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In the Army profession, what and how do you define leadership? A glance at it and one would perceive the typical definition of leadership. However, it is so much more than that in the Army. In this essay, you will learn the definition of Army leadership as well as the purpose and components in it.

“Military leadership is an art, a creative activity based on character, ability, and mental power”, – Geoffrey Regan (‘Narren, Nulpen, Niedermacher’; original title: ‘Military Blunders’).

Leadership is the lifeblood of the army per ADP 6-22. An Army leader is anyone by assumed rule or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to carry out a mission or goal. Leadership is as a mix of organizational, situational, and mission demands on a leader. The Leader then uses his experiences, qualities, and abilities to guide his team or organization to complete the mission. Leaders have difficult and complex situations known as the proving grounds. Those grounds are where their decisions are timely, just, and effective. The leader is one of the most important roles in the army. An effective leader that cannot give his team or organizations a purpose, missions would fail.

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Leadership is essentially nothing without purpose. Leadership is the process of influencing others by providing a purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and to improve the organization. Being a good leader involves influence. Learning, monitoring, and improving is how leadership is always a developing skill. Often certain personalities and traits can affect the process. The process is for a leader to influence other people to accomplish the mission or to fulfill a purpose. The job of the leader is to convey an upbeat environment. The accomplishment of a mission is not the only goal. Developing others and improving the organization is a goal as well.

As a leader, you try to unify elements into one to complete a mission or task. Those elements consist of mission command, information, movement and maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment, and protection. Leadership serves a motivational purpose. That purpose is to energize others to meet a challenging goal. As a leader being flexible, balancing uncertainty in a team, and offering a climate where subordinates can explore their options for further growth.

In conclusion, it should be noted that leadership in the army profession is extremely important and has its own characteristics, due to the importance of the profession and the responsibility placed on it.

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