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What does leadership mean? Leadership is someone of higher ranking who influences people by providing direction, motivation and improving the organization at the same time. The purpose of this essay is to inform you about the three levels of leadership and how each level is as important as the next. Each of these levels are very important because they each play a different role in the Army. It goes from the lowest level to the highest level of the Army. Without leadership in each of these roles, we wouldn’t be able to accomplish most of the stuff we have accomplished today. Leadership is what helps keep the Army together and moving.
The three different levels of leadership are direct, organizational and strategic. Direct is the lowest level going to organizational then strategic being the highest. In direct it all deals with leadership in the battalion levels. With organizational it all deals with brigade level. For strategic, the leadership is from DoD to the government. In this level it can be military personnel to DA civilian leaders. All these levels have the same objective of progression in the Army. But they all also have their own goals to achieve. The way these all can relate to each other is trying to plan and see where we can progress and do better. Push to make our Army better and grow together as a whole unit. The Army is changing every day and without all of these levels, we wouldn’t be able to be where we are today.
Direct level leadership is very important. This level starts from the very beginning. Leaders should be able to motivate, give direction and help soldiers learn what’s right from wrong in the Army. They deal with short-range planning and mission accomplishment. Helping soldiers progress in any area they have trouble with is important for future missions. If the leadership in this level isn’t properly conducted, it could really affect the soldiers’ future performance. They won’t be so sure how things work and maybe even not be able to progress because they weren’t taught the right way. Soldiers in this level should be aware of their role, that way in case they go up to organizational, they know little of what to expect. Without the direct level the mission sent from the higher levels wouldn’t be able to get accomplished.
When a soldier is doing an awesome job, they can go up to organizational. Organizational would include leaders at brigade through corps levels. Here they deal with everyone throughout the brigade. Leaders learn to manage multiple priorities and establish long term vision. They are able to help battalions when they are struggling or if the issue is higher than what the battalion is able to deal with, it would go to them. Organizational plan most of the training that happens throughout the brigade. For this level you have to be good at problem solving and figuring out difficult situations. This level requires a lot of extra skills that are very essential. Having communication skills is also very important because you will be dealing with a lot of people and planning. They are indirectly and focus on medium-range planning. From 1 to 5 years. Without the organizational level, the direct level wouldn’t have any guidance.
Lastly, the strategic level is the highest level. This consist of the highest military personal and DA civilian leaders. It works through the Department of Defenses. It goes as high as division, to the corporate level, all the way through to the national level. They are responsible for large organizations and influence several thousands of people. It involves running the Army. Here they develop plans, policies, guidance and laws. These leaders try focusing on the environments in today’s Army to understand them for future organizational roles. People in this level work closely with higher level leadership. Their decisions can impact a lot which is why you should fully think things through. Anything you say can affect more than you think. They have wide range consequences as well. Leaders here need to have knowledge in a lot of the subjects they deal with which can be legislative, DoD and governmental. The leadership shows full support in Army values, traditions, and ethics. They deal with bringing in new programs or even improve Army programs, bringing new things to the Army, or even new rules that soldiers must go by. Their focus here is a long-range vision from 5 to 20 years. If there was no leadership in the strategic level, everyone in the Army will be misguided.
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