The estimated reading time for this post is 31 Minutes


The project entitled “Micro Banking System” is a windows based application. Main purpose of the Micro Banking system is to automate the process of co-operative bank. For Co-operative bank staffs almost all account related transactions are difficult to maintain using paper records. Paper record system is a time consuming activity.

The “Micro Banking System” is fully automated application of banking system. Co-operative bank employees can manage all banking transactions using this application. This system provides user friendly environment for both staff and admin.

The application was developed using and SQL server2008. Micro Banking System is developed to use for co-operative bank employees who are facing problem with current manual work. The application mainly reduces the work of the co-operative bank employees. Initially bank employees will get respective login ids from Admin. Co-operative bank manager will be the administrator of the system. This is a user friendly system so bank staffs can easily handle the system.












  1. Project Description

“Micro Banking System” is a windows based application. This application manages the daily transactions of co-operative bank. The application is developed for the use of cooperative bank employees.

In a co-operative bank many customers are involved in day to day transactions. The customers are involved in various kinds of transactions like opening an account , depositing the money, applying for loan and pigmy collections. The main purpose of this application maintaining these day to day transactions in an efficient way. Once customers has opened an account then all details are stored in the bank database .

This application manages and controls all aspects of a co-operative bank . Bank manager will be the admin of the system. Bank manager have overall control in the system. Manager can add the bank staffs who can perform some operations on daily transactions. The system also gives the information about previous transactions about a particular customer. The project eliminates the paperwork which is done by the bank employees.

The main purpose of this application towards customers and bank employees is described below.

To the customer:

  • Customer details are easily added.

To the bank employees:

  • Quick interface to open the bank account
  • Reduce the manpower.
  • Banking process is managed in very less time.

This application is beneficiary for the government , Because they can easily search for the tax defaulters. Features of the application are:

  • The application consists of bank manager and employees.
  • Initially customer account has been opened by the bank staff and manager approval is required.
  • No need of paper work.
  • Interest rates on deposits and loans are easily calculated.

So this application helps bank employees do their duties in simple and efficient manner. It is also helpful for customers because it provides the quick service. The role of the bank manager to this application is to have overall control in the system.

The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is effectively managed from the current paper based system. Jobs of the bank employees are reduced. Application provides quick and efficient user interface. The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is:

  • Easy to use application.
  • Reduces the manpower
  • Automates the banking process.

1.2 Company profile:

Online news media pvt ltd. implements supreme technology’s, massive database, decades of experience in sales, promotions and marketing for clients various products and services. Always created success statement for clients by applying latest suitable marketing protocols.

Online news media keeps good communication with the client. It helps to get proper results as their needs. The company offers internship program to various coding  languages.

Online news media provides world class presentation for clients , database of potential customers, website with unique and outstanding designs, social media optimization and windows applications. Company provides various IT solutions like

  • Application development
  • Web design and development
  • Google SEO marketing
  • Email campaigns
  • SMS and VOICE marketing
  • Corporate identity
  • Branding

The companies smart and creative developers are responsible for customized application development. This kind of application leads to achieve the client’s business goals. Online news media also provides services like

  • Social media integration
  • Newsletter creation
  • Directory listing
  • Profile creation




Literature survey means study of the existing system and proposes a system to overcome limitations and demerits the existing system. Many windows applications are available in the today’s world; those application s were studied and new ideas are included in micro banking system.

2.1 Existing System and Proposed System

Existing System

The daily process of co-operative bank currently runs as a manual system. Bank employees must spend lots of time. Administrator also facing issue like difficulty of maintenance and it is also time consuming. Mistakes also occur during calculation. Lack of efficiency and manpower also another problem. The drawbacks of the existing system are:

  • Paper work
  • Time consuming
  • Difficult to maintain records for long term.


The proposed system is a windows based application that allows bank employees to record daily transactions through interface. The application will save bank staffs time and also prevents from the calculation errors. With this system administrator can manage accounts related to customer’s transaction from the provided interface. The system helps secure customer information since no information is disposed.

