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For me, I understand that leadership is about the ability to serve people around you. A leader is an individual who can influence, motivate, and exhort people to achieve goals. I discovered my leadership qualities when I found myself in college and I was always volunteering to take up any task given to my classmates by lecturers. I am someone who goes the extra mile just to make people happy and be in a stable mental state because I see a leader as placing others’ interests above yours. This principle led me to hold leadership positions on campus. Being a member of the Red Cross Society of Nigeria, while serving as a corp member, my team and I carried out sanitation in some local governments, volunteered during some disasters, contributed money, and bought items to donate to motherless babies’ homes. This was challenging for me based on some constraints like time and finance but I pushed on to complete the task because my leadership quality in me kept pushing me for it.

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While I was working in Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency as a national service member, my leadership qualities gave me the privilege to be a leader. Like the leaders of all the corp members in the agency, this was funny when my boss told me I was leading some staff in the agency when I was not even a staff because of the way I handle a situation in the agency. I held positions as a multimedia secretary in Redeemed Christian Fellowship. It was also a challenging one because this Christian fellowship was filled with students, I came up with a one-day lecture for them to understand that they were potential leaders of different spheres and that leaders do not act the way other people do but set standards for people to follow by displaying leadership skills. I was happy that after my sections with my teammates, everyone was already a leader doing things at the right time and my multimedia team was the best fellowship multimedia on campus, other fellowships multimedia teams come to us for pieces of training and advice. Also, I was the financial secretary of Eden Corpers Fellowship Lagos, Enactus (ENtrepreneurial ACtion US) in the Federal University of Technology Owerri branch. Enactus is an NGO that provides a platform team of outstanding university students to create a community development project that put people’s talents at the center of improving their livelihoods.

During my tenure, I finance most of the community development services projects from the proper management of finance. The Chevening Scholarship will further enhance my leadership skills and prepare me for career challenges. With the help of the Chevening master’s degree scholarship all my plans would be a success.

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