for clothes, especially cheap ones brought from fast fashion, Fast fashion has a negatively affects in several areas as has been shown above, fast fashion destroy the environment, affect the human health and took worker’s right. We should stop supporting fast fashion and it’s time now to save our environment and save our health and give workers their rights to live.
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