With this system bank employees can perform various operations related to customers like opening an account, issuing a cheque book, interest calculation for deposit and loan etc.

A staff can get login credentials from Administrator. More generally, this application reduces the paperwork and time of co-operative bank employees.


  • Opening a bank account
  • Deposit in the money
  • Add Employees
  • Issuing the cheque book
  • Merging the account
  • Pigmy collections
  • Issuing loan.
  • Interest calculation
  • Generating the balance sheet
  • Report.

The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is powerful, easy to operate and safe application to maintain the banking process.

The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM has many advantages over the existing system. One of the main advantages of the application is to overcome the use of paper work which is done by the bank employees. The bank staff can get login credentials from bank manager after that they can perform various operations with the system. The bank manager can view the daily transactions at any time.

The bank employees have options to search for customer details by specifying the customer account number. When an employee provides the customer account number all details regarding of the customers are displayed. If a customer has minimum balance in his/her account or loan is due to the renewal means system will notify to the bank staffs.

In proposed system bank manager can generate the interest rates on deposit and loan amounts. Bank manager have an option to generate the monthly, half yearly or yearly report.

2.2 Feasibility Study

The development and deployment of new system is expensive in reality. To develop a new system it often requires manpower, resource, time and money.  So need to understand feasibility study of the proposed system before developing the application. Three ways of feasibility study are performed.

Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility is study about technical aspects of the proposed system. Technical feasibility concerned about whether technical requirements are available or not available in the organization.

The required technical resources for the proposed system is not available , then it is said to be technically not feasible.

Economical Feasibility

Economical feasibility study is about budget of the proposed system. The proposed system should be developed under the estimated budget with effectively using available resources. The development of the MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is economically feasible for the organization. The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is effectively developed using available resources, so organizations no need to invest more money. Examining these aspects MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is considered as economically feasible.

Operational Feasibility


The system is available on time, then it is said to be operationally feasible. This application can be operated any system with windows operating system. So MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is considered as operationally feasible.

The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM satisfies all three levels of feasible studies . So we can conclude that this windows application technically, economically and operationally feasible.

2.3 Tools and Technologies Used

Windows 8.1

Window 8.1 is the present arrival of Microsoft windows, a progression of working framework delivered by Microsoft for use on PCs, including home and business desktops, portable workstations, note pads, tablets PCs, and media focus PCs. Windows 7 was discharged to assembling on July 22, 2009, and achieved general retail accessibility worldwide on October 22, 2009, under three years after the arrival of itspredecessor, Windows Vista, Windows 7’s server partner.

Dissimilar to Windows Vista, which presented an extensive number of new elements, Window 8.1 was proposed to be more engaged, incremental move up to the windows line, the objective of being perfect with applications and equipment with windows vista was at that point good. Window 8.1 incorporate various new elements, for example, propels in touch and penmanship acknowledgment ,bolster for virtual hard plates, enhanced execution on multi-center processors, enhanced boots execution, Direct get to, and piece changes. Numerous new things have been added to the Control Panel, including Clear Type Text Tuner, Display Color Calibration Wizard, Gadgets, Recovery, Troubleshooting, workspaces Center, Location and Other Sensors, Credential Manager, Biometric Devices, System Icons, and Display.

C#.Net Framework:

C# is a rich and sort safe protest arranged dialect that empowers designers to construct an extensive variety of secure and strong applications that keep running on the .NET Framework. You can utilize C# to make conventional windows customer applications, XML Web administrations, circulated parts, customer server applications, database applications, and a whole lot more.

Microsoft Visual C# 2005 gives a propelled code editorial manager, advantageous UI fashioners, incorporated debugger, and numerous different instruments to encourage fast application advancement in view of form 2.0 of the C# dialect and the .NET Framework.

C# programs keep running on the .NET Framework, a necessary part of Windows that incorporates a virtual execution framework called the regular dialect runtime (CLR) and a bound together arrangement of class libraries.

