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Elie Wiesel is one of the most courageous people because of the death he experienced during the concentration camp h as his father and also being one of the fewest Jewish people to survive the concentration camps. Elie Wiesel has started his own foundation for humanity. He is most known for being a writer and author of one of the most popular nonfiction books night. Night was about Eli Wiesel’s time during the Nazi Era. Elie Wiesel impacted many Jewish people because of how he survived the concentration camps and wrote about his time during the concentration camps.
Elie Wiesel as a person was a Jewish writer, a human rights activist and a Nobel Laureate” (Funk & Wagnalls). “Wiesel, Elie, formal name Eliezer Wiesel (1928-2016), Romanian-born American writer, human rights activist and Nobel laureate” (Funk & Wagnalls). Elie Wiesel studied at lots of different places to pursue his career in becoming a writer after the Nazi regime. “Wiesel was a professor of Judaic studies at City College New York City and since 1976 has been a professor of humanities at Boston University” (Funk & Wagnalls). Elie Wiesel had stayed in a small Hasidic community” (Funk & Wagnalls). Elie Wiesel writes in French, Yiddish, and Hebrew in his works.
Secondly Elie Wiesel’s best characteristics as a person was his powerful speaking skill. “Wiesel spoke for the millions of Jewish people that were killed by the Nazis and continued bereft all over the world “(Wolpe). This research shows how many people Elie impacted and like he says in his own words “it’s like a whisper of eternity” (Wolpe). “They said Elie’s voice had magic, speaking words that were wrung from the suffering of his own soul into the suffering of others” (Wolpe). It’s not that Elie Wiesel was just an average typical speaker that everyone hears he was good speaker that left important messages and which is how he spoke in larger crowds. “He said, his voice was as large as history and as gentle as reaching out to a child and never forgetting him” (Wolpe). When Elie Wiesel is speaking his speeches are sounding like they came from the suffering of his soul and witnessed people being tortured in the holocaust. Ultimately the author talks about how Elie had many good moments and his life and how his speeches are unforgettable and never will be forgotten.
Third Elie Wiesel would not be the same he is today for what he went through during the Nazi era. “He has no idea how he survived. In the begging his soul goal was to protect his father” (Schleier). It’s tragic on how Elie was only 15 when he and his family were transported to Auschwitz. “If God created miracles for me how could I have performed miracles for many others, too who were worthier than I, better than I, Purer than I” (Schleier). Elie never got to see his mother and younger sister after they had got separated. Elie’s father had died 3 months before his concentration camp was liberated, but after his father died he had lost all hope in life. “Men to the left. Woman to the right.” The arrivals were told. “I knew if I died he died” (Schleier).
Overall these terrible things that Elie Wiesel suffered from such as losing and his family members and watching other people die in the concentration camps .did make him a better person and helped him learn from all the downfall of what occurred in his life.
Elie Wiesel shows a lot of importance as a author and survivor of the holocaust. “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven time sealed” (A&E Networks Television). These are what Elie Wiesel would write about in his books such as night. “Hs friend encouraged him to write experiences I a concentration camp” (A&E Networks Television). This is how Elie became and author of another book also called memoirs. Which was about his time during the concentration camps.
Elie Wiesel did go through a lot of hard times in his life, but he also had a lot of achievements. “Wiesel stirred dep emotions at the white house ceremony when he accepted the gold medal of achievement” (Berger). Elie said “he will never forget the days when he saw the little faces of children and bodies turn into wreaths of smoke” (Berger). Elie’s books were normally topics about soviet Jews or Hasidic masters. “Wiesel had a leading role in creating the holocaust museum” (Berger). This is one of his best achievements because now that they have created this museum everyone can learn about the history and get a visual idea of what happened during the holocaust and here other people’s stories.
Elie Wiesel created an prize in ethics contest as well as an organization to solve other conflicts in the world (Global Newswire). “The prize in ethics essay contest is an annual competition that challenges college students to address ethical issues” (Globe Newswire). This counts as an achievement for Elie Wiesel because this will be something that will last for years after he’s gone and will be something continued in remembrance of him. Elie Wiesel also had created his own foundation as well. “The foundations mission is to combat indifference, intolerance, and injustice that promotes acceptance and understanding equality” (Globe Newswire).
All in all, Many Jewish people wouldn’t have been as impacted if it were not for Elie Wiesel and what he went through. Elie Wiesel was able to speak in front of millions of other people and fill them with his unforgettable speeches. He created his own holocaust museum and created a prize in ethics contest that will help prevent problems around the world which continue after his death. Elie Wiesel will be one of the most remembered holocaust survivors because of what he has done and accomplished as a human being.
- “Elie Wiesel.”, A&E Networks Television, 16 Jan. 2019,
- Elie Wiesel, Auschwitz Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dies At 87
- Joseph Berger –
- Lrn. “The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity and LRN Announce Student Winners of the 2018 Prize in Ethics Essay Contest.” GlobeNewswire News Room, ‘GlobeNewswire’, 11 Oct. 2018,
- Schleier, Curt. “Why Elie Wiesel Can Never Forget.” Biography, vol. 3, no. 9, Sept. 1999, p. 68. EBSCOhost,
- “Wiesel, Elie.” Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, Jan. 2018, p. 1; EBSCOhost,
- Wolpe, Rabbi David. “Elie Wiesel.” Time, vol. 188, no. 4, July 2016, p. 13. EBSCOhost,
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