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There will always be so many things running through your mind, but your gut feeling is always something you should listen to. Just by having that one gut feeling it can change your attitude on the output and even change your decision. Most of the time it’s for the better and really how your true self is feeling in that moment.

When it comes to your feelings, it helps make decisions easier, and with what they find in that decision by themselves are usually what is in the best interest for them. But sometimes your feelings can undermine your choices which can be the wrong choice in the moment and won’t be helpful with your decisions. Emotions have been playing a crucial role in the process of making any decisions. You can have overall negative and positive feelings with your decisions. People often rely on their feelings when asked about a topic. They consult not by what they thought or what they knew about the topic, but how they felt about the information they knew about the topic. Although a lot of people are told to ‘go with your gut feeling’ and sometimes it sounds silly, but it actually has a lot of upstream outcomes with it. I personally can say that going with my gut feeling has got me out of situations I didn’t want to be in to begin with, but I’ve also been in positions where I didn’t listen to my gut feeling and everything went wrong for me. Till this day, I will always go with my gut feeling because it’s always been a positive outcome for me and for many other people that I know. Between mental states and actions, it will help find that individual mental state of others as more representative of true selves and how others represent their action tendencies. When you understand the mental state more and people’s tendencies, it reveals their true self.

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The true self is so deeply on how your actual self might outwardly, thinking or even act depending on the different situations. Even though your true self to another person might be seen as a residing in feelings. True selves of others see how individuals see their own choices as reflective of their true selves. Sometimes it’s hard being your true self because you don’t want to be judged or be uncomfortable in situations. Although you might have those feelings of being your true self is something you should always want to be. You will connect to your true self and feel stronger felt when able to be yourself. Being yourself enables better and more satisfying decisions. Having that self-love and believing in yourself will always allow yourself to be your true self and making life more meaningful. People utilize their affective reactions for cognitive feedback regarding those thoughts and actions. This will help with positive affects patterns and negative effects, sounding the signals to change course. Being yourself in decision-making lead people to be more certain when it comes to their attitudes regarding people’s options.

People’s attitudes should feel more certain about it because it reflects their true selves. One person’s attitude can seek how you view them each time. The attitude will change the individual opinion on that topic for the better, but sometimes even for the worse. With that attitude it can be betrayed as a strength and how a person views themselves. People should feel more certain about their attitudes regarding options that reflect their true selves. Having that strong attitude will come with respect and to choose your own outcome. You shouldn’t feel like you have to hide your attitude when you believe in something so strongly. That is being true to yourself and not letting anyone make you feel bad for being yourself. A lot of people thing having a bad attitude is always for the worst, but you don’t necessarily have to have a bad attitude when sticking with your gut and not allowing anyone change how you are feeling. I believe that having gut feelings and staying true to yourself plays a huge role in having an attitude because those things reflect on your attitude.

Looking back on what I have learned, I believe that gut choices, being yourself, and attitude play huge a huge role in your life. They shape you into the person you are today and how you view everything in life, it keeps you from holding back and letting people know how your truly feel. Whether it’s for the good or bad, you are never holding things in, letting people effect your decision and staying true to yourself. Knowing that these three topics are important in your life I feel like it will keep you from getting hurt, getting let down, or even not believing in yourself. Once you figure out that is true in you will becomes into a person you love.

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Role of Gut Choice, Being Yourself and Attitude Certainty in Life.
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