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Some of the goals people make are unrealistic. We do not fully understand how diets work and have things twisted. When we look at others for inspiration, the things they do might not work for you. The reality is when we shift our focus on to someone else; it is valuable time wasted. A model might be a double 0, while you are a 6 in jeans. Just because you are different size doesn’t mean you’re unhealthy. We have to be realistic when we think about things. We can admire someone for who they are and want to be like them, but still, make tweaks in your life to become satisfied. Yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling is the pattern of losing weight, regaining weight and then dieting again. Dieting is bad for your mental and physical health. Dieting makes food the center of your life.
Unhealthy diets contribute to almost 678,000 deaths a year, which results in poor nutrition, and obesity-related diseases, such as heart diseases, cancer, and type 2 diabetes, skyrocket. The American diet is high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars. We don’t consume enough healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, calcium, and fiber. When your body fluctuates, so much, so often, you’re more susceptible to eating more than you would, before dieting. Dieting can also be dangerous because those can experience, loss of muscular strength and endurance, decreased oxygen utilization, thinning hair, loss of coordination, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, fainting, weakness, and slowed heart rates. Dieting can also affect your mind because when you restrict calories, you limit your energy, which can restrict brain power. Medical studies were conducted and have shown that people on diets have a slower reaction time, and a lack of ability to concentrate that people who aren’t on diets.
Diets don’t work, and they affect both your physical and mental health. When weight fluctuation occurs, it brings a host of related side effects that can harm your health. With no surprise, it has been linked to, increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The effect is quite alarming because it has a significant impact on us. We were not born with a calculator to count our calories, but we had a sense of control. We would eat when we were hungry, and we would know when to stop when we felt full. You didn’t know if a piece of fruit was good, bad, or a treat until someone informed you if it was or not. Living in a dieting cycle is like living in a charismatic cult. The leader of the cult usually promises you salvation, so you follow his or her order. You surrender your instincts to follow the leader, and soon enough, you become brainwashed.
While on a diet, you’re always thinking about food. What will you eat for lunch? What will you bring to school or work? What will you bring to a friend’s house? Can you go out to dinner without going over your carb limit? You shouldn’t have to feel restricted to food because it becomes obsessive. You need to focus on the crucial things and not the constant idea of cooking. It is no wonder why food becomes harder to handle. Especially if we see progress and we think if one piece of cake will mess up your whole diet. You are overthinking the situation. If you don’t eat what you want, you most likely to crave it more and more until one day you eat your whole pantry because you starved yourself for so long. Food should not be the best or the worst thing, indeed not the most important thing.
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