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Innate immune defenses are triggered in response to virus infection. While failure to induce innate immunity is likely to result in increased infection. Here are the principles of Biology which can give us knowledge on how to fight over Corona Virus Disease of 2019.

First is the Gene therapy which involves altering the genes inside your body’s cells in an effort to treat or stop disease. Next is the Knowledge of evolution which can empower public health policy experts to respond effectively to virus outbreaks. We’re probably familiar with the iconic image of the Double-stranded DNA, ‘ladder’. One side of that DNA ladder codes for genes. The other side provides a template that permits correction of errors in genes that occur during gene duplication and reproduction.

Residing at the margins of life, coronaviruses contain genes coded as single-stranded RNA molecules that resemble DNA functionally. Those RNA-based gene mutates ten thousand times faster than DNA-based genes. That mutation rate permits RNA viruses ‘jump’ from one host to another in this case, humans. Coronaviruses occur only in birds and mammals, including us. Live animal markets such as the ones in China the suspected birthplace of the Wuhan virus increase the opportunities for viruses, some recently mutated, to jump to human hosts. A basic understanding of evolution should have motivated officials to ban the selling of live animals after the eerily similar 2002-2003 outbreak of the SARS virus was traced to a live animal market. Another principle is the Homeostasis. When the human body is maintained in a steady state, the condition is called Homeostasis. The body consists of trillions of cells that perform many different functions, but all of them require a similar internal environment with important variables kept within narrow ranges. Sometimes homeostats fail to perform properly, which can cause homeostatic imbalance. This imbalance is the condition in which variables in the internal environment are no longer maintained within normal ranges. As a result, cells may not get everything they need, or toxic wastes may accumulate in cells. Eventually, homeostatic imbalance may lead to disease. The term disease can be broadly defined as a condition that is associated with impairment of normal body functioning. Therefore having the steady state in human body which is being call as homeostasis could help to prevent the virus which causes a disease. Last principle is the Thermodynamics. Based on rumors, thermal energy which gives heat can kill corona virus because it can’t resist on it. Besides of having this information which could also help us, don’t forget to follow different safety precautionary measures in order to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

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Additional principles are the following. ‘Every living thing is made up of cell’. Viral infections spread based on the ability of viruses to overcome multiple barriers and move from cell to cell, tissue to tissue, and person to person and even across species. While there are fundamental differences between these types of transmissions, it has emerged that the ability of viruses to utilize and manipulate cell-cell contact contributes to the success of viral infections. Central to the excitement in the field of virus cell-to-cell transmission is the idea that cell-to-cell spread is more than the sum of the processes of virus release and entry. This implies that virus release and entry are efficiently coordinated to sites of cell-cell contact, resulting in a process that is distinct from its individual components.

However, A special cell of the immune system called a T cell circulates looking for infections. One type of T cell is called a cytotoxic T cell because it kills cells that are infected with viruses with toxic mediators. Cytotoxic T cells have specialised proteins on their surface that help them to recognise virally-infected cells. These proteins are called T cell receptors (TCRs). Each cytotoxic T cell has a TCR that can specifically recognise a particular antigenic peptide bound to an MHC molecule. If the T cell receptor detects a peptide from a virus, it warns its T cell of an infection. Second is, ‘ living organisms uses energy’ Many viruses, such as the ones examined in this paper, are essentially spherical shells called capsids containing genetic material. When a virus infects a host cell, it uses the cell’s machinery to make copies of its own genetic material in a process called replication. During the stage known as translation, this genetic material is used to produce the proteins that will form the capsid. Finally, during the process of self-assembly, that protein shell and the copies of the virus’s genetic material are assembled into new viruses. At some point, after many such viruses have been synthesized within the host, the host cell reaches its burst size—the size at which newly created viruses burst out of the cell and go on to infect new hosts. In principle, infection spreads faster as the burst size becomes larger. On the other hand, Until a vaccine is available, our immune systems will need to adapt unaided to COVID-19. The immune system is the body’s multi-level defense network against potentially harmful bacteria, viruses and other organisms. A healthy lifestyle helps one’s immune system to be in the best shape possible to tackle pathogens, but it’s better to stop them entering the body in the first place. ‘ living organisms interact with their environment’. The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air. They quickly fall on floors or surfaces. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within 1 metre of a person who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands.

This Principles states the big importance of Biology in preventing The COVID-19. As human beings, we are the rational. We have the responsibility in disinfecting the world. Besides of following safety measures, we can give our help in spreading love, peace and unity. We, together as one can survive.

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