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Friends, Writers, and philosophers are not what we do every day influenced by our environment, our laws, and our morals. Do you intend to write nonsense? Or do you intend to write something timeless? What message do you want your audience to take in through your themes and morals and characters? This is prevalent in my most recent play Julius Caesar. Its story is obviously drawn from our society. As each text is a product of its context. Context is essential to creating timeless masterpieces, as each text is without a doubt a product of its context. As the stories, morals, and characters all relate to the social, cultural, and historical aspects of our day-to-day life which in turn affects us writers value’s and our perspective on current topics, reflecting hidden meanings within texts. When writing any text one must consider how each applied theme can be used to reflect current situations. One may also use current cultural and social context to create situations and characters which are more in-depth and interesting. Utilizing context allows for texts to be incredibly intriguing. This utilization of context is why Each Text is certainly a product of its Context.

Point 1

As you write your texts you must think to yourself how you can use themes, omens, and beliefs to create underlying messages and meanings within your text and how these texts can relate to the current social context. These underlying themes can create a deeper understanding. My text Julius Caesar was created to contrast the situation with Queen Elizabeth 1st as the text mirrored the concerns of Queen Elizabeth’s heir as potential threats of rebellion and tyranny about the crown leaving the royal family allowed me to comment on the political conflict of our generation. I explore the themes of loyalty and betrayal throughout the play to help reflect our current societal context. The themes of betrayal and loyalty can be seen upon Caesar’s death. Where after being stabbed by the conspirators he notices Caesar states “Et Tu, Brute?” Throughout the play so far Brutus has been a close supporter of Caesar and so the fact of him joining hands with his conspirators was the true nail in the coffin. Loyalty is also prevalent in the character Mark Antony as he is seen as having undying loyalty to Caesar even betraying the conspirators. Applying themes such as loyalty and betrayal allows my play to address the current social context. The theme of ambition is used a lot in Julius Caesar to drive the story. This can be seen as Brutus believes Caesar to be an ambitious man as he believed him to have a desire for power/ the crown eventually leading to his eventual murder. Ambition is also prevalent in Mark Antony with his immense desire for revenge for Caesar’s death. It’s the use of these themes which allows me to reflect on and contrast our current society. Utilizing beliefs such as the Great Chain of Being allows me to question our current social context with Queen Elizabeth. This can be seen as once the Great Chain of Being is broken the world of Julius Caesar is plunged into chaos and destruction due to the death of Caesar. Using other beliefs of our time allows me to create a more captivating and thought-provoking story. Throughout the play, characters bring up fate vs free will. This can be seen in Act 1 Scene 2 where Cassius states, ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars. But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” Cassius believes that it’s not their fate to be Caesar’s servants or underlings. And believes that it is within their power to alter history, in this case, kill Caesar. This thought of fate vs free and other themes and morals help provoke thought. It’s this use of themes, beliefs, and morals that allowed me to address social and cultural context, the use of these themes, omens, and beliefs allows me to draw conclusions from our world and foretell individuals such as the Queen, of threats. It also allowed me to voice my concerns about the Queen’s Heir as well as create a captivating and thought-provoking text.

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Point 2

Every good text is shaped by its selection of characters. Keeping characters authentic and engaging allows for texts to go above and beyond. We are shaped by our surroundings and everyday interactions, Incorporating social and cultural aspects of our lives into our characters allows for depth and gives each character their own distinct personality. One of many beloved characters in Julius Caesar is Mark Antony. The character Cassius is one of many who I created to reflect our societal context. Cassius is a character who develops throughout the play starting as a jealous conspirator however at the end of the play he is a loyal friend to Brutus even to his death. The question of “Do I kill for the greater cause?” Cassius placing upon Brutus is a question that drastically changes each character of the play. Brutus is forced to make a decision that affects both him and others both mentally and physically. Such as his wife Portia who states in Act 2 Scene 1,” If this were true, then should I know this secret. I grant I am a woman, but withal. A woman that Lord Brutus took as their wife. I grant I am a woman, but withal….Giving myself a voluntary wound….And not my husband’s secrets? As she wounds herself to persuade Brutus to inform her. As we all know Brutus would eventually decides to kill Caesar however unlike the other conspirators who want to kill Caesar so he does not obtain the crown, Brutus believes what he is doing is truly the best for Rome. Brutus wants his fellow Romans to remain free, however, Brutus is blinded by his good intentions. We know this is truly what Brutus believes as he states in his famous speech, “Be patient till the last. Romans, countrymen, and lovers! …….not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” The various actions of each character help create underlying messages which again provoke thought. Using aspects of our society today I make readers question the moral ambiguity of the Coup d’état performed and how in turn it allows readers such as you or I to think and answer questions embedded within my text such as how far is too far. It allows readers to question the political systems in which we have placed today and helps future readers dwell on our society today.


Overall each text is almost definitely a product of its historical, cultural, and societal context.

Each part of a text is shaped by day-to-day context and this can be seen in the various themes, omens, and morals used to shape the way the story unfolds and helps draw contrasts to our current life. Context helps build characters and behaviors as their thoughts, beliefs are constructed from questions and laws we ask and have in place today as they are without a doubt affected by what writers wrote, their values, and their perspective on current topics, reflecting hidden meanings within texts. So I ask all of you budding young writers, friends, and philosophers, is there anyone who still truly believes that I am wrong? is there anyone who truly believes that each text is not a product of its own context? If so I implore you to dwell on what I have said today and to truly take in the information. If you truly want to create something that is timeless, before even writing your text remember Each Text is a Product of its Context.

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