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Education is the greatest innovation of mankind that had been transformed our lives and the behaviour in a preferred way. It is my belief that education is the development of assisting in one’s learning and stated as the act of developing the brainpower, critical thinking capabilities, social and cultural understanding which brands us to be a true humans. According to (Parankimalil, 2012) John Dewey stated that “Education is the process of living through a continuous reconstruction of experiences”. Education is an endless and ultimate process. As education begins with mother’s womb and finishes in the tomb indicates that to every human being education is important and valuable.

I strongly agrees that as a teacher, the main purpose of education is to train students through reconstruction of experiences along with socializing them in the norms and values of society and highlighting the values of a democratic society such as honesty, corporation, competitiveness and moral responsibility. The purpose of education consist of the invention of knowledge and knowledgeable students by nurturing the curiosity, enthusiasm and rationality within students. In my viewpoint, the main role of the school is to prepare individuals to live as members of the society with the skills that are essential to each of the learner for living morally, creatively and effectively in a democratic society within civic development, emotional and cognitive development. The popular author, the American philosopher Mortimer Jerome Adler suggested that the development of citizenship, self-improvement and occupational preparation are the three objectives of children’s schooling. (Wesleyan University, 2019).

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In regard with education, to my belief that the system should have a procedure that follows. I strongly believe that the primary people of the educational system are the learners and teachers. A learner is someone who is learning about a specific subject or learning how to do something. Basically it is acquiring something generally in the context of acquiring a skill through experiences. A teacher is somebody who delivers to the learner about the importance of their life and living. I believe that teaching is training and guidance associated with ideas that gain from teachers through interaction. I strongly believe that a teacher can transform students by applying various different strategies that can change their lives. My personal philosophy of education is, I believe that every child is special and unique in their own way who desires a loving, safe and inspiring atmosphere by which they can learn through real life experience, hands on activities, where they can grow and mature through emotionally, physically, socially, mentally and rationally. My decision to pursue a profession in teaching is to develop students’ capability by believing in them as they are capable of creating something and assisting them to discover who they are. As a teacher it is my responsibility to guide students to reach their fullest potential. I believe that the class environment should be a safe place that motivates the child’s learning. I will help students to grow a deep affection and respect within the students and environment.

Personal communication with my students is one of the most important aspects of my teaching. My role as a teacher is to provide children the main gears that cultivate students learning of knowledge. It is my responsibility to diagnose and set the targets based on students’ needs, their abilities along with their learning styles. As a teacher, my role is to guide students by providing relevant information where students can learn by themselves. I provide the opportunities to discover by themselves and practice different skills. I Let students to do hands-on activities and provide them adequate time and space to apply materials and formulate them to do different experiments and allowing them to construct knowledge. To accomplish these goals, I teach according to the needs of every child so the students will have trust in them to achieve their goals. I strive to continue a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Students frequently work in groups or with a pair in order to emphasis on communicative rather than a teacher-centered approach, I use the audiovisual equipment as well as the other electronic resources. I know to be flexible and to adjust my teaching whenever necessary. A conducive learning atmosphere has to be one of mutual respect. In line with this I present the curriculum that contains the curiosity of the children makes them learning in essential to life. I make students to learn through various experiences and reconstruct new ideas. I integrate the curriculum with themes, integrated units, project-based works, group work, individual work, pair work and providing active learning through hands-on activities. I believe that to teach students, a curriculum is the key element in education. It is the reflection of education. A curriculum is the total learning experiences of the individual. The concept is dynamic as the changes occur in society. I strongly agrees that the main purpose of the curriculum is to advance educational assistance and activities and practices that it helps to improve students’ engagement in learning when accomplishing their goals. My personal philosophy of education believes that certain goals should be incorporated in the curriculum. A curriculum should be based on basic needs, social aspects, cultural factors, individual talents, intellectual, moral, religious and tradition. The main aim of the curriculum should be to deliver information and develop the elementary skills, attitudes, values essential to personal development which are essential for living in and contributing to a developing and changing society.

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