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This report will reveal the main challenges that IKEA faces to maintain a socially responsible manufacturer. The current and future actions to solve environmental problems and protect vulnerable groups will also be described. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that IKEA is not indifferent to people’s habits, and does everything in its power to make life on the planet more sustainable and positive.


IKEA identified maintaining a healthy and sustainable living, staying circular and climate positive, and being fair and equal as the three main challenges. In this regard, by 2030, IKEA intends to inspire more than 1 billion people to live a better everyday life in their households (“IKEA sustainability strategy,” 2018). This approach will help to reduce the consumption of global energy by a third – since this is the share that households have. It is based on better use of the planet’s resources, such as light, water, and food in everyday life, as well as reducing the amount of garbage produced by households. The company intends to provide people with access to technologies that use renewable energy and purify air and water.

Current Action

Today, IKEA is one of the largest food producers on the planet and takes responsibility for providing healthy meals. The company strives “to not only offer more sustainable home furnishing and food products, solutions and services, but also to inspire and support people to make positive changes in their lifestyles” (“IKEA sustainability strategy,” p. 12). IKEA is also gradually approaching the 100% use of wood and paper from sustainable sources (“IKEA sustainability strategy,” 2018). It has also taken several steps to eliminate the non-degradable plastic of its product range. Besides, the company is actively engaged in social communities and works with social entrepreneurs as part of the implementation of inclusive business principles.

Future Action

In the future, the company intends to continue to adhere to the strategy of staying circular and climate positive by implementing sustainable forest management and participating in projects that eliminate forest degradation and deforestation, such as the renewal of degraded land, deforested areas, and agriculturally cultivated areas. Besides, IKEA intends to launch projects aimed at cleaning polluted waters. Particular attention will be paid to initiatives aimed at removing plastic from the world’s oceans and protecting biodiversity.


IKEA sustainability strategy: People and planet positive. (2018).

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