Source code written in C# is arranged into a middle dialect (IL) that complies with the CLI determination. The IL code, alongside assets, for example, bitmaps and strings, is put away on plate in an executable document called a gathering, regularly with an augmentation of .exe or .dll. A get together contains a show that gives data on the gathering’s sorts, variant, culture, and security prerequisites.

When the C# program is executed, the assembly is loaded into the CLR, which might take various actions based in the information in the manifest. Then, if the security requirements are met, the CLR performs just in time (JIT) compilation to convert the code into native machine instructions. The CLR also provides other services related to automatic garbage collection, exception handling, and resource management. Code that is executed by the CLR is sometimes referred to as “managed code”, in contrast to “unmanaged code” which is compiled into native machine language that targets a specific system.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008


Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database server, created by Microsoft: it is a product item whose essential capacity is to store and recover information as requested by other programming applications, be it those on a similar PC or those running on another PC over a system (counting the Internet). There are no less than twelve unique releases of Microsoft SQL Server gone for various gatherings of people and for various workloads (extending from little applications that store and recover information on a similar PC, to a huge number of clients and PCs that get to colossal measures of information from the Internet in the meantime). Microsoft SQL Server is a PC application used to make desktop, endeavor, and online database applications. It is utilized at various levels and with different objectives

2.5 Software and Hardware requirements

Software Requirements:

Operating System Windows –XP or higher
Programming Language
SDK VS 2008
Data Base My SQL Server-2005
Processor 2.10-GHz

Intel Pentium-Dual Core processor.

Hard Disk 80 GB recommended.
Memory RAM 1GB DDR2
Display Standard output display.
Keyboard Standard Qwerty Keyboard for Interface.
Mouse Optical Mouse

Hardware Requirements:




Software requirement specification is the basic steps for development of the application. It acts as the bridge between client and organization. The objective of this document therefore is to formally describe the system’s high level requirements including functional requirements, non-functional requirements and business rules and constraints. Before the development of the project SRS must be accepted by the client.

3.1 Users

The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is designed with simple interfaces that are easy to use and manage the micro banking process. There is no additional training needed to operate with this system. The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM includes two users as follows

Admin can use all the features of the application only after logging onto the system. We can say that admin have overall control in the system

  • Admin can login to the application
  • Add bank employees
  • Add sub branch
  • Approve customer accounts
  • Interest calculation
  • Loan issuance
  • Report generation
  • View balance sheet

Once bank staffs account has created by the admin then employees can login to the application and deal with various operations which are related to banking process.

  • Open account on behalf of customers
  • Operate customer accounts
  • Cheque book issue
  • View dues

3.2 Functional Requirements

Module specification

  • User Login
  • Admin
  • Staff
  • Account
  • Loan
  • Interest
  • Branch
  • Pigmy
  • Report

Module Description

Login: The user login module used to login to the application. Here the username and passwords are entered to use the application

INPUT: username, password

OUTPUT: Desired page

Admin: This is the home page for admin or bank manager. Here onwards admin have overall control in the application.

INPUT:  Account number

OUTPUT: Transaction details of the customer

PROCESSING : If there is due means should notify the admin

Staff : This is the home page for bank employee. Staffs can enter customer transactions.

INPUT:  Account number

OUTPUT: Transaction details of the customer

PROCESSING : If there is due means should notify the staff

Account: This module used to open the customer account in co-operative bank.

INPUT: Personal details of the Customer

OUTPUT: Account number

PROCESSING : Account creation in a co-operative bank

Loan: This module used by the admin to issue the loan to customer

INPUT:  Account number

OUTPUT: Balance with interest amount.

PROCESSING : If there is previous due means should notify the admin and staff.

Interest: Here admin can generate interest on deposit and loan amount

INPUT:  Interest rate in percentage

OUTPUT: Annual interest

PROCESSING : Interests are calculated per annum.

Branch: This module is used by admin to add sub branch.

INPUT:  Branch details

OUTPUT: Branch code

PROCESSING : Branch code generated

Pigmy : Used to update the daily pigmy collection details

INPUT:  Account number

OUTPUT: Transaction details of the customer

PROCESSING : Account should be updated.

