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Following the previous CEO of Innostat’s management techniques, Innostat has encountered both positive and negative impacts. Consequently, the company needs fundamental change if it is to remain in a positive trajectory and committed to its goals. Among of the major problems from the case study is that the employees and management of Innostat did not embrace teamwork, and were resistant to change. The article portrays that Jack Donnally rarely engaged with the senior team to discuss their role in the company’s broader marketing strategy. For the organization to realise optimal productivity and profitability, alongside identifying new opportunities and barriers, it is essential that it embraces teamwork. Therefore, Stephanie should institute a basic reorganization so that employees work together more efficiently as a team.

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Jack Donally took Innostat, a once-obscure producer of prosthetic limbs and surgical implants, and grew it into a global powerhouse famed for its cutting-edge technology and high production standards. Jack Donally was an excellent leader and manager, he had a great deal of charisma and was a pleasure to be around (Beer, 2017). While Frank believed that motivation and incentives were what the firm needed, Jack argued that what the workforce needed was passion, and the board ultimately decided to hire PK Henderson as a consultant (Beer, 2017). Workers who lack motivation are less invested in their professions, and use every opportunity to avoid coming in, and turn in substandard results. Motivated workers, on the other hand, are likelier to stick with a task until they have completed it to their satisfaction. Technically, there are various ways through which workers can be motivated. Managers need to understand their staff members deeply so they can tailor motivational strategies to each worker’s unique preferences.

Although Stephanie has great ideas for reorganizing the company, she must move cautiously because the firm is accustomed to working under very conservative management. She will need to prove herself quickly and effectively to earn respect and confidence of its employees before she can implement her plans. I believe Jack Donally should have adopted some of the Henderson report’s major recommendations, which Stephanie can accomplish. The consultant thought that workers needed to be held responsible to their functional and team leaders and inspired to put in the necessary effort for the new process to succeed (Beer, 2017). It is also recommended that team leaders and members be evaluated based on the timeliness and profitability of new product launches and that all incentives be monetary and directly proportional to performance. Finally, the article claims the company should have hired an organizational development expert to assist HR in developing suitable training initiatives.

The scenario reflects a number of particular features of organizational behavior. These include the fact that the organization is resistant to change, that workers and management do not work together cohesively, and that they do not have proper objectives in place for the company as a whole. The management team is responsible for examining and considering the actions and perspectives of the staff members, as well as giving them the impression that they play an essential role in the organization. Consequently, Stephanie must adopt a new approach to entirely reorganizing the company to improve employee motivation and performance. To further contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction, management must maintain strong lines of communication and positive working relationships with their staff.


Beer, M. (2017) HBR case study: Big shoes to fill. Harvard Business Review.

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