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Shakespearean productions have altered my perspective on the value of drama in a way that has enabled me to understand that it is through Shakespeare’s own opinions on live acting and the ways in which he portrays the universal themes through his own work through a variety of dramatic features. Shakespeare’s masterful productions have sparked a deepened understanding of the rich value drama holds and the ways in which it has provided a Shakespearean text with its own integrity that remains relevant through the test of time.
Shakespeare’s study of human nature and the flaws they inevitably come with is reflected through his use of dramatic elements such as dialogue and soliloquies. Furthermore, the perception of drama has been altered dramatically due to Shakespeare’s compositions which allow audiences namely contemporary audiences to understand the value of drama through themes commonly faced within our everyday lives, including love and how it blocks one’s own views, the abuse of power and the negative impact it has on their own sense of self, and the uncertainty of gender. This led me to understand how his plays connect us, as the young audience of Shakespeare’s work and therefore enrich the value of drama.
Shakespeare’s purpose in creating his productions is to analyze the flaws of humanity through comedic, tragic, or historic tales. Julius Caesar is a prime example of this as he highlights one’s relationships, culture, and actions are all influenced by the ways in which an individual values power. Throughout this production, Shakespeare explores the corruption that stems from one’s desire for power and does this through the implementation of soliloquies. A large portion of the play’s tragedy is produced from the characters’ neglect of privacy and loyalties in favor of what they believe to be the benefits of uplifting their society.
Made evident in Brutus’s killing of Caesar as Shakespeare uses soliloquies in this scene to emphasize how our biggest flaws such as the desire for power, generally rest within us. Before Brutus kills Caesar he says: ‘I would not. Yet I love him well. But wherefore do you hold me here so long? What is it that you would impart to me? If it is aught toward the general good, Set honor in one eye and death I’ the other, And I will look on both indifferently, For let the gods so speed me as I love The name of honor more than I fear death.’ Here, Brutus is revealing this new internal conflict between his public and private self which grows within and torments him. Brutus personally loves Caesar, but on the other side, he admits that his loyalty to his Roman public and ultimate value of power will come before his love for Caesar. This is a perfect example of Shakespeare relating the themes of this story to his audiences as he demonstrates how power can often fog one’s view when choosing between loyalty and self-greed. In this way, the value of drama is made evident as Shakespeare uses it as a vehicle through which he explores his own concerns
In conclusion, Shakespeare utilizes drama effectively in order to not only entertain but also convey his own concerns that hold their relevance through the test of time. Shakespeare enriches his productions through a variety of dramatic elements which are evident within his production ‘Julius Caesar.’
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Loyalty in ‘Julius Caesar’: Critical Analysis Essay.
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