Report :

INPUT:  Duration

OUTPUT: Transaction details of the bank or balance sheet

PROCESSING : Monthly, half yearly or yearly report is generated.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

Non functional requirement describes the performance features of the system. Some of the non-functional requirements are…

Performance Requirements:

  • Response time – The system shall give responses in 1 second.
  • Capacity – System will support single user at a time.
  • User-interface – The user interface screen shall respond within 5 seconds

Design constraints

Design constraints that are used to develop error free access as follows:

  • Name field should be filled with characters
  • Email and contact fields should be in correct format
  • All fields are mandatory
  • Application should be implemented in and Sql server2008
  • Application should display errors while fields are not specified correctly


System Attributes:

Properties of the application which are specified in the SRS are known as system attributes.

  • Maintainability : The database is self-maintained.
  • Flexibility : It is easy to update and modify the data when needed
  • Validation : An Error Message is displayed if an entry is wrong
  • Availability : System should available based on time
  • Security : System should have strict security restrictions
  • Timeliness : Operations are performed in less time

User Interfaces

  • The software provides good graphical interface for the front end
  • Home page should have link to login page
  • Admin page should have some special features


                                  SYSTEM DESIGN


The system design gives the detailed description about the flow of the project. The design activity begins when the requirement document for the software to be developed is available. While the requirement specification activity is entirely in the problem domain, design is the first step in moving from the problem domain towards the solution domain. The design of the system is the blue print for solution of the system. The goal of the design process is to produce a model or representation of a system which can be used later to build the system.

4.1 System Perspective

The proposed  MICRO BANKING SYSTEM will take care of the two users such as admin and staff. The system input and outputs are well defined so it is simple to manage.

Input Design

The main aspect of the input design is give the data in convenient way and making it as error free form. Textboxes, List items, radio buttons and link buttons are input methods in this system. Here every input field is defined with label so user can easily understand the purpose of the buttons.

The rules are

  • Every field defined with label
  • Mismatch fields are notified
  • Length of the fields are shown
  • Provides help option for every field
  • Inserted data are validated

Output Design

Result of user input is considered as the output. The outputs are well defined with this system. Various output methods are specified in this application.

The methods are

  • Grid view
  • Label
  • Text box
  • Crystal report

The proposed MICRO BANKING SYSTEM generates accurate outputs based on user input. Results or outputs are displayed using different output options like grid view, crystal report viewer etc.

4.2Context Diagram

Context Flow Diagram (CFD) is the data flow diagram which defines the functionality of developed system. Context Flow Diagram consists of one process node and external entities.

The Context Flow Diagram describes the entire MICRO BANKING SYSTEM. MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is the parent node and it is connected to child nodes like admin and staff. Here each child nodes are interacts with parent node. The parent node or system accepts the request. After processing the request in system responses are sent back to the external entities. The result is generated based on the entities request.






Fig : Context Flow Diagram


4.3 Data Flow Diagram

Data flow diagram or dfd shows the flow of the data in the application. Below DFD demonstrates the flow of data in MICRO BANKING SYSTEM








Fig : Level 1 DFD for Admin







Fig : Level 1 DFD for Staff



The internal modules of proposed system depicted here in detailed design. This specifies logic of the different modules in the application. The various types of diagrams used in detailed design are usecase, sequence and activity diagrams.

5.1 Use Case Diagram

In MICRO BANKING SYSTEM use case diagram shows interaction of users such as admin and staff.





Fig : Use case diagram of admin

The use case diagram of admin shows  the interaction of admin with system. The interaction of admin respect to this system is:

  • Approve account
  • Add branch
  • Interest calculation
  • Loan
  • Report

Fig : Use case diagram of staff



Chq issue


The use case diagram of staff shows the interaction of staff with the system; this indicates internal interaction of the staff.

5.2 Sequence Diagram

The object interactions in a system are defined with sequence diagram. It shows object interaction with respect to time sequence.



