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Thinking about bacteria, the first thing that skip through your mind almost all the time are germs, diseases and illness. But in the actual sense, the body houses trillions of microorganisms that are of good benefits to the body’s health and well-being. As a matter of fact, every single cell in the human body is made of millions of those bacteria. You must have been aware of the “bad” bacteria (pathogens) responsible for people’s illness. However, are you aware of the “good” bacteria that improve health instead? The “good” bacteria responsible for this beneficial effects are called probiotics

Probiotics is derived from the Greek words “pro” and “ biota” meaning “for” and “life”. They are foods or dietary supplements, such as yogurt, containing beneficial microorganism such as live bacteria for therapeutic reasons. Probiotics are fondly referred to as the “good bacteria” due to their various beneficial effect on human’s health such as helping to maintain digestive health and boosting the immune system. The proper definition of probiotics is, ‘live microorganisms which when administered in sufficient amounts yields a health benefit on the host’

They are the live bacteria and yeasts that live in your body and keep your gut healthy. These friendly bacteria wander your intestines and keep your digestive system running smoothly by helping digest food, destroying harmful pathogens and producing vitamins. Probiotics are especially helpful after taking antibiotics, as these antibiotics kill both infectious and healthy bacteria. When healthy bacteria are killed off, the harmful bacteria flourish, often leading to diarrhea or other digestive troubles

Probiotics are bacteria that are found in your digestive tract and help your body to absorb nutrients and fight infections. In the past, humans had an abundance of probiotics in our diets because the food we ate was either fresh or fermented to keep it from spoiling. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case anymore. Refrigeration and dangerous food production techniques like soaking our foods with chlorine, means our foods contain little to no probiotics these days. In fact, most foods actually contain dangerous antibiotics that destroy good bacteria when killing off the bad ones.

Fairly large percentage of all Americans take dietary supplements on a regular basis. Common among them are multivitamin and multi-mineral supplements, but then, probiotics as dietary supplements have received a mixed reception when it comes to its inception into the everyday life of the American populace. Their benefits cannot be overemphasized as their therapeutic values far outweigh any slight side effect that might occur as a result of taking them.

How Do We Choose The Best Probiotics For Women’s Health

Choosing the right probiotics as a woman for your perfect and healthy life is a really pertinent decision that should be taken in a very informed position as there are so many of these so called “good bacteria”. Effort have been put into this article to let you know the right factors to look out for in order to pick the very best out of all the options out there. For certain conditions, you want to ensure you are taking the strains that is most likely to benefit you because different probiotic strains are meant for specific part of the gut. The factors that we go a long way in choosing the best probiotics are as follows:

  • Colony Forming Units (CFU)
  • Viability of microbes
  • Expiry date
  • Quality of supplement
  • Specific Strain for your body’s need.

Colony Forming Units

Colony forming units exist in their billions and are usually present in abundance for their effectiveness to be felt in your gut system. Anything less will not be as potent as it should be. So taking in higher dosage is a plus for you and some probiotics are actually meant to be taken in high dosage. A good and reliable brand specifies the amount of live organisms present and list the exact strain used in their formula. Most probiotics are in the range of 1-2 billions CFU, while some can go as high as 5-6 billions.

Viability of microbes

Viability means that the microbes are still active when you want to use them. The label should specify that the living microbes are viable through out the span of their shelf life or best by date of use rather than at the manufacture alone so as to ensure the bacteria are still live when you take them and able to reach your colon for proper health benefit.

Expiry date

Check for expiration dates of the product to make sure the bacteria is live while you are buying them of the shelf. Make sure to keep them away from moisture and heat which can kill off some of the microbes during storage. You should always store supplements in a cool, dark place but refrigeration is best. Most of the strains of probiotics are fragile and should be protected from heat- so refrigeration is ideal.

Quality of supplement

Quality trumps everything a supplement can offer as it is the case most time that supplement that are a bargain are typically not of the quality you will need for the required health benefit. A good probiotic depending the strain can cost as high as 25 to 60 bucks.

Specific Strain for your body’s need

Certain strains are really helpful with diarrhea and some are really helpful with constipation such as S. cerevisiae. Others are effective in antibiotics-related issues. Strains like Lactobacillus and Streptococcus are used extensively for diarrhea treatment. To boost the immune system, B. Lactis is the right choice to go for. In cases of inflammation and IBS health issues like bloating and abdominal pain, a probiotic supplement with a combination of species including Bifidobacteria is recommended for you.


