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The sight of fair rides has invariably piqued my interest. It surprises me that your typical person is delighted in giving up the tranquility of the earth beneath you with the excitement of throwing themselves in the air like a food processor’s vegetables. At some point in history, someone believed that people could derive pleasure in it and created what had to be the first of these horrifying machines. For me, the joys and feelings of survival have kept me interested and eager for more.

My very first encounter with a fair ride was a roller coaster. I fainted, watching this looming monstrosity throw the life out of sardine-caged occupants. Huge, smoking, loud and not at all intimidating. Since this first impression became embedded in my imagination many years ago, these rides remind me of mythical creatures, dinosaurs carrying off their shrieking passengers like virgin victims. Even the roar of their machines is like a roar of dragons that emit fire with smoke from their nostrils.

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The first ride on one of these great beasts gave me an immediate adrenaline rush. As the deadly ride began, a lump in my throat leaked out like a displaced heart, prepared to say my goodbyes. As the ride gained speed, my body’s resistance to gravity increased until I couldn’t move. A barely noticeable pause when the wheels reached the top of the climb allowed my body to rest briefly in a normal state. Then the machine continued to rotate, falling to the ground, resulting in a destructive zero gravity attack. When the wheels hit the floor, the impact of the plates vibrated in the air, and much to my surprise, I began to rise again. With each round it gave me confidence in the churning machine. Each ascent leaves me exhilarated that I survived the previous deadly crash. The next tense and shocking climb did not follow the last exciting descent, and when the ride was over, I knew I was hooked. Physically and emotionally empty, I followed the metal stairs along with my colleagues to keep my old legs safe. I had been spared, but had to do it again.

My fascination with these fantastic flights is rooted in my soul. A trip on the magnificent roller coaster never fails to thrill me. As I get older and have less time, or less inclination to play, the child like thrill I have on the roller coaster will continue with each and every turn.

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