Username, Password


Home Pagen






Amount in %n

Loan and interestn






       Cheque  Book

Fig : Sequence diagram for staff

5.3 Activity Diagram

The following activity diagram depicts various users in MICRO BANKING SYSTEM

Fig : Activity diagram of admin

Fig : Activity diagram of Staff

5.4 Database Design






















Conceptual Schema

Table 5.4.1 : Customer

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
CustId VARCHAR(10) Primary Key Customer Id
name VARCHAR(25) Not Null Customer  name
Fathername VARCHAR(25) Not Null Customer s father name
Address VARCHAR(55) Not Null Customer  address
Pin VARCHAR(7) Not Null Pin code
Phone VARCHAR(11) Not Null Customer  phone
Email VARCHAR(35) Not Null Customer  email
Occupation VARCHAR(20) Not Null Branch open date
Religion VARCHAR(10) Not Null Lock the branch
Category VARCHAR(10) Not Null Begin time
Doj DATETIME Not Null Closing time
Gender VARCHAR(8) Not Null Head of the branch
Mstatus VARCHAR(10) Not Null Marital status
Odate DATETIME Not Null Opening date
PAN VARCHAR(15) Not Null PAN number
DL VARCHAR(15) Not Null DL number
Rc VARCHAR(15) Not Null Record number
Proof VARCHAR(10) Not Null Id proofs
Cust_type VARCHAR(15) Not Null Customer type
Senior CHAR(1) Not Null Senior citizen or not
Challenge CHAR(1) Not Null Challenged or not
Staff CHAR(1) Not Null Staff or not
Sign CHAR(1) Not Null Signature Inclusion
Photo VARCHAR(50) Not Null Photo path
FamilyId VARCHAR(12) Not Null Family ID number
Branch VARCHAR(25) Not Null Branch code
Intr_name VARCHAR(20) Not Null Introducer
Intr_address VARCHAR(65) Not Null Introducer address

Table 5.4.2: Login

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
Usercode VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Id
Username VARCHAR(25) Not Null Username to login
Password VARCHAR(25) Not Null Password to login
Userlock VARCHAR(2) Not Null Lock the account


Table 5.4.3 : Branch

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
Branchcode VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Branch Id
Branchname VARCHAR(25) Not Null Branch name
Address VARCHAR(55) Not Null Branch address
Phone VARCHAR(11) Not Null Branch phone
Email VARCHAR(35) Not Null Branch email
Bropendate DATETIME Not Null Branch open date
Brlock CHAR(1) Not Null Lock the branch
Brstime DATETIME Not Null Begin time
Bretime DATETIME Not Null Closing time
Brhead VARCHAR(25) Not Null Head of the branch

Table 5.4.4 : Interest_Master

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
CID VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Interest Id
Cfrom DATETIME Not Null Start date
Cto DATETIME Not Null End date
Cdays int Not Null Number of days
Crate DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate
Csenior DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for seniors
Cchallenge DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for physically challenged
Cstaff DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for staff
CaccCode VARCHAR(25) Not Null Account code

Table 5.4.5 : Db_details

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
dbid VARCHAR(10) Primary Key Database  Id
dbname VARCHAR(25) Not Null Database name
dbfrom DATETIME Not Null Beginning date of db
dbto DATETIME Not Null End date of db
dbcurrent CHAR(1) Not Null Current status
dbactive CHAR(1) Not Null Active status


Table 5.4.6 : Loan_Interest_Master

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
LID VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Interest Id
Lfrom DATETIME Not Null Start date
Lto DATETIME Not Null End date
Ldays int Not Null Number of days
Lrate DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate
Lsenior DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for seniors
Lchallenge DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for ph_c
Lstaff DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for staff
LaccCode VARCHAR(25) Not Null Account code of loan

Table 5.4.7 : PigIntMast

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
PID VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Pigmy Id
Pfrom DATETIME Not Null Start date of pigmy
Pto DATETIME Not Null End date of pigmy
Pdays int Not Null Number of days
Prate DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for pigmy
Psenior DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for seniors
Pchallenge DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for ph_c
Pstaff DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for staff
PaccCode VARCHAR(25) Not Null Account code of pigmy