  • Bowtrol Probiotics
  • Quantum Wellness Restora Flora 50
  • Garden of Life Colon Probiotics
  • Nutrition Essentials Probiotics
  • Floraster Daily Probiotic Supplement
  • Bio Sense Probiotic
  • Renew Life Adult Probiotics
  • Garden of Life Raw Probiotic Ultimate Care
  • Life Extension Florassist Mood
  • Hyperbiotics Pro-15 Probiotics

Product Name: Bowtrol Probiotics

Bowtrol Probiotics is made of an advanced level of formulated ingredient containing 10 billion colony-forming units of “good” bacteria capable of maintaining the balance of your gut, it improves your immune system and eradicates all the non-beneficial cravings of the “bad” bacteria. It is known to contain fourteen specific strains of the “good” bacteria, hence it can efficiently defends your whole system against differs diseases.


  1. Maintaining a Healthy Digestive Balance
  2. Promoting Your Immune System Health
  3. Regulating Your Metabolism
  4. Fighting Fatigue


  1. Complain of stuffing up from certain patients.

Product Name: Quantum Wellness Restora Flora 50

Restora Flora is a very efficient probiotics that contain 50 billion CFU from 12 different bacteria strains with the sole purpose of promoting healthy digestive and immune system. It is worth noting that it is of the highest quality ingredients thereby providing a truly magnificent atmosphere for the support for the body’s bacteria and maintaining the balance of your digestive duct with the aid of probiotics. Restora Flora 50 is great at increasing the absorption rate of pre-biotic intake in the body.


  1. Complete immune system support
  2. Offers digestive system support
  3. Increased absorption
  4. Highest quality of ingredient
  5. Gluten-free, Trans Fat- free, GMO free.


  1. Cases of allergic ingredient from customers

Product Name: Garden of Life Colon Probiotics

Garden of Life Raw Probiotics Colon Care is the ensures the frequent and comfortable movements f colons in your gut. It does this by making sure there is a perfect balance of the right colon in your body and promotes a digestive system that is in great condition for your wellbeing. It is made up of 30 highly potent strains formulated in such a way that it is guaranteed to remain viable at the point of sale and usage. Among its use is the fact that it features strains that promote comfortable colon transit time, elimination of “bad” bacteria to support the immune system.

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  1. Highly potent
  2. Maintain a healthy balance of colon in gut area
  3. Support immune system
  4. Question system support
  5. Contains digestive enzyme supplement


  1. The capsule has no protection, hence some microbes didn’t remain alive
  2. There are cases of allergic ingredient present.

Product Name: Nutrition Essentials Probiotic

Nutrition Essentials Probiotic is effective at treatment of various digestive system health issues such as diarrhea, stomach cramps or aches and constipations. By using Nutrition Essentials Probiotic supplement it is very effective at getting rid of all these painful health issues. It does all these by optimizing your health through its high-formula pills. It also contains a high number of CFUs per serving when compared with other available probiotic in the market.


  1. Helps with bloating issues
  2. Offers natural digestive balance
  3. Increases number of healthy bacteria
  4. Significantly improve immune system


  1. Quality of pills are not consistently good
  2. Missing pills in package

Product Name: Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement

Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement is of viable microbes that’s required to be administered daily. It’s main advantage is the fact that it strengthens your digestive system balance and offers support to the immune system. And it contains a certain strain known as Saccharomyces boulardii lyo and with huge robust cell structure because it enhance the body immune system and the important antibiotic which helps to fend off several possible dangerous bacteria in the body’s gut.


  1. Help you to maintain a healthy digestive balance
  2. Supports your immune system
  3. It is gluten free, none GMO
  4. It continues to work during antibiotic usage


  1. Cases of missing pills reported and it is not helpful for certain medical needs.

Product Name: Bio Sense Probiotic

Bio Sense Probiotics supplement contains 40 billion CFU and is readily available for both men and women. It boost the immune system of the body as a result of its efficient rate of survival in the body. As well as protecting the immune system, it can also help to treat certain symptoms of stomach upset and diarrhea and bowel condition. Bio Sense Probiotics is capable of treating any form of yeast infection in the body. This is because the unhealthy condition created by the yeast is swiftly neutralized by the good bacteria of the probiotic.


  1. Good for the treatment of diarrhea
  2. Protect digestive system
  3. Help with the treatment of yeast infection
  4. Boost immune system


  1. It caused digestive distress for some people with IBS related illness
  2. It is not as effective for certain patients

Product Name: Renew Life Adult Probiotics

Renew Life Ultimate Flora Extra Care Probiotic is a specially formulated supplement with 50 billion CFUs and 12 diligently selected strains such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus helpful in the balance of the digestive system and to ease any form of pain experienced in the gut. By regular intake, it has the ultimate effect of enhancing both the digestive and immune system for overall positive change in your health.


