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Table of contents

  1. Introduction


For most people, music is an important part of daily life. Some rely on music to get them through the morning commute while others turn up favorite playlist to stay pumped during a workout. Many folks even have the stereo on when they are cooking meal, taking a shower or folding the laundry, music is often linked to mood. A certain song can make us feel happy, sad, energetic or relaxed. Because music can have such an impact on a person’s mindset and well being, it should come as no surprise that music therapy has been studied for use in managing numerous medical condition. It is useful because music triggers whole brain processes and functioning which directly affect one’s cognition, emotional and physical functions and abilities. Also, music therapy has become a core strategy used in leading rehabilitation, education and wellness programs. It is useful to social and cultural perspectives also.


Music Therapy works on a number of different levels and in a number of different ways. It has been proven that music, especially pieces with strong rhythmical elements, can affect heart rate and breathing and promote the release of endorphins or natural painkillers. It has also been shown to reduce muscles tension, and can be very helpful in releasing memories or negative feelings that may have been repressed, which can help to change behaviour and affects behavioral issues. Playing music can also improve skills such as communication and physical coordination. It helps you to refresh the mood and it has been unbelievable power to reduce your tension and stress.

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Music therapy commonly used for:

  • Autism
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Infant Development
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Hypertension
  • Personality Issues
  • Substance Dependency
  • Alzheimer
  • Schizophrenia
  • Stress
  • And other mental health disorders.


Music therapy used to treat patients suffering from a wide variety of ailments. It is not only used as technique to treat emotional or mental issues, but it has even been shown to b effective in helping to treat patient suffering from physical ailments. A music therapist attempts to grasp the various powers of music including the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and aesthetic natures of music.


  • Religious Song: Early morning is the best time to listen them so that you wake up with fresh mood, clam and peacefully collect your energy and ready for running day. Also, it helps you in decreasing your stress level in the body.
  • Some Fast Music Tone: Either fast music or fast track of folk music, during your gym, aerobic it helps you to collect the power and strength and help you to warm up for exercise.
  • Mantras: During meditation always avoid phones and listen to mantras specially GAYATRI MANTRA to take yourself out of the world for a while and freshen up ourselves. It is useful in the condition of the depression. By music therapy we can treat it.
  • Soft & Happy Song: While doing your households you just listen to the soft and melodious song. So that you will feel happy and positive while doing your work, specially while cooking because we get frustrated while cooking several dishes especially in summers.
  • Soft but Fast Folk Music: It will help you to boost up your power. The people who are having low self esteem, anxiety etc. will help them to boost the inner power of them and reduced the level of anxiety.
  • Romantic Music: When you are with your partner listen to the romantic music, feel them so that so that your love will be freshen up again and also it helps you to take out some of the tensions and you feel relaxed and life.
  • Bhajan & Light Music: When you are suffering from insomnia this type of music will help you to falling asleep. Listen calm and light songs or bhajans. So that you get relaxed psychologically as well as physically.

Music is an important tool for motivation and encouragement in individuals. There are variety of different approaches that are used for treatment of the patients. Also approaches are often used according to the age and patient’s particular aliment.

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(2022, Jun 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 12, 2024, from

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