Table 5.4.8 : SB_Interest_Master

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
SID VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Interest Id for sb
Sfrom DATETIME Not Null Start date of deposit
Sto DATETIME Not Null End date of deposit
Sdays int Not Null Number of days
Srate DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate of sb
Ssenior DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for seniors
Schallenge DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for ph_c
Sstaff DECIMAL(12,2) Not Null Interest rate for staff
SaccCode VARCHAR(25) Not Null Acount code of Interest
Mindays int Not Null Minimum period
Maxdays int Not Null Maximum period

Table 5.4.9 : Desg_Mast

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
Dcode VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Designation Id
Dname VARCHAR(25) Not Null Employee  name
Ddel VARCHAR(3) Not Null Status
Drole VARCHAR(11) Not Null Role of employee

Table 5.4.10 : TransLog

Field Name Data Type Constraints Description
PrimaryId VARCHAR(15) Primary Key Primary Id of transaction
lgDate DATETIME Not Null Transaction Date
lgUser VARCHAR(30) Not Null User Id of transaction
lgReference VARCHAR(30) Not Null Transaction References
Remarks VARCHAR(40) Not Null Remarks about Transaction
lgSystem VARCHAR(20) Not Null System Id where  transaction took place




The development of the micro banking system starts from implementation stage. The required system documentations are done in the previous stages. Based on the system design these implementation phases are developed. Once finishing the development phase system is implemented.


Algorithm 1: Login Authentication

Input: Username and password

Output: Return status


Set status=0

Step 1: For each row of data base

Step 2: Read

Step 3: If user name and password authenticated

Step 4: set status to 1

Step 5: else

Step 6: set status to 0

For end

Algorithm End



This is the home page for admin. Here by clicking lock button admin will get the login form. In login form admin should provide valid username and password to get access to the system


This page is used by admin to add the sub branches. Here admin should provide necessary information’s of the branch.


Admin can add the bank staffs using this interface. Here admin must provide the name and role of the staff.


This interface used to provide login credentials to the staff.



This interface used by admin to approve the customer account. Here bank staffs feeds the customer details and admin must approve for this in order to operate on accounts.


This interface developed for admin to issue the cheque books to the customers. Here admin should provide mandatory information.


This interface used to update the deposit details of the customer. While providing customer account number all details are displayed. Here admin need to enter the amount to be deposited.


This interface used to calculate fd interests


Admin can merge the customer accounts. To merge the customer account admin should provide valid reasons based on customers explanations or documents.


To issue the loan to the customer admin must provide all necessary data behalf of customer. In this interface admin are provided with options like nominee details, insurance details, vehicle details , land details etc….


This is the home page for staff. Here by clicking lock button staff will get the login form.


This interface used to add the safe locker facility in the bank.


Bank staff can add members using this interface. Here staff can provide all details based on customer documents.


Here details of the locker operator are mentioned.


This interface used by staff to estimate the loan budget.


This interface used to issue the loan. However admin approval required for this operation.


Using this interface bank staff can update the installment amount.


This interface used by staff to add or update the details of the pigmy customers. Here bank staffs are provided with an option to add the nominee details.










Software testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors. The aim of the testing is often to demonstrate that a program works by showing that it has no errors. The basic purpose of testing phase is to detect the errors that may be present in the program. Hence one should not start testing with the intent of showing that a program works, but the intent should be to show that a program doesn’t work. Testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of software. The basic level of testing are:

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System Testing

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software i.e. the module. Using the detailed design and the process specifications testing is done to uncover errors within the boundary of the module.

Integration Testing

The goal of the integration testing is to see if the modules can be integrated properly or not. This testing activity can be considered as testing the design and hence the emphasis on testing module interactions. It also helps to uncover a set of errors associated with interfacing.

System Testing

System testing is the running of the whole system against test data, a complete simulation of the actual running system for purposes of testing out the adequacy of the system. A test of an entire interconnected set of components for the purpose of determining proper functions and interconnections.