  1. Aids in the relieve of digestive discomfort.
  2. It promotes vaginal health
  3. Support the immune system


  1. Hotness of bottle cause microbe not active
  2. Viability of microbe not up to satisfactory level

Product Name: Garden of Life Raw Probiotic Ultimate care

Garden of Life Raw Probiotic Ultimate Care supplement comprises of 100 billion CFUs that are mostly bifido. This is a sure plus and added gain for the benefit of the gut. The Garden of Life Raw Probiotic is made of carefully crafted High-Bifido formula containing the highly efficient A-Z blend which repopulate the gut with Bifidobacterium after which they might have been depleted as a result of overdose of certain medicine, aging, environmental factor and stress. This makes Garden of Life Raw Probiotics a handy probiotic as your ultimate complementary supplement tasked with the safeguard if your body and achieve balance after any form of depletion might have taken place.


  1. Arrive alive guarantee
  2. Support digestion
  3. Support cleansing
  4. Digestive enzyme supplement
  5. Support immune


  1. Painful rashes broke out in some patients
  2. The product isn’t optimized for all

Product Name: Life Extension Florassist Mood

Life Extension Florassist Mood is a research based supplement with unveiling formula containing new information about the gut and nervous system tasked with the job of improving your mood and overall health. It enhances the various biochemical signals between the gut system and nervous system, thus enhancing your mood after intake.


  1. Improves mood and body relaxation
  2. Aids connection between the gut and brain
  3. Promotes relaxation of nerves
  4. Reduce perceived stress and promote relaxation


  1. There seems to be no change in certain patients cases

Product Name: Hyperbiotics Pro-15 Probiotics

Hyperbiotics Pro-15 Probiotics is an excellent supplement which replenish all form of lost helpful bacteria that might have been lost as a result of several intake of antibiotics drug or day to day activities of the modern day. It’s patented bio-tract protection feature and the timely release delivery are responsible for the safe passage of the probiotic microorganisms through the gastrointestinal tract and therefore ensures that the microbes maintain a survival rate of above 60%. This is a really key feature as most of the microbes are lost in the stomach’s tough environment.


  1. Hyperbiotics has 15 targeted probiotic strains
  2. It is easy to swallow
  3. Has a long shelf life
  4. It does not require refrigeration


  1. Temporary side effects like bloating, gas or mild laxative or constipating effect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Probiotics safe?

Probiotics are safe for every individual as they fight off the bad bacteria in the human gut system and help to improve the immune system of the body through their therapeutic benefits.

How much of Probiotics is effective?

Quantifying probiotics is done by colony forming units (CFU) numbers in their billions. Preferably, the higher the number of CFUs the better when it comes to taking in probiotics. Most of those probiotics product comes in range of 5 to 15 billions in numbers. And there has been no cases of harmful effect on people who had taken probiotic on a large scale.

When shouldn’t you take Probiotics?

You should take probiotic bacteria alongside antibiotics medication, unless taking live cultures supplements which are specifically formulated for taking with antibiotics. You must also consider this when taking probiotics alongside other natural supplements which have an anti-microbial action, anti-fungal medication or natural supplements with anti-fungal properties, as well as immunosuppressant medication. Also speaking with your doctor about it, will be helpful.

Can Probiotics help with skin care and acnes?

Acne and skin spots issues are caused by toxins in the body. Acne-causing toxins can build up as a result of air pollution, overactive hormones, and majorly due to dysbiosis. ‘Dysbiosis’ is an imbalance of good (probiotic) and bad (pathogenic) bacteria in the gut, and is caused by various environmental factors including stress, and prolonged antibiotic therapy. Proofs on matter of probiotics and skin health is still debatable, but higher levels of probiotics such as acidophilus can decrease the body’s production of toxins by improving digestion, and also helping to take out the toxins which are already present in the system.

Which Probiotics are best for women?

The Probiotic good for women’s vaginal health, according to research shows that certain strains such as L. rhamnosus GR-1® and L. reuteri RC-14®, are appropriate than other probiotics. Clinical trials have shown that a number of strains of Lactobacillus are actually effective at helping female vaginal health problems such as cystitis, bacterial vaginosis and thrush and have been clinically tested to survive transit through the gut, and then effectively colonize the vagina and bladder where they offer their beneficial effects.

Are all probiotic supplements basically the same?

Not all Probiotic supplements are the same. Probiotic supplements can differ in the type and amount of strains used. Some Probiotic contains strain that are mainly meant for diarrhea related issues, some are supporting the immune system while others might be for digestive therapeutic benefits.

Can Probiotics Improve Heart Health?

Yes, taking probiotics may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Several studies have shown that certain bacteria in yogurt or probiotic supplements can lead to favorable changes and improvement in heart health markers. Specific bacterial strains that are effective at lowering cholesterol levels include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus reuteri. Probiotics may also help lower blood pressure.


After all have been said and done, probiotics are a good addition to our collection of therapeutic medications due to a whole lot of beneficial and advantageous effect they have on the human body gut system, immune system, digestive system, and even your intimate health condition as a woman. Probiotics also come in variants, so different strains for different therapeutic use.

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