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No one ever realized that such a microscopic size organism can wreak such havoc within the entire world and be the explanation for thousands of deaths. it’s not that such an outbreak went on for the primary time, but during this age of social media liberty where information spread faster than the speed of sound, things look much bigger than they’re. A long-lasting impact has been created by the notorious COVID-19 from which it’ll take many months to recover if not years. The education industry has not been ignored and therefore the impact of COVID-19 on student life is visible.
Whether it’s the non-public lifetime of students or the environment of college and colleges, the coronavirus pandemic has changed things that were never thought of before. Various measures are taken by the boards of education and government bodies to enable education to flow smoothly. The latest, among the varied measures taken, is how the results of the board exams were declared. Some exams were because the COVID-19 lockdown was declared by the govt. which initially was thought to be only for a period or for a month, but as these weeks started growing into months, the examination council decided to declare board results supported the performance of scholars within the school, nullifying the requirement to conduct the exams that were left.
This is something that has never happened in my known history and could be a big example of the impact of COVID-19 on student’s life. Whether the strategy employed by the examination council is effective or not is yet to be seen, but certainly, it absolutely was a giant blow to those students who had the habit of studying only during the top time of faculty session, for people who had been studying throughout the year there would are nothing to be worried about. COVID-19 lockdown and also the dire have to continue with the school therefore school education has certainly benefited from online alternatives to supply education like ZOOM or Google Classroom because the demand for such things has grown leaps and bounds during the COVID-19 lockdown. Certainly, the theoretical material is imparted on time to students, but the development of scholars is missing here. It will not be possible to inculcate and habit of discipline and decorum among scholars. These are the days that will never come and as there’s no other alternative available. Students are empty of the particular work environment of a faculty or college. Numerous social and cultural activities are going to be missed thanks to the COVID-19 lockdown.
Time and again, mankind needs to face various styles of challenges, several disease outbreaks have happened in the past and various lives were lost there too. In 2020, we are inquiring about just another such phase, and in concert famous philosopher has said, “this too shall pass”, the havoc created by COVID-19 is going to be controlled at some unspecified time in the future. Till that point this happens, we are going to must adjust our lives in step with it.
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Impacts of COVID-19 on Students Life.
(2023, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 14, 2023, from
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