7.2 Test Cases

Table 7.2.1 : Main Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Click on Login button Display login page Successful
2 Click on about us button Display about page Successful
3 Click on contact us Display contact page Successful

Table 7.2.2 : Login Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Click on Login button with valid credentials Display home page of respective user Successful
2 Click on Login button without valid credentials Displays error message “*” Successful
3 Click on Login button with one valid credential Display error message ”Invalid username/password” Successful

Table 7.2.3 : Interest Calculation Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Click on Calculate icon after all entries Display Successful message Successful
2 Click on Calculate icon after leaving any entries Displays error message “*” Successful
3 Click on Calculate icon with invalid date selection Display error message ”Invalid date” Successful
4 Click on search with valid id Displays interest rate Successful



Table 7.2.4 : Add Branch Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Click on add button after all entries Display Successful message Successful
2 Click on add button by leaving any one field Displays error message “*” Successful
3 Click on add button with characters in contact number Display error message ”Invalid contact number” Successful
4 Click on add button with invalid mail id Display error message ”Invalid email” Successful
5 Click on add button including numbers in branch head name Display error message ”Invalid name” Successful
6 Enter the branch which is already added Display error message ”Existing branch” Successful
7 Click on Reset button Form resets Successful

Table 7.2.5 : Designation Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Enter the numbers in name field Display error message “Invalid name” Successful
2 Click on Submit button by filling all fields Displays successful message Successful






Table 7.2.6 : Loan Master Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Click on save button after all entries Display Successful message Successful
2 Click on save button by leaving any one field Displays error message “*” Successful
3 Save details with characters in contact number Display error message ”Invalid contact number” Successful
4 Save details with invalid mail id Display error message ”Invalid email” Successful
5 Click on surety and installment option Display surety page Successful
6 Click on security option Display security page Successful
7 Click on Insurance option Display insurance page Successful
8 Click on Land details option Display Land details page Successful
9 Click on Goods option Display Goods details page Successful
10 Click on Vehicle option Display Vehicle details  page Successful
11 Click on search with invalid account details Display error message “Account does not exists” Successful
12 Click on save button with no purpose option Display error message “*” Successful
13 Enter the loan amount Interest automatically calculated Successful





Table 7.2.7 : Fixed Deposit Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Calculate interest after leaving any entries Displays error message “*” Successful
2 Click on Calculate icon after all entries Display Successful message Successful
3 Calculate interest with invalid date selection Display error message ”Invalid date” Successful
4 Click on search with valid id Displays interest rate Successful
5 Click on Reset button Form data cleared Successful


Table 7.2.8 : Pigmy Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Click on search with invalid agent id Displays error message “Invalid agent id” Successful
2 Click on Pigmy details option Display pigmy page Successful
3 Click on nominee details option Display nominee details page Successful
4 Click on save by leaving any one field Displays error message “*” Successful
5 Click on Reset button Form data cleared Successful




Table 7.2.9 : Customer Page

Sl.No Test Case Expected Result Obtained Result
1 Click on save button after all entries Display Successful message Successful
2 Click on save button by leaving any one field Displays error message “*” Successful
3 Save details with characters in contact number Display error message ”Invalid contact number” Successful
4 Save details with invalid mail id Display error message ”Invalid email” Successful
5 Click on nominee and installment option Display nominee  page Successful
6 Click on operator and miscellaneous option Display operator and miscellaneous page Successful
7 Click on save button with invalid personal details Display error message”*” Successful
8 Click on save button with invalid amount Display error message ”Invalid amount” Successful












The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM is an application that design to manage the daily transactions of the co-operative bank. The project begins with requirements stage, the requirements are collected by the co-operative bank.

The application has user friendly interfaces, so that user can easily interact with the system. Two users included in this application are admin and staff.



The MICRO BANKING SYSTEM developed to support future scopes. New features are easily adapted to already available system.

Future scopes are as follows

  • Providing net banking to customers
  • Providing smart card based interface
  • System can be applicable to co-operative banks.

