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Many people are concerned with their appearance these days and want to keep a healthy diet, but eating too healthy can be a sign of trouble. Over-dieting is faulty because it can cause a lot of harmful outcomes for insistence: mood swings, disordered eating, orthorexia nervosa, metabolism problems, and life-threatening medical conditions.
Changes in attitude are an effect of dieting. According to the Journal of Health Psychology, there was an experiment where some females dieted and some did not. For example, in this article, it mentions that “couples where both dieters reported higher anxiety, depression, and eating disorders than couples who dieted alone” (Incollingo et al., 1). This quote shows that the two girls that dieted had a result of different mood swings and disordered eating. Another example of how dieting can alter mood in a person: “Research suggests that low-carb dieters are more likely to feel tired, angry, depressed, and tense than those who get the recommended amount” (Haupt, 2). So, that means carbohydrates are important for a person’s diet and low-carb diet limits carbohydrates which are sugars. Sugars have for some time been slandered, however, your body needs carbs to deliver serotonin a feel-good chemical that goes to the brain, that hoists state of mind, hunger, and has a quieting impact. A person who starts a diet and reads online of what people do and what to be eating sometimes these diets will neglect certain nutrients that a person needs. After a while when you don’t have nutrients in the body one can get low iron. This can cause one to feel gloom, weariness, and absentmindedness, as stated by research. Even though healthy eating is usually considered a good thing, doctors beg to differ and say that it can lead to an eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa.
Orthorexia nervosa is an obsession with eating foods that one considers healthy. Somebody may start making a way of life changes by adjusting their eating routine to just improve their wellbeing, yet in the individuals who develop orthorexia, this center can turn out to be progressively outrageous. “Research on the causes of orthorexia is scarce, but obsessive-compulsive tendencies and former or current eating disorders are known risk factors” (Petre, 1). Also, other hazard factors incorporate propensities toward compulsiveness, high tension, or a requirement for control. People who generally have orthorexia nervosa have a fixation on consuming pure foods and obsesses over keeping an ideal diet instead of weight. Somebody with orthorexia doesn’t like to eat foods that contain preservatives, artificial flavors, and so on. Orthorexia nervosa conjointly differs from a lot of wide proverbial and recognized consumption disorders, like bulimia nervosa and anorexia, that area unit characterized a lot of by an unhealthy fixation on the number of food consumed, furthermore as weight and body image, then the condition or supply of food consumed. However, researchers have found that people who suffer from orthorexia share several of constant psychological and behavioral traits with people who suffer from alternative consumption disorders. Many people that eat obsessively too healthy can lead them into a lot of medical problems in the future.
Another reason why over-dieting can be harmful to a person because it leads to metabolism problems, rebound weight gain and life-threatening medical conditions. Metabolism is the measure of calories expected to fuel our bodies to play out the most fundamental capacities forever. At the point when we eat more, our digestion increments. At the point when we eat less, our digestion diminishes. So, when someone diets and stop eating the calories that the body needs to progress than metabolism subsides. If a person puts their body on an extreme diet the muscles in your body can slowly break down. “If weight loss is extremely fast, the muscles of the heart can atrophy. Extreme low-calorie liquid diets, … have been linked to ventricular arrhythmias and death” (Fetters, 1). This is saying that if someone is having quick weight loss the muscles in your heart can weaken and that can lead to them dying. When dieting to a maximum it can be common to have memory problems. According to an animal study from journal Pediatric Research, “it can result in long-term impairments in visual-spatial memory and decreased brain growth” (Fetters, 1). A study showed that three years after members closed a get-healthy plan, just 12% had kept off in any event 75% of the weight they’d lost, while 40% had restored more weight than they had initially lost (Spritzler, 1). This presents that dieting doesn’t necessarily mean that it works all the time and it can cause a person to gain their weight back or more. The result of excessive dieting is that it can have numerous problems with mental and physical health.
Consuming fewer calories can cause a ton of destructive results, from how it affects mood swings to health problems. The outcome of research found that dieting forces the body into starvation mode. It responds by retardation down several of its traditional functions to conserve energy. This means the natural metabolism slows down.
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