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The primary concern of good literature is the representation of the human experiences of surviving, to successfully engage and provoke their readers to morally question their own values and identity. Yan Martel humanizes his characters through the process of spiritual experiences that are developed throughout his novel in order to establish a bond between the audience and the characters. The power of storytelling is shown in Yann Martel’s 2002 bildungsroman novel “Life of Pi.” which tells the story of a young boy, Pi who faces challenges throughout his journey of survival and is forced to let go of his beliefs and values. My reading was extended by using Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory in an attempt to connect the audience with the characters through a deeper understanding of their character development. Life of Pi depicts how discovery can be sudden or unexpected as Pi is forced by the power of nature to confront the harsh reality of survival. Pi learns to explore his human morality and identity as well as suffering from human experiences including grief, isolation, sacrifice of self, and questioning truth.

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Yann Martel’s novel “Life of Pi” successfully conveys human experiences through Pi’s instinctual thought process allowing the reader to empathize with Pi and see the novel from Pi’s perspective. Martel has positioned the reader this way, in an attempt to alter the reader’s mindset and the way they respond to the book. This is shown through, “I was now a killer. I was guilty as Cain” pg 203. Yan Martel utilizes High modality through “guilty now” and Biblical allusion through the referencing of Cain to emphasize the guilt and the shift between ego and superego. This represents how Pi’s catholic faith is contrasted to his current situation as he is now physically “a killer”. Through the shift between ego and superego Pi goes against his morals and kills the fish. Martel uses this scene to make a biblical reference almost admitting that Pi did wrong in the word of his faith and has now killed “like Cain” comparing himself to evil. This gives us an insight into Pi’s thoughts and feelings which is Freud’s theory as a guide to interpret the novel and represent human experiences. Similarly, martel represents the tiger as a form of a god that guides Pi both physically and spiritually throughout his journey. This is shown through ”Richard Parker companion of my torment, awful fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life” This juxtaposition verbalizes the motif of Richard Parker which makes the reader question if the tiger was ever really there. This relates back to the motif of Richard Park as a God and as a symbol of hope for Pi, which eventually leads him to safety. Richard Parker can also be seen as the Id in Pi’s animal story when Richard Parker eats the hyena. This story is parallel to his human story when Pi eats the chef, this reflects that Pi is Richard Parker. The two stories represent the thematic concern of religion and how each person has an individual response to it.

Martle illustrates how one must sacrifice them self and let go of beliefs to survive. Shown through “Tears flowing down my cheeks, I egged myself on until I heard a cracking sound and I no longer felt any life-fighting in my hands.” Pg: 183. Martel utilizes emotive language through “tears” and metaphoric statements through “no longer felt any life-fighting in my hands”. To do what? … as represents Pi going against his religion and beliefs of being vegetarian. This showcases Pi making a department from his faiths/beliefs and values in order to survive. With Pi’s need to fulfill his overwhelming hunger, it exemplifies Pi’s inner strength and sacrifice of self and his past religious beliefs. Sentence starter “I egged myself on” with him going against the superego and having to kill then eat the fish. Through this quote, Martle illustrates the human experience of the sacrifice of self and needing to let go of beliefs in order to survive. Martel uses the symbolism of the lifeboat and tiger to represent Pi’s willpower and hope for survival. Literally, the lifeboat is a raft Pi uses for survival, however, symbolically the raft is represented as a safe haven as well as showing Pi’s journey as he grows as a person in both strength and intelligence. In contrast to Pi disregarding his religion, Pi’s religious beliefs, and his willpower significantly contribute to his survival. This is shown as he prays on the lifeboat, “ Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen every day. I will put in all the hard work necessary. Yes, so long as God is with me, I will not die. Amen.” Pi keeps in touch with his religious beliefs and praying to god in order to stay alive. When the reality of having to share a lifeboat with Richard Parker hits Pi, he feels terrified and hopeless. As Pi considers giving up he hears a voice which is suggested as a god telling him to fight and survive. Martel demonstrates human experiences through the act of praying and relying on a god to protect and watch over them, which many readers can relate to.

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