Appendix A


Text Books referred

  1. User Interfaces in C#: Windows Forms and Custom Controls by Matthew MacDonald.
  2. Applied Microsoft® .NET Framework Programming (Pro-Developer) by Jeffrey Richter.
  3. Practical .Net2 and C#2: Harness the Platform, the Language, and the Framework by Patrick Smacchia.
  4.      Data Communications and Networking, by Behrouz A Forouzan.

Websites visited

Appendix B


MICRO BANKING SYSTEM provides services for two users such as admin and staff. Admin have overall control in the system. Staff can work with transaction data. Here the users should follow below steps to better results:

Admin Module

Step 1: Admin account

Admin user name and passwords are given by developers. So here admin no need to register in order to gain the access.

Step 2: Login

Admin must provide valid credentials. If the credentials are valid then admin home page will be displayed, otherwise error message will be displayed.

Step 3: Admin Home Page

If the admin credentials are valid then admin home page should displayed. In this system admin have overall control. Once admin logged in then all options are available to operate the system. Some of the special permission for admin in this system is calculating and posting interest for various schemes like loans, deposits and pigmy amounts.

Step 4: Add customer

Here admin will get the interface to add customers to the bank. Admin can open a bank account on behalf of customer. Admin need to fill a form which contains personal information about the customer.

Step 5: Add Branch

Admin can add sub branch through this interface. Here admin should provide various details about the branch and then branch code will be automatically generated. Admin need to create one head for the branch.

Step 6: Add Agent

Pigmy agents are added through this interface by admin. Admin need to fill basic or some mandatory information about the agent. Once agent has been added then customers under that agent are added in order to deposit the money.

Step 7: Interest Calculator

Admin can generate interest rates for various schemes. In interest master separate interfaces are provided to generate interest for loans, pigmy amount, sb deposit and fixed deposits. Here admin can provide various interest rates for various types of customers.

Step 8: Cheque Book Issue

Using this interface admin can issue a cheque book to the customers who have account in the bank. While issuing a cheque book admin must provide the information about cheque book to the system. This may include cheque numbers and issuing date.

Step 9: Loan Master

Loan master is an interface provided to admin to issue the loans to the customer. While issuing the loan admin should fill all mandatory information through this interface. Nominee details, insurance details and vehicle details too added in this interface.

Step 10: Merge Customer

Using merge customer interface admin of the bank can merge two customers account into single account. By giving account number here customer details are displayed.

Step 11: Transfer

This interface is used to transfer the money from one customer account to another customer account. This will take place only under certain conditions.

Step 12: Report

Report interface is used by the admin to generate reports or balance sheets. Here admin can generate report on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Admin can also generate the reports of branches.

Step 13: Logout

After all process is completed or job time is over admin must log out from the system for security reasons. Admin can easily logout from the system by clicking logout button. Once logged out from the system admin must enter valid credentials to gain the access again.

Staff Module

Step 1: Registration

Staffs are added to the system by admins. Staff should get login credentials from admin.

Step 2: Login

Staff must provide valid credentials. If the credentials are valid then staff  home page will be displayed, otherwise error message will be displayed.

Step 3: Staff Home Page

If the staff credentials are valid then staff home page should displayed. In this system staff  can perform some transactions on behalf of customers. Once staff  logged in then they can do normal operations like adding the customers, deposit money, issue cheque book, and view dues.

Step 4: Add customer

Here staff will get the interface to add customers to the bank. Admin need to approve to  open a bank account on behalf of customer. Staff need to fill a form which contains personal information about the customer.

Step 5: View Agent

Staff can view pigmy agent details through this interface. Staff can also add daily pigmy transactions to the system.

Step 6: Notices

Using this interface staffs can issue notice for customers regarding of various dues.

Step 7: Daily Transactions

Here bank staff can view the daily transactions of all the accounts in that particular bank. Account number and customer details are displayed over here.

Step 8: Logout

At the end all process is completed or job time is over staff must log out from the system for security reasons. Once logged out from the system staff must enter valid credentials to regain the access.

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