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Considering the major theories we have learned about so far (behaviorism, cognitivism, socio-culturalism), which theory/theories seem most relevant to you in your future career? In what ways will you implement aspects of this theory/theories in your future career?

Behaviorism theory focuses on observing people’s performance through their direct interactions with the environment. With behaviorism theories, it is assumed that a person’s behavior can be changed through positive and negative reinforcement. Thus, a person’s behavior can be transformed and improved through reinforcement. As for my future career, I would like to become a human resource manager in an organization. A career in human resources management wants to help both employees and the company perform at their best. Therefore, using motivation strategies such as empowering employees and using a reward system can alter positive behavior in the workplace. As such, using the concepts of behaviorism theory for my future career in human resources would be applicable. Using positive reinforcement as a human resource manager can also be praising an employee when he/she performs well or completes a task on time. Another example of applying behaviorism theory for my future career is when I am interviewing candidates for a potential job, it would be essential to observe the candidate’s behavior and the way they conduct themselves throughout the evaluation process. On that premise, engaging with the candidate in an interview may also be useful to discuss how past situations or experiences have been dealt with to understand their behavior and actions. As a result, the potential candidate should be able to relate to how past experiences relate to the job. This would be beneficial to understand past behavior and actions as this can make a distinction between someone’s personality, temperament, and traits. Furthermore, this can not only benefit me as a hiring manager but the organization overall when employing the right people for the job. Another example would be when companies offer raises to employees who demonstrate exceptional performance. The incentive of a raise can assist as a motivation for employees to do their jobs well and continue to reinforce positive behaviors. Additionally, by using positive reinforcement such as rewards in the workplace, employee performance will likely increase and repeat the behaviors.

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In contrast to the behaviorism theory, cognitivism primarily focuses on the mind and how information is received and stored. Mental processes such as thinking, memory, and knowledge are central to cognitivism theory. Cognitive Theory is reliant on the person’s ability to remember learned skills and their pre-existing schemas. To increase cognition, making the material or tasks meaningful and providing the learner methods and outlines to make information easier to remember. For example, in the workplace for my future career, I would implement an acronym. This might be used to remember a step-by-step safety procedure efficiently. Moreover, using constructive and productive feedback for employees would help them to perform better in future situations. Creating opportunities and making sure that employees are retrieving and processing the information is also a useful component for implementation for my future career in human resource management.

Socioculturalism focuses not only on how adults and peers influence individual learning but also on how cultural views and attitudes impact how learning takes place. The main emphasis of this theory is that we learn through social interactions, language, and the culture that surrounds us. It also establishes that perhaps different cultures have different strategies for learning and acquiring knowledge. For example, while one culture might emphasize memory strategies such as note-taking, other cultures might utilize applications like reminders. Sociocultural theory is imperative for my future career and relevant as the theory recognizes both differences in individuals within a culture and differences in individuals across cultures. Working in a corporate organization, recognizing that diversity and culture are significant to acknowledge and understand that each employee may have different learning strategies or perhaps a different way of working about